
Saturday 11 November 2017

Saturday This and That . . .

Ohana means family, nobody gets left behind.

We had a wonderful Relief Society Activity last evening.  I think I must be the only person on earth who hasn't seen Lilo and Stitch!  I am going to have to rectify that I think! The evening was based on the premise on the movie surrounding Ohana, a phrase that means family and nobody being left behind.  It was a fabulous way for our Relief Society Presidency to introduce the new way in which Visit Teaching is moving forward.  The Relief Society Room was decorated beautifully with Hawaiin Decorations.  There was a table filled with things to make your own Mocktails and another table with goodies like fruit, donuts, etc.  

It began with a lovely talk by our RS President Mal, who spoke to us about the changes and Visit Teaching in general.  What a beautiful heart that woman has.  She was my Visiting Teacher for a few years and I love her to pieces.  There will no longer be Scheduled Visit Teaching Messages for each month.  We are now being encouraged to really get to know the Sister's we visit teach and then visit according to their individual needs, perhaps a specific message from a conference talk, or  some help with the home, someone to simply talk to, or even just being a friend, with each visit being tailored to that sister's specific needs, with the premise that nobody gets left behind.

After that there was a really fun scavenger hunt activity.  Each sister had a coloured fish tacked to the back of her chair and we had to form teams with sisters who had the same coloured fish as us and then look for clues around the chapel according to that colour of fish to put together a puzzle.  It was great fun.   

Then we made our own leis from coloured cupcake liners. That was so much fun, and they turned out lovely.  But as nice as our own leis was we then had to give it to another sister that we didn't know very well and use it as an opportunity to get to know them. 

It ended with a special musical item which was a song presented in Tahitian with a ukelele and bongo drums, etc.  It was really good.  I got to give the closing prayer and bless the refreshments and then we all got to mingle and chat and munch until we left to come home.  

Hands down the best RS Activity  I have ever been to, 
and very well attended! 


Tina had talked me into bringing my book so I had that set up on a table with my redwork embroidered table cloth beneath it and I have to say it was VERY well received.  Everyone wants one despite the cost!  I was so relieved with all of the positive energy about it.  Everyone thought it was magnificent and I know a couple of sisters who are buying not one, but two copies because they want to gift it to someone.   It is now live for purchase on all the Amazon sites, with photos, and previews of whats in it, etc.  So do have a look and let me know what you think! 

I don't think it comes out in Canada until tomorrow for some reason.

And nobody flinched at the price.  Whew!
They thought it was well worth it. 

And for those of you who want it signed, I will do you a personal signed book plate and either e-mail it to you so you can print it out, or snail mail it to you, so that you can 
stick it into your book.

Today I have another reason to celebrate as well.  Its Todd and my 17th Wedding Anniversary.  Yes, 17 years of perfect wedded bliss. So many people spend their lives searching for even a small portion of what I have and never find it.  I am so very blessed.  Imagine  . . .  I get to spend each day with this fabulous man.    I spent a lifetime looking for him.  I am so happy I found him . . .  He is just my cup of tea.  We, neither one of us, are perfect, but we are perfect for each other!   I am not sure if we will do anything special to mark it or not, but I do think we are supposed to go with the Missionary Sisters to teach someone this afternoon. Maybe Todd will go for a Chinese, and we will just stay in and snuggle and watch a good film.  A chick flick.  Ohh, The Holiday. Its the perfect time of the year for that or The Family Man. We'll see!  

Image result for And then we all had Tea, Todd 

I got the readings from my Blood Pressure monitoring yesterday. My blood pressure was consistently high, even when I was supposedly sleeping and so the Doctor has added an additional 10mg to my table that I already take.  Here's hoping it does the trick!

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . .

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 *.˛.°Faith, it does not make things easy.
It makes them possible. ~Luke 1:37  •。★★ 。* 。 


BOOK OF MORMON CORNER - Today's Reading - 1 Nephi 16:1-16
 Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? When you've had to journey through your own trials, what gifts did Heavenly Father give you to succeed?
What I learnt - I love today's question. It's been nice to spend time remembering the MANY gifts Heavenly Father has given me during trials. I'll share just one of them . . .  the gift of feeling complete peace. No worry, no fear, no panic, no urgency. Just peace. ❤ I like this quote - 'Isn't it wonderful to know that we don't have to be perfect to experience the blessings and gifts of heavenly father?' I'm so grateful for God's perfect love for imperfect me. And for His goodness & tender mercies.
One phrase really stood out to me today.  "the Lord had given unto us" from verse 11. Lehi's family barely took anything from Jerusalem when they left, so everything they had they knew came from the Lord. Similarly everything I have is from the Lord. And for me, knowing that I am in His hand, each member of my family is in His hand, and all people are in His hand,  helps me in my journey now and helps me to trust that all will be well . . . not easy by a long chalk,  but well.

Tomorrow's Reading (Day 23) - 1 Nephi 16:17-39
 Question -What have you learnt from the reading today? What can we learn about our attitude during trials? 


In The English Kitchen today, a cake to celebrate.  Apple Spice Cake, with a sweet cinnamon buttercream frosting. I chose to decorate it with halved mini mince pies, because Todd loves mince pies.  This is a fabulously moist and delicious cake!

Have a beautiful Saturday no matter what you get up to!  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 



  1. You're right it's not in Canada yet..

    So happy it was well received by everyone..not surprised..I am very happy for you and this great achievement Marie.:)
    Happy Anniversary!
    Hope the 10 mg does wonders!

  2. Thanks Monique! i hope it does well online. I am hoping the 10mg does wonders, but so far it is just making me really queasy and I have a tummy ache, but that could be the McDonalds we treated ourselves to. *hiccup* xoxo

  3. Marie....I went to Amazon US and took a look inside your new cookbook. Yes, you should definitely be proud of your book. From the pages it showed, lots of yummy recipes. Congratulations!
    Wishing You, Todd, and Mitzie, the best of everything - Marsha

  4. Hi Marie!

    First of all, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Seventeen years of bliss, how wonderful! My wish for your is another 17 years of bliss!! What a darling photo of you and Todd!

    Second, I checked, Amazon and I can order your book, (envision me clapping and squealing with delight)! I will absolutely want to have my book signed by you my dear friend, I will let you know when I get it and then I will send money or whatever you need for the signed book plate. I can hardly wait to get it...did I tell you that I am 66% British...;0)

    Your RS activity sounds like a fun night! What a fun way to get to know other women in your ward. I'm in Primary, so I don't really get to see other women very often, that would be an ice-breaker! So glad you were able to share your book with them, I'm sure they were as excited as I am.

    The cake looks just scrumptious! I'm seriously thinking about making it for Thanksgiving...yum!

    Have a wonderful Sabbath.

    Hugs and Love,

  5. Thanks very much Marsha! I did work ery hard on it, for almost a year I guess is what it took! It really is like a baby, and whilst not as physically painful to bring forth, it brings with it a whole pile of emotions! xoxo

    Thanks Barb! Oh, I do so hope that you like it! The RS activity was so much fun. I was in Primary for the first 14 years of my life in the church. I didn't really enjoy Primary at first. It was a chore for me because, true confession, I don't really enjoy other people's children. It goes back to my childhood and all the bullying and teasing I went through. However, I did start to begin to enjoy it the last few years I was in it and voila, I got called out from the Primary Presidency, into the RS Presidency, and then we went on our Mission from there. So I guess that I was stuck in Primary for all those years because I needed to learn to love it! lol That cake would be fabulous for Thanksgiving! Love and hugs, xoxo

  6. That activity sounds great! Maybe I will need to use those ideas some day.

    I checked out your book and will be purchasing as soon as I have $60. I was so excited for you and would love a signing to place in it.

    Lastly, congratulations!. This year will be 17 for us too (a lot of hard work in our case), but long live happy marriages.

  7. You never know Anna! It was the best attended RS Activity I have ever been to! I will send both you and Barb a signed book plate when you get your books, just let me know. No charge. I will be happy to do it. Congrats on 17! Its a hard slog sometimes, but always worth it! xoxo

  8. Yay! I can finally comment again Marie! Usually when I press comment, the box won't come up. Arrgh!

    Happy 17th Anniversary to u and ur Todd!

    So happy for you,I know ur cookbook will be on everyone's shelf! As soon as I can, it will be on my shelf too!

    So excited to see some new food blogs too!

    I never wrote down a Swedish blog that u had on here along time ago and never found it. I remember she just published a cookbook then and I also liked her blog. I think it was 1 or 2 years ago, but not sure. I could kick myself in the butt for not writing it down! Lol.

    I need to try making mincemeat too bc that sounds yummy!

    Wow!The drawings that you did of those people. You are sooo talented Marie!

    I hope ur feeling alot better soon!

    Miss commenting to you Marie!

    Big hugs and love!

  9. Thanks very much Jan! I do feel a bit better! Here's hoping it continues! I wish I could remember the Swedish blog! If you do buy the book, let me know your address and I will send a personally signed book plate to you! hugs and love xoxo


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