
Thursday 19 September 2019

My Favourite Things . . . 
These are a few of my favourite things.  Maybe some of them are yours also!  A few of the things which catch my eye, inspire me, pluck at my heart strings, make me smile, or that I just enjoy. I hope that they will do the same for you. 
I saw this a few days ago and it just made me smile.  I can't help but share it here. Sorry if it offends  anyone! I just thought it was really funny. 
Top Crochet Patterns.  Very Cath Kidston colours.  I love these colours
I love Vintage Railway posters. If I had a family room, I would have some of these framed on the walls. 

Up-lifting quotes from the scriptures.  So very inspiring when you read the words.  Esther is also one of my favourite women in the bible.  

Illustrations from Winnie the Pooh.  So whimsical. I like them much better than the cartoon.  

I really, really like this hair colour.  I don't want hair this short though I have been thinking of maybe biting the bullet and going for a trim and getting a fringe. We'll see.  But I do love this hair colour. 
Calico cats.  I just think they are really pretty . . . 
 Poetry. I especially love old poetry.  It can be lyrical or whimsical, it doesn't even need to rhyme . . .  so long as it delights my heart.  

Dawson's Creek. I never got to see it the first time around and am enjoying it in my old age. 
 Boy   . . . .  if I was a teenage girl, Pacey (Joshua Jackson) would have my number!  Hubba hubba! 
Frozen Chicken Pot Pies. You can't get them over here, and maybe that's a good thing because I love them far too much. My mom made great pot pies, but we still loved it every now and then if she bought some frozen ones, with the white cream gravy and little cubes of chicken, the frozen peas, carrots.  We all loved them.  

Fish and chips, any time . . . .  I would choose this over a steak in a heart-beat! 
I just love this  . . . . all of it. 

Patchwork Quilts  . . . . especially when made with vintage print fabrics. 
I just love this dress from Gudruns Joden. I am saving up my pennies to get this and a long sleeved t-shirt to wear underneath  . . .  
And one of these blouses  . . . . 
And a petticoat  . . .  to wear underneath  . . .  
Comfy chair to curl up in  . . . .
Vintage wool bathrobes  . . .  like wearing a cosy blanket  . . . 

Earth shoes  . . .  I had a pair . . . but in a different colour.
And those are my favourite things for this week.  I have to be at the Docs for 5 to 9 so best get cracking!
A thought to carry with you  . . . 
° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

Always trust your gut.
It knows what your head
hasn't figured out yet.
~unknown •。★★ 。* 。 

Frank-ly Chili 
In the kitchen today  . . .  Frank-ly Chili.  Actually very delicious! 
Have a magnificent Thursday!  Hope its a great one for you filled with lots of favourite things.  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!     


  1. The crochet blankie:) And frilly peasant boho clothes!Comfy pretty chairs..Did you get the seriesThe Affair in the UK? Joshua J was in the first 5 seasons..Dominic West and Ruth Wilson also in it,final season now.

    1. Oh, we did get it but I didn't watch it. I need to watch it now. I think he is gorgeous! I love that style of clothing Monique. It is so me! xoxo

  2. I do love frozen pot pies and usually keep a couple in the freezer for those times I don't feel like cooking. The are readily available here and have made my day more than once.

    1. I miss a few things from Home Pam and they are one of them! Have a nice day! xoxo

  3. My mom would buy the frozen individual pot pies for a treat once and a while. Myra (RespiceProspice) sent us your way. I love tea and anything about tea so here I am as your newest follower. Your blog is wonderful and I am happy I came over. Have a lovely day. HUGS

    1. Aww, thank you Myra for sending people over! Much appreciated and happy to meet you Anne! Thank you for following! You have a lovely day also! xoxo

  4. I remember those frozen pot pies from my own childhood! 10 for a dollar, I believe they were. That man's robe looks like it might have come from The Vermont Country Store. I sure enjoy browing their on-line catalogue … so many food stuffs, clothes, cosmetics - even toys! - from the '50's.

    1. Oh, I love anything old fashioned Mevely, I think I should have been born 50 years before I was, but then again I'd be dead now so am happy I wasn't! Love and hugs! xoxo

  5. I remember those chicken pot pies. I think the brand wss York. Costo used to have a brand that we liked but I can't rember the name. We go to a farmer's market often and one of the vendors called Allison's Savoury Pies have excellent ones. We have tried their curry chicken and their beef and mushroom. The pie crust is excellent. At $8.00 each, they are a little pricey but the filling is generous. I sometimes make my own too, to use up leftover roast chicken. And that little calico cat - be still my heart. Hugs, Elaine

    1. Oh yes, York was the ones my mom bought! We loved them I love pies, especially meat ones. I think I like them even more than fruit or cream pies Elaine! I think I may have to figure out how to make my own because I am craving one big time! Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. I like so many of your favorite things, especially the clothes and the quilt and crocheted bed cover, and the sweet Christopher Robin drawings.

    1. Thanks so much Terra! I am not surprised! Like minds and all that! xoxo


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