
Sunday 25 March 2018

Sunday this and that . . .

So today is Palm Sunday, the day when the Saviour entered Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover, as the crowds cheered him on and lay palm fronds down before him, shouting Hosanna to their king. As a child in Sunday school, we were given dried palm fronds  as a special significance of this day and we kept them all year long to remind us of this important event. 

As an adult I have often pondered this day and the week that follows.  How people who cried out in adulation at his arrival, could just a week later, be hollering Crucify him. But it had to happen.

The old testament contains many prophecies about the coming Messiah, and most pertained to His death and were fulfilled during His lifetime and yes, His death. You can read about some of those here

“In that most burdensome moment of all human history, with blood appearing at every pore and an anguished cry upon His lips, Christ sought Him whom He had always sought  . . . His Father. “Abba,” He cried, “Papa,” or from the lips of a younger child, “Daddy.” This is such a personal moment it almost seems a sacrilege to cite it. A Son in unrelieved pain, a Father His only true source of strength, both of them staying the course, making it through the night . . . together.”
 ~Jeffrey R. Holland 

I have asked myself through the years of pondering the events of this week, would I have stayed faithful?  Would I have betrayed my allegiance to the Saviour?  I like to think that I would not have, but then when I realise that even those who were closest to Him turned their backs on Him, I am not so sure.  I . . .  now  . . .  have the benefits of ALL the scriptures to teach me, have the words of His Disciples and the special witnesses of all that happened during that week, and during the crucifixion and in the weeks to follow, right on up to his Ascension . . . so it is easy for me to believe now, and to not lose faith, much easier than it would have been then. 

So all I can really say with any surety is that I am grateful for all that He did, in His lifetime and in His ministry, and in His example and in His sacrifice.  And I BELIEVE.  In all that He did, and in all that He still does, and in all that He will do.  And I know that is enough.  To simply believe.  To believe is life-changing.  You cannot believe . . .  truly believe  . . .  and not have this belief change who you are.  Its just not possible.  Just. Not. Possible.

 I love that oftimes the Spring Sessions of General Conference for our church co-incide with Easter.  I love General Conference.  I love listening to all of the talks and pondering during and afterwards on all the things we are taught.  This time around we have a new Prophet and a new first Counsellor in the Presidency.  I have had the privilege of having been in the physical presence of  and having shaken the hands of both President Nelson and President Oakes when Todd and I were on our Mission.  The privilege of witnessing in person the greatness of these men.  What a blessing in our lives this is, to know personally of their suitability for the offices they now hold and serve in.  Anyways, I am really looking forward to Conference next weekend and excited about the impressions and inspiration I will take away from it.  I can't wait! 

Marjolein Bastien  

So Spring is Springing here!  Our daffodils are in bloom, and the crocus too, as well as the Camellia by the front door.  I remember when we moved back to Chester, eight years ago now, it was waiting to greet us and quite cheery in its greeting.  Like a good omen that what we were doing was the right thing.  And it was.  The right thing.  And every year it blooms again at this same time and reminds me of God's goodness. 

Todd was out there yesterday puttering about a bit in the garden.  Its been so wet over the Winter that he hasn't been able to get much done, but we are hoping for drier days ahead, and sunnier days.  So is Mitzie because in the Winter we don't let her over onto the grassed area because of the wet and muck.  She stands at the gate longingly looking and hoping.  When she is finally let over, she will be so happy.  We were snuggling on the sofa last night.  Its hard to believe she will be 8 in June. 

She was such a cute little puppy.  So happy (despite her sad looking eyes.)  She's brought us so much joy in those eight years. 


I cannot imagine a life without her in it, but I know she is now almost 2/3 of the way through her life and it makes me sad when I think about it, so I won't.  They say the price of love is . . .  grief. 

And with that I best leave you with a thought for the day!  I will make it a cheerful one! 

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Keep your face to the sunshine, 
and you cannot see the shadows.
Its what sunflowers do.
~Helen Keller  •。★★ 。* 。 


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Raspberry Yogurt Cake.  Delicious!

Have a wonderful Sunday!  Don't forget! 

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And I do too!


  1. Hi Marie, I can't believe it's Easter and April next weekend, where does the time go!!

    Mitzie is just adorable!

    Have a wonderful Sunday, lot's of love xxx

    1. Thanks Kate! Time is just flying by so we must be having a ball! Xoxo

  2. I find everthing arrives faster and faster..Jacques turned 77 yesterday..Fred said..oh now what about Tintins? Always said to be for ages 7-77:) Fred made him the sweetest card:)

    1. I hope you took a photo to share Monique! Happy Birthday greetings to Jacques! He is only 2 years younger than Todd! Todd will be 80 in September! I’m sure his birthday was celebrated in style! Xoxo

  3. Hi Marie~

    Beautiful thoughts on the Savior. I love celebrating Easter at the same time as General Conference, it just seems right to me as well. I remember when, Jeffery R. Holland spoke in conference, and I especially remember that quote, it was very powerful, and I can remember the emotion in his voice, thank you for sharing it. I pray that each day I remember what the Savior went through for all of us.

    It's almost Spring here, despite getting snow yesterday... :0( It was only a skiff, but it was white! The temperatures are suppose to start getting warmer, and that means lots of work in our yard. A few weeks ago, someone from the ditch company came onto our lawn with a back-hoe, to fix the ditch and put huge ruts in our lawn...I was so upset. Bob assured me that it could be us, not them, because of the canal company's right away...I am still not happy about it.

    Oh, I wish I could see your Camellia, please take a photo! I think they are so beautiful! I noticed the other day at my sisters that her tulips were starting to come up...I can't wait!

    Mitzie is adorable, those sweet little puppies just make my heart go pitter patter! My Cole is will be 10 in April, and he is showing his age. He is grey around his muzzle and his little toes are also grey. Like you, I can't think about losing him.

    Loved your quote, we don't needs eyes to feel the sunshine! Love to you and Todd! Have a wonderful Sabbath!

    Hugs and Love,

    1. I will try to show you the Camelia bush Barb, for sure! I love all of Elder Holland's talks. He is such a tender man. I hate it when you see lawns with big ruts in them. Happy the company is taking care of it. Cole is a beautiful name for a dog. I love our fur babies, I was so devastated when we lost our Jess. Mitie helped to take some of the pain away. We had a lovely Sabbath! Hope you did too. Love and hugs, xoxo

  4. I was wondering why I feel so yuck today til I realized it was Palm Sunday. Years ago it took on a whole different meaning for me bc that was when my best friend was murdered by her sicko husband..then he shot himself after trying to get me on phone one last time. He was coming after me and my kids first but I screwed up his plans bc I didn't watch their son that weekend. She saved our lives!..I wasn't home though..I heard alot of sirens when coming out of store. The only thing that stop me from going over there after,I had to bring my rented movies back. Then we got a few more and talked for played games with their kids..bc they were friends also. Otherwise I would of seen the aftermath..sooo bad!

    I always bought my kids a new outfit and shoes for Easter on Palm Sunday..little did I know it would save our lives! I found this all out when her sister told me at her funeral. Thank God he forgot all about his son being there hiding. He had it planned for a year..his hunting buddies thought it was all talk..didn't tell anyone.

    My Mom came over my house that night I was folding towels..I knew b4 she told me..the look on her face. My Dad kept the kids quiet for awhile. My kids were young then but they still remember her. Her son won't talk to me..told my daughter he blames me..ok with me..spitting image of his father..saw a face turned white.

    I'm telling you all this is bc sometime I feel guilty that I'm still here and not her..but blessed. Does that make sense?

    I heard her son is married now and has a child. I believe she is watching over her grandchild from heaven.

    She use to spend alot of time at the library. She would of loved the internet..I think they have something even better up there though.

    It is finally going to be sunny and in the 50's for the next 2 days! Yay!

    Oh I love that picture of Mitzi..sad eyes and all.Lol.
    Have a great one!xo

    1. That is so terrible Jan. ((((hugs)))) Yes, they do have something much better up there and it is a much better, happier place to be. At least she is free of him. Sending you extra love and hugs today. xoxo

  5. The price of love is grief, for our dogs, for people, it is true. Yes, I am grateful for Christ's sacrifice for us, John 3:16.


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