
Friday 20 September 2019

My Friday Finds . . .


A few of the things  I find each week that pique my interest, bring me joy, inspire me to learn, create, do, become, inspire memories . . . maybe they will do the same for you! 

THIS.  I thought it was interesting.  And its not negative. I hate all the negativity that people spout when it comes to the Royal family. These are incredibly hard working people who bring a lot of money into this country via tourists and a world wide interest in all things Royal.  They have to live their lives in a fish bowl. I have the utmost respect for them.  If you can't be nice, shut up.  

What a beautifully decorated Christmas Cake.  Photo credit goes to @turkuazkitchen on Instagram. 


Halloween is coming.  From the people at Wilton. How to make Black Frosting.  


Ruby & Custard.  Easy Crochet Star.  Love these. Very whimsical. Complete tutorial. 

Madelief.  Beautiful colour inspiration.  

The Happy Foodie.  Nadia Hussain's Eclair Roll.  I want to try this.  Preferably sometime when I have people coming over to help me eat it.  

Autumn and Robert Louis Stevenson  . . .   

Empty Easel. How to paint portraits from photographs.  

Jennifer Branch.  I wonder if there is any relation . . .  skies can be hard to get just right.  This tutorial should help. 

The Paper Heart.  Easy to make pocket gift tags.  

 Paper And Landscapes.  Make your own box envelopes. This could come in handy should you make a card for someone which has something on it you wouldn't want to crush. 

Postila.  Origami Christmas Trees.  

Red Ted Art.  Princess Paper Doll Ornaments.  

Klompen Stampers.  The holiday season is almost upon us. This could come in handy!  

Cutting Tiny Bites.  Origami paper crowns.  

Kandi Pandi.  Lots of eye candy.  

Stamping Nail Polish.  Autumn nails.  These are so pretty.  Love the colours.

Slimming Eats.  Pizza Toasts.  These look scrumptious. 

This, just this  . . .  Those are my finds for this week.  Of course you know this last one is leading to something so here I go . . . 

As most of you know I post regularly a few times a month on Chef Knives Expert. I make a little bit of money doing it, but let me tell you I work darned hard to make it.  A couple of days ago I posted a recipe on there for a Roasted Garlic & Herb Chicken with Melting Potatoes.  Quite proud of the work I did there.  So I got a comment sometime through the night.  I won't tell you who from, but if its you, you will know. 

"What family? You live alone with your husband." 

This was (I assume) in reference to the introduction where I said that at the weekend I like to cook a roast dinner for my family.  Plenty of people live alone with their husbands or partners, but that doesn't mean that they don't have family coming over for Sunday dinner, or that they don't have family coming over at any other times to share a meal together.  I think this comment is insensitive and very unkind. I think the commenter should be ashamed of themselves.  I don't think this is a person who is very nice and it is certainly not a person I would be inviting over to share roast chicken with around my table.  Also, JUST who dictates how many people constitute a family. I consider my husband and myself to be a family.  Shame on you.  I hope that you always find yourself surrounded with people who care about you, and if perchance one day you find that you are not, that nobody will take the opportunity to be unkind, insensitive and cruel to you. 

A thought to carry with you . . .  

° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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It takes grace
to remain kind in
cruel situations.•。★★ 。* 。 

Honey Mustard Roasted Parsnips & Carrots 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Honey Mustard Roasted Parsnips & Carrots.  Delicious! 

Have a lovely Friday. Not sure what I will get up to today. I was given an additional BP medication to take yesterday so am adjusting to that and I also cut my finger rather badly yesterday so am not wanting to break it open again.  In any case I hope your day runs well. Don't forget!

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And I do too! 



  1. Oh, dear, Marie. So sorry to hear about that unkind, thoughtless remark about family. I can't believe someone would say that. My husband and I are a family. We have no children but we both have siblings and nieces and nephews. They're family, too, just not everyday family but we love them. And then there is our fur family, our pets. And your sore finger. Hope it heals quickly. I'm sure it must be very painful. Those pizza toasts look good. We have quite a few tomatoes to use up. Enjoy your weekend with your family, Marie, you and Todd and Mitzie. Hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks Elaine! I took the end of my thumb off by being a bit careless with a mandoline cutter Elaine! Lesson learnt! I have ordered myself some special gloves to wear when I use it! Oh I wish we had planted tomatoes this year. I am having to rely on the grocery store ones, not near tasty enough. Love and hugs, xoxo

  2. I agree, whether it's two or ten, it's still family. And you have a wonderful one. Some people just don't think when they say things. I still fix Sunday dinner just in case someone stops by. Most of the time I have leftovers for my self for days after. But that is ok with me. It was there just in case.

    1. I love your way of thinking Pam! It is no trouble to put an extra potato in the pot just in case! I was brought up that if anyone stopped by, expected or unexpected you put the kettle on and offered them a bite of something, cookies, cake, pie, bread and jam if that is all you had to offer! I wouldn't be any other way. I can see we are two of a kind. No surprise there! xoxo

  3. Cute things..and a terrible thoughtless Christine.
    Some people..just have no decorum..ahem..kindness in their thoughts.I have known a few.Poor girl..she must be miserable.I find ..people that can be so mean..are often so unhappy with themselves.Don't let her words bother you..saw something so's hard though..let the kind words stick to you like velcro..and Teflon;) Something like that.I know I have the velcro and teflon right at least.

    1. lol right Monique! I know what you mean! She must be having a bad day, or have no idea of what family really is, which is much more than the number of people who are sitting at your table at any given time! Thanks so much! oxox

  4. What a mean-spirited individual! Your response was perfect; I don't know that I would have been so gracious.

    1. Thank you very much Mevely! I think I was channeling my mother who was always kind and who always had room in her heart for others in need. (I am assuming you meant my response on the kitchen blog!) xoxo

  5. I am quite thin skinned as they call it...I would not appreciate such ignoramus remarks either. Far too many jealous folks in this world...and ones who are too blind to see that we need to be kind to others. One day we might need some kindness too!! Sending hugs, Marie. Things hard here...was a most frustrating day yesterday with the high powered "specialist" we saw with Hubby and his problem (Hydrocephalus). We are not too sure what to do next. Long I wish we were not part of...but isn't that life? Nobody asks us which trials we would like to have.
    Elizabeth who adores your cooking ideas!! xoxo

    1. Oh I am so sorry you havenot had good news. Keeping you both in my deepest prayers and heart. Love and hugs to you always, xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!