
Monday 12 November 2018

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard 

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

Anniversary flowers.  Todd brought me home a beautiful bouquet on Saturday afternoon and then yesterday he gave me a beautiful card.  He is such a thoughtful husband.  I love him to bits.  Eighteen years seem to have flown by unbelievably quickly.  I hope that the next eighteen don't!  I want time to slow down! 


Ariana taught an amazing lesson in Relief Society yesterday based on Elder Uchtdorf's talk from last conference, Believe, Love, Do.  It was a lovely talk and she was so confident in her manner of teaching.  Hard to believe that English is not her first language.  There was plenty of discussion within the class. She knew just the right questions to ask.  I really enjoyed it. 


My Bonne Maman Advent calendar.  I can't stop looking at it and wondering about the tastes of certain jams. It has all the classic flavors in addition to new, holiday exclusives including Raspberry and Lychee, Strawberry and Red Currant, Pineapple and Passion Fruit, Orange and Cinnamon and Morello Cherry . . .  and there are several Quince ones.  I can't wait to try them.  Admittedly I will only be able to taste most of them, and Todd will be actually eating them, but I can't wait to taste!  And those jars, even some with blue lids.  I love the jars.

Peter Lee came over last night and I was able to actually help him with some computer stuff that he had been having problems with.  I was happy about that.  I think he was too!  Computers can be such a pain in the butt at times, especially when you can't get them to do what you want them to do! I really like being able to help others full stop, not just with computer stuff. I just like lending a hand whenever and wherever I can.  

My daily chats with my daughter  Eileen.  They mean the world to me. I really enjoy them.  I really appreciate them. I look forward to them every day and miss them when they don't happen for one reason or another.  I love this relationship I have with my oldest daughter. Its very special to me. 

The annual baking of the Christmas Cake.  Every November like clockwork.  It smells so good when it is baking that it is hard not to be able to touch it until Christmas, with the exception of the decorating that is.  I have tried store cakes, but they just are not the same as a delicious homemade one.  I think it is Todd's favourite cake of all.  I think I might make a white one this year also, but am not sure I can get the candied pineapple for it.  I might have to make my own. 

My weekly calls to my mother.  Sometimes they are difficult and I do most of the talking, but when she is having a great day they are so wonderful and the time just flies by.  I know I say this every week, but these calls truly are small and wonderful things to me. I cherish every moment of them, even the hard ones. 


Being able to take time to honor the countless fallen dead yesterday on Remembrance Day.  Some people see this as glorifying war. They could not be more wrong.  It is remembering and honoring the sacrifice of all those lives that were given so that we could enjoy the freedoms we oftimes take for granted today. Freedom comes with a price and we must never forget that or them.  It would be wrong not to honor them. 

In Flanders Fields the poppies grow
between the crosses row on row . . . 

There is a Canadian War Cemetary here in Blacon where I live.  We sometimes visit it.  The amount of lives that have been lost in our conflicts on all sides is immense and incalculable. We must never forget.  Never. 


Being content with and knowing that I truly have enough. Of everything. I lack for nothing. I am blessed.  There are people in this world who would give their all just to have a portion of what I have. I know that and try to live my life with gratitude every single day. 

For all of you who continue to visit each time I post, whether you leave a comment or not, I am grateful for your presence and I feel your love always. It really does mean a lot to me.  Thank you! 

And those are my small and wonderfuls for this week. Truly I could go on and on and on.  I am truly living a life overflowing with small and wonderful things, a life that is blessed, and I count my blessings every single day. 

 A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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The moment you start acting 
like life is a blessing,
it starts feeling like one.
~Unknown   •。★★ 。* 。 

Honey Hot Chicken Burgers 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Honey Hot Chicken Burgers.  Oh baby  . . . 

I hope the week ahead for you  is filled with lots of small and simple things!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!




  1. Hi Marie, Happy Anniversary for yesterday! Your flowers are beautiful!

    So pleased that you are still having regular chats with your Mum and daughter. I can understand fully the difficult conversations, I have the same with my sister. Sometimes she can talk for England and you wouldn't know anything was wrong but sometimes it's as though she's in another world and can't quite work out what's going on. It's so sad but you just have to take it as you find it on the day.

    My daughter was home for the weekend and we went to see Blood Brothers. It was a good production which we both enjoyed.

    Have a good Monday, lot's of love xxx

    P.S. How beautiful is Ariana, Wow!

    1. I know, she could be a model! Beautiful inside and out! Dementia is sad for sure. ((((hugs)))) Your sister can't be that old, which is even sadder. I am happy you enjoyed the play! I think I have seen it, but am not sure, lol. Maybe I need to be checked for memory loss? If I did it was a very long time ago, well that's my excuse anyways! Love and hugs! xoxo

  2. You're a trooper..I know very few bloggers of any that keep two blogs going every day and a new recipe a day! Kudos!!Kudos kudos..Sweet husband is right!
    And may you have 100 more yrs together.
    Gosh that girl is pretty:)I hope that is politically correct to say:)
    Love your phone calls.I am never on the phone..;)Truly!

    1. Oh yes, she is a beauty. I was sitting next to her yesterday before she got up to teach and she had the most beautiful pair of shoes on. I said to her what beautiful shoes, and she told me that Jose had given them to her for Christmas last year and that I didn't want to know how much they cost. I said, try me, and she said £650. I about died. I said that man must love you very much! I cannot imagine! Now they have a baby though, those kinds of indulgences will stop I am sure! I am only ever on the telephone to talk to my mom. If it wasn't for that we would not bother with a telephone I am sure! xoxo

    2. Wow!!♥PS I am looking forward to my calendar too.
      Not sure what I would do with expensive shoes.

    3. I think I like my art supplies to much to spend money like that on shoes Monique! haha xoxo

  3. Happy Anniversary. What beautiful flowers! You are so very blessed and it's nice to see what you are thankful for. Makes me remember some of things I should add to my thankful list too. Hope you have a wonderful Monday!

    1. Thanks Pam! I hope you have a wonderful Monday also! xoxo

  4. i do love your grateful heart and it comes out often in your posts. I am very sure you were proud of Ariana’s teaching. She is such a lovely girl and I know that you feel close to her.
    I love that you talk to your daughter daily. I wish my daughters would call me more. I feel grateful to my Jenni living with me right now. It’s the first time I have had a daughter live near me in years. Of course, I love that you can talk with your Mom everyday.
    I think Todd is the best to have given you such lovely flowers and a sweet card for your 18th Anniversary.
    I do love a good Jam; enjoy your tasting.
    Thanks for the Christmas Cake recipe. I have a feeling I should try it. I think my husband would love it.
    Veterans Day means a lot to me. I have had several loved one that have served. My Grandfather was killed in the trenches in France during World War 1. I didn’t ever have grandparents on my Dad’s side at all. It’s sad. I am proud that he served our country and gave his life for it.
    We do have a lot to be thankful for and I do feel deeply blessed.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

    1. Thanks LeAnn! I have another daughter, she is the one with children, who has pretty much nothing to do with me at all. She rarely responds to any of my messages, and I fear her children have no knowledge of me whatsoever. It is quite hurtful, but you can't make people do the right thing. All you can do is do the right thing yourself, so I maintain contact as best as I can and I hope. What a blessing to have your Jenni living with you now! Sweet memories are being made. Love you very much! xoxo

  5. Oh yes...happy anniversary to you 2 lovebirds!! It is encouraging to hear of finding your beloved when you are not spring chickens anymore...(and neither are we either!!) My 40 yr old daughter is going through another divorce...the 2nd...I don't encourage her in finding another man...but I am glad to hear that you did!! Maybe there is hope...
    Elizabeth xoxo

    1. Thanks!! Hope springs eternal Elizabeth! xoxo


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