
Saturday 10 November 2018

The Importance of Libraries . . .

I have always loved going to the Library. I suppose it is a mixture of love and knowledge which fills my heart as soon as I walk through a library door which is so very compelling . . . but no mind . . . I do so love to go.

As a young girl in Southern Manitoba I used to practically live in the base library on my summer holidays. I didn’t often get there during the school year, except on Saturdays, but come summertime I was there every day. You were only allowed to take one book out at a time as a child and I was a voracious reader so I would be there every day. I’m quite sure they got sick of me.

There is something really special about a library. They all seem to smell the same . . . a mixture of leather and paper and glue. There’s also an aura of respect and reverence in the air, quite like entering a cathedral in a way . . . everyone speaking in hushed tones and tiptoeing about. 

To get to the library of my childhood you had to travel down a long pathway that ran alongside of some railway tracks that were carefully set apart by a tall wire fence, topped with barb wire. I can remember seeing bats hanging by their toes all along this fence and riding my bicycle past them as quickly as I could, my mind full of fear and my hands trembling as one arm desperately covered my long hair so as to protect it from their impending invasion and the other hand hung tenaciously on to my bicycle handle bar. It’s a wonder I ever made it past them without falling down or worse!!! I had read somewhere that bats will get themselves into your hair and get all tangled up and I was taking no chances!

As a girl I loved the tales of Enid Blyton. Her fairy stories were marvellous. I devoured them like a hungry man at a banquet. I also loved her tales of the Famous Five and the Secret Seven. All her books carried my child’s mind on adventures to locales I could only dream of ever seeing. As a child growing up in Canada these places seemed so very exotic, and how wonderful to have your very own parrot named Kiki! 


I also loved Nancy Drew and I believe I read just about every book in the series, some of them several times. She was my hero. She was pretty and smart and there was no mystery she could not solve. I fancied being just like her when I grew up.

Then there were the Bobbsey Twins, Nan and Bert, Freddie and Flossie. They lived in a big house and had a cook/housekeeper and a handyman/man of work, something very far removed from any of my own life’s experience. They got into adventures and scrapes too, which helped to fuel my child-like dreams and aspirations.

Trixie Belden was another one of my favourites as were the great classics such as Little Women, Alice In Wonderland, and one of my all time favourites, The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew. 

When I ran out of books to pick from at the library, I would read our own encyclopaedia at home, the Grolier's Book of Knowledge. It sat in a corner in the living room in it’s very own wooden bookcase, which I believe my parents received for free for having bought the encyclopaedia.  I believe I must have read it from cover to cover. It was full of lots of wonderful and interesting facts and pictures. As well we had a series of books about other countries which I also devoured, going places in my mind and seeing things that I one day hoped to visit on my own. As an older teen I can remember falling in love with the exploits of the British temptress Amber St Clare in the novel Forever Amber and I used to eat up Harlequin Romances as fast as they could print them.


The love of books and reading is something I have carried with me my whole life. I am always reading one, or two or sometimes even three books at a time. Todd can’t understand how I can keep track of so many. I guess I’m just a genius! Hahaha I think it’s more likely that I get bored really easily and so my mind likes to skip around a bit. Perhaps its my love of the written word that inspires me in a way to want to write my own words. I don’t know. I only know for sure that my life would be a life half lived without the written word to inspire and enthral me, and the library has always been the best and cheapest way to fuel my voracious appetite for reading.

I think I remember reading somewhere at one time that it was Benjamin Franklin who invented the lending library. Is this true? I guess it doesn’t really matter who invented the library, I only know for sure that I am grateful to whomever it was who did it, for they have brought great joy into my life and into the lives of many others. My kudos to them, whomever they may be!

A thought to carry with you  . . .

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Reading forces you to be quiet
in a world that no longer
makes a place for that.
~John Green  •。★★ 。* 。 

Fudgy Almond Tray Cake 

Baking in The English Kitchen today for those so inclined . . .  A Fudgy Almond Tray Cake.  Nom nom! 

I may or may not be on tomorrow.  It all depends on what time I wake up.  It was almost 7 am when I got up this morning which is pretty late for me!  I hope you have a wonderful Saturday!  Don't forget along the way of your day! 

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And I do too!


  1. A post after my own heart. Thank you Marie. I too read Nancy Drew, Bobbsey Twins and Trixie Belden as a child. I still read Nancy Drew every year, going through the entire series. I have about 20 of the books in my possession at home and the rest I read from the library.

    I am always at the library and take home tons of books each time I go -- I can have as many as 10 books at a time. My favorites are cookbooks but I also am reading a few novel series at the moment. I love books. I don't have a Kindle. I'd rather have something to hold in my hands, I like the feel and the smell of books.

    1. Oh Mary, I have not read a Nancy Drew in years. I would love to but do not want to read a modern version, updated, but the old version that I loved as a girl! I love the feel and smell of books also! xoxo

  2. When I found Nancy Drew..that was it! I think I read them all too..And I loved the covers!!

    1. Oh me too Monique! I wish I could read some of the older versions now, not modernized! I still love a good mystery! xoxo

  3. I love to read and have spent many hours in our library. However, my library is now on my kindle and read on it. I like the convenience, but I do miss the welcoming warm feeling that I got going to our local library and browsing all the books they had to offer. We got our first snow of the season today and it's cold and blustery here. Good weather to curl up with a good book.

    1. Oh brrr!!! Hope you are keeping warm and cosy in your sweet little home Pam! xoxo

  4. Hi Marie~

    It is that time of year that I love going to the library. I read more in the winter than in the summer, and I love to hold a book in my hands, turn the pages and smell that unique smell that only come with a book from the library!

    I love the, Bobbsey Twins books! I had one that I had saved as a child, but gave it to my sister as a gift a few years ago - she collects them, and really wanted mine ;0)

    In our small town, we have a small is much loved!!

    To answer your question from your last post - I use Bengal Spice tea to make a Chia tea's delicious because it has some of the same spices in it. I think when I had them made a a coffee shop, they used apple spice, it was really good as well!

    Much love to you!!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. Both sound like excellent suggestions Barb! Todd used to love the Bengal Spice. I haven't bought him any in a long time! What a sweet sister you are to give your book to your sister. That's the love of a sister for you! Love and hugs to you also! xoxo

  5. I too loved the library as a kid and devoured books; even some that you mentioned. I loved Nancy Drew and of course the classics like; Little Women, Gone With The Wind and etc. Through the years, I have been blessed to be able to buy a fair amount of books and so I have a large Library. I usually have two or three books going all the time. Right now, my main book to read is “The Book of Mormon”. I’m then reading a book entitled: “The Northern LIghts” and then I am into the series by Gerald Lund: “ The Fire and Steel series. He is one of my favorite authors. I usually have another book written by a church member that is for inspirational reading that I am slowly working on. My dear friend, you need to write a book; a novel, a children;s book; something. You really are an extremely good writer. Your talent for wrting amazes me.
    Sending warm loving thoughts and hugs your way!

    1. I love the books by Gerald Lund also LeAnn! I have read most of them , but not the fire and steel series. His books are a bit difficult to come by over here. We need to buy them in from America which is very costly and of course we are on a very limited income now. Oh, I wish I could write a novel. I always have some story flying around in my head. I have written some children's stories and illustrated them, and I have a new book coming out in the new year, with cooking, crafts, etc in it Here's hoping it does alright! Love you! xoxo

  6. I think I borrowed every Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys there were during my later elementary years!! LOVED to read. And it probably contributed to helping me survive a very difficult was a refuge. I am grateful I could always read well...I still LOVE to read!!
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. I still love to read also Elizabeth. When I was a child reading was a great escape for me. I just adore books! Love and hugs, xoxo

  7. as a librarian, I loved this post! Thank you.

  8. You have my dream job Julie! xoxo


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