
Saturday 24 March 2018

In the good old days . . .

I grew up in a world where this guy wanted to be my neighbor. Mr Rogers. Every day he visited me and told me that he liked me just the way I was, and wouldn't want to change me.  He taught about kindness, to always be curious about the world, to have an interest in all people, and that every living thing mattered. And he was genuine about everything he said. He took me to the Land of Make Believe . . . 

We went there on a trolly car that went through his wall into a world where there was a king and a queen, and a talking cat and a whole lot more. You knew it was make-believe, but it didn't matter because it was a life-affirming place and you always learned something new, something that would help you to be a better you. 


Then there was this guy.  He was HUGE.  He was a Giant, but he didn't try to squash us. He was friendly.  We went into his castle through a drawbridge while he played magical music on his pipe.  Early one morning  . . . I can remember dancing around the coffee table in our house while he played it, on my way to the castle.

When I got there he had a special place, just for me, with a cosy chair built for two to curl up in.  That was the chair I always wanted to sit in. I'd share it with my sister.  He had a big goofy Giraffe called Jerome and a rooster named Rusty.  He read us stories, nice stories and sometimes he had an Orchestra of cats come to visit. It was fun. I always hated it when it was time to go. 


Then there was Helene, we got to visit "Chez" her place as well.  There were ever such friendly people in my childhood, they were always inviting us in and so kind . . .  and they were very entertaining when we arrived.  I loved Helene's little friend Suzie mouse.  She lived in a magical little world inside Helene's walls. And I learned another language while I was visiting Helene and Suzie and Louise.  She was a girl who was also always there. Everyone was nice. 

This guy had a tickle trunk filled with dress up clothes, and friends named Casey and Finnigan. He was nice too.  And, he drew pictures.  I loved it when he drew pictures.  

And all these people lived in a nice little box, right in
my very own home. 

I grew up in a pretty nice place even outside our four walls. We knew who all of our neighbours were and we knew that they were there to help us if we ever needed help. We felt safe and never afraid. 


When I went to school, the only thing I had to be afraid of was Mr Danyluk, the principle and boy was I afraid of him. He had a strap, and you knew if he had to use it, you'd be getting it again when you went home. Visiting his office wasn't anything you fancied and to be avoided at all costs.  Funny when I think back on it now, because he doesn't really look all that scary now. 

This was being in "lock down."  We didn't want to go here either. It was only one step away from visiting the "office."  

This was our playground and we went there every day it wasn't raining or snowing hard. It was called the "great outdoors."  We didn't mind really. There were only two rules. We had to be within shouting distance, and we had to be back home for lunch or dinner.  You knew when that was because a siren always went at 12 noon. 

This was my most expensive toy and I took really good care of it because I knew I would never have another one.  There was no throwing it on the ground and it was treated with great respect. I never wore a helmet, I don't think such things existed, at least not in my world. Once a year, every year, they had a bicycle safety class at the school and you went and learned the rules of bicycle safety, and you followed them, religiously.  Signals, etc. 

We had a breadman and a milkman, and we knew them by name.  You could buy popsicles from the milkman in the summertime.  Every now and then a fishman came through as well. 


My mom got all her scrubbing brushes from the Fuller Brush Man. A visit from him was always exciting because he usually had a comb for us kids or a rain cap. 

The streets were empty on Saturday afternoons because we were here. Everyone was here, being entertained by the likes of The Three Stooges, Cowboys and Indians and Laurel and Hardy.  25 cents bought you a ticket to see the films with enough left over to buy a drink and a treat of popcorn or a bag of chips.  And cartoons were included. 


Mind you, we'd already spent the morning watching cartoons.  

And we had this to look forward to in the evenings.
and in the winter . . . 

This.  We all rooted for our favourite teams. In our house it was 
the Montreal Canadians.

Sunday mornings meant this, followed by Sunday School afterwards. We didn't always go to church, mostly just Easter and Christmas, but we knew who God and Jesus were.  

Sunday afternoons were long and boring.  There seemed to be 
not a lot to do or to watch on the telly. 

The evenings were a whole lot more exciting.  

I am sure the British experience was not all that different.  It was a kinder, simpler, gentler time.  I miss those days in a lot of ways, but there are lots of things I like about right now also.  I wish we could have the best of both worlds. 

We had a lovely time with Jo and Colin yesterday.  They are such great people.  I often wish they didn't live all the way across the country.  It had been  a year or so since we had seen them.  Colin is a plumber and Jo is a chiropodist.  She used to be the housekeeper at the Big House when I worked there. The time went ever so quickly, too quickly.  Time flies when you are having fun. It's true. Jo has been a great friend now for many years. I love her to bits. 
Our clocks finally move forward tonight.  I hate time changes, but I will be happy to have things back to normal.  My family's clocks went forward two whole weeks ago and things have been a bit confusing every since. lol  You wouldn't think an hour would make much of a difference but it really does!

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

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Life is like making tea . . . 
Boil your ego, 
evaporate your worries,
dilute your sorrows, 
filter your mistakes and 
get a taste of happiness.
~Unknown   •。★★ 。* 。


 Today's Reading - Mosiah 25:15-26:13 
Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? How do you gain understanding in times of unbelief? 
Thoughts - Today it jumped out at me, they didn't understand the words of the prophet. As each new record holder in the Book of Mormon comes into the account, they share that they have been taught in the learning of their fathers , which is essentially scripture language. Without which they could not read or understand the scriptures, hence why Mosiah could interpret and read the records but not Limhi or Ammon. Something I love and am grateful for is that we can each have our own copy of the scriptures, in our own language. As we read  . . . we learn. As we study  . . .  we understand .As we consistently read AND study/ponder,  the scriptures are opened to our understanding.
Tomorrow's Reading (Day 129) -  Mosiah 26:14-39 
Question - If you could make up a question for today's reading what would it be? Which verse stood out to you today? 
In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Vanilla Poached Plums.  Seriously tasty, but such a simple make.
Have a really great Saturday.  Its raining here, but that's okay.  The rain will bring on the flowers!  Don't forget!
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And I do too!  


  1. Many of the same memories♥Happy you got out to see your frineds..They look super nice!Bonne Journée!

    1. They are really nice people Monique! Salt of the earth! xoxo

  2. Lots of wonderful memories in your post today and many of them were mine too. Our clocks have already Sprung forward here and I'm still trying to catch up on the missing hour of sleep. I wish they would just leave it at one time all year. Hope you have a super Saturday !

    1. I hate the spring time change Pam, it takes me a long time to adjust to it! Like you I wish they would leave it the same all the year through! xoxo

  3. Hi Marie!

    Wow, this all brought back so many memories for me! I didn't watch Mr. Rogers, but my children did, and they loved him. Just a little funny thing...our sweet little Averi likes Mr. Rogers, and she went through a stage where she called her daddy, King Friday...I loved it! He really did promote good values and morals. When my son was a little boy, and I was pregnant with my last child, and sooooo very sick, he would watch, The Pock a Dot Door. He loved it and had every episode memorized. I think it was a Canadian show that we got on cable.

    Times were so much simpler then, slower and more meaningful in some ways. I still watch, The Lawrence Welk Show, and just hearing the opening music on an old Disney show can just bring me back!

    I'm so glad you had a fun time with your wonderful friends! I love it when you can just see each other and start right where you left off...this sounds like that kind of friendship!

    It's rainy here as well, and cold and windy! It's a very typical day for Idaho. I'm still trying to figure out what fun craft to make with my Activity Day girls...I stress about it, but it will all come together. I still need to go over my lesson for tomorrow, then I'll be ready for Sunday.

    Gentle Hugs and Love,

    1. My children loved Polka Dot Door and Bananas in Pajamas and Today's Special. MY BIL was the producer of all of those three shows. They were wonderful shows, but maybe I was a bit biased, lol. I am able to get Lawrence Welk on YouTube. I loved the Lennon Sisters. I had their paper dolls and a book/novel that they were in. Hope your lesson goes well! Love and hugs right back. xoxo

  4. Sorry that I havnt been around much these past few days, I am just slowly getting back into my routine after the holiday. I've been quite tired and seem to be trying...without succes to write a bit about the holiday, I'm sure I will get going soon. I can hardly believe that this week ends with Easter. I am away again with Peter driving me up to Scotland on Thursday. I see weather forecast is not very good with more snow on the way for that weekend so praying we get up and back probably Wednesday safely. Thank you for reminding us all about your Saturday morning memories. With the exception of the television...we didn't have one till late 50s...but going to the matinee at the ..picture cinema where I was it was always called..The Picture house ! comes Mary so must go get the day to Todd ans Mitzie. Xxx

    1. Oh, I hope you don't get the snow Sybil! That is a long trip! I will be praying you up and back safely! Say hi to Peter and Mary! Love you! xoxo PS- Masy too!

  5. I miss all the cartoons that they had! I do have some that I bought on dvds that I sometimes watch. I'm still a kid at heart! Lol.xo

    1. Oh I love the old cartoons. They don't make them like that anymore! xoxo


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