
Sunday 12 November 2017

A really sweet post . . .

Long about this time of year when I was raising my family, my heart and mind would turn to the chore of Christmas Baking.  I say chore, but it was really a labor of love and something which I really enjoyed doing.  It was the only way I could afford to have all the treats we enjoyed really . . .  to spread the cost of them over several weeks, baking and freezing what I could.

My kitchen would be a fluffy of activity and beautiful smells.  Shortbreads, date squares, gingerbread men, gumdrop cake, my mama's War cake, fruit cake, etc. All would get baked and frozen with great care.  I couldn't afford to buy gifts for neighbors and friends, or even the Milkman, so each year I would make sure I had baked enough to be able to give a plate of goodies to them, and a special loaf to our Milkman.  Not  many use a Milkman these days I am sure  . . . we stopped a few years ago now.

My trays were not near as elaborate as this one.  I used to save meat trays throught the year and sterilize them.  They worked out great. I just wraped them in some Christmas paper, popped a paper doily on top, and then on the day I had picked for delivery, all the containers of frozen goodies would come out and I would begin dividing them amongst the prepared trays.  Once filled I would wrap them in cling film, tack a bow on top, and then they would be ready to deliver.  This was a Christmas tradition I really enjoyed and one which I miss, although I do still enjoy baking a few goodies at that time of year.  How I wish I lived nearer my Grands so I could spoil them with my Christmas goodies.  I don't think they would handle being in the post very well, and of course the baking would be stale by the time it got there.

Even more fun would be baking Christmas Cookies 
and decorating them with the Grands.   

There is a church family that lives not too far from us and I do make their children each some goodies every year.  They are the ones who brought Todd over that lovely homemade card and stuffed kitty when he was going through his cancer treatments.  That was so very thoughtful of them and touched his heart in a lovely way.  He has his six month blood tests in a week or so now, and we have our fingers crossed it has not come back.

I thought it would be fun to share some of the goodies I have been saving as things I might like to try out in the way of Christmas temptations this year, so here goes! 

Mini Pie Kitchen.  These sugar cookie Christmas trees look so very elegant and not that hard.  I love that they only have the one colour of icing and am wondering now if I will be able to find white sprinkles.  I will have to check out the baking section at hobby craft.


Eat Little Bird.  Traditional Swiss Walnut Cookies.  Don't they look good! 


If you Give a Blonde a Kitchen, Sugar Cookie Truffles.  Yum!


Super Golden Bakes.  Gingerbread Yule Log with a chocolate mirror glaze.  I've always wanted to try a mirror glaze. 


Jane's Patisserie.  Caramel Rolo Fudge.  I can feel my pancreas tweaking, lol  This looks fabulous! 

Super Golden Bakes.  Christmas Cronuts with a Marzipan and Rum Pastry Cream. I am a sucker for anything even remotely resembling a croissant or a donut, but the two together, oh mama! 

Saving Dessert.  Italian Fig Cookies.  I adore figs.  

Noshtastic.  Gluten Free Stained Glass Biscuits.  So pretty.  Have any of you ever done this type of cookie?  What was your experience? I think we would need to use boiled sweets over here as we don't have Lifesavers. (I miss my Lifesaver book at Christmas.)

Noshing with the Nolands.  Now these Polar Bear Cookies are adorable! They also seem really easy! 

Another easy one, Marshmallow Penguins from Eats Amazing. How adorable.  

And this is just for starters!  I have ever so many more pinned.  You can check them

So much Yumminess,
so little time! 

We had a really nice Anniversary yesterday. We treated ourselves to a Chicken Selects lunch from McDonalds and then we got surprised by Sister Turnbull and Sister Wilkenson who came by and showered us with Celebrations Chocolates.  Such a fun pair of girls.  We had been going to teach with them, but the appointment fell through, but never mind, we had a nice little visit with the girls anyways.  I love our Missionaries.  All of them. Everywhere in the world. We keep them in our prayers daily!

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day! 

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 *.˛.°My brothers and sisters, we are surrounded by those in need of our attention, our encouragement, our support, our comfort, our kindness—be they family members, friends, acquaintances, or strangers. We are the Lord’s hands here upon the earth, with the mandate to serve and to lift His children. He is dependent upon each of us. …
“That service to which all of us have been called is the service of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
~Thomas S Monson •。★★ 。* 。


BOOK OF MORMON CORNER - Today's Reading - 1 Nephi 16:17-39
Question - What have you learnt from the reading today? What can we learn about our attitude during trials? 
 What I learnt -When I was reading the story of Nephi's broken bow & how Lehi's family reacted to it, I thought about learning to master our physical appetites, passions, emotions etc. Lehi's family were hungry, very hungry. And they allowed this physical need to turn them away from God and they murmured against Him.
I looked up some talks on this topic and found this quote by President Nelson :
"Repentance (becoming like Christ) requires spiritual dominion over appetites of the flesh. Every physical system has appetites. Our desires to eat, drink, see, hear, and feel respond to those appetites. But all appetites must be controlled by the spirit for us to attain true joy. On the other hand, whenever we allow uncontrolled appetites of the body to determine behaviour opposed to nobler promptings of the Spirit, the stage is set for misery and grief.
The magnificence of man is matchless. Remember, glorious as this physical tabernacle is, the body is designed to support something even more glorious—the eternal spirit that dwells in each of our mortal frames. The great accomplishments of this life are rarely physical. Those attributes by which we shall be judged one day are spiritual. With the blessing of our bodies to assist us, we may develop spiritual qualities of honesty, integrity, compassion, and love. Only with the development of the spirit may we acquire faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, [and] diligence." 

Although our trials may be very difficult, some moreso than others, we need to learn use them as a springboard for spiritual growth, which is not always easy, but surely doable.  When I look back at my life, I can clearly see from the things that I have gone through that I have been able to take something positive from every negative experience.  This should teach me that, while my trials may be hard, ultimately they are for my own good, and that if I endure them well, I will be better off for having gone through them. My spirit is eternal, and that is the part of me which will go on forever. I need to keep polishing it, and that type of refurbishment comes mainly through trials.  Having a positive attitude while I am going through them, is a tangible leap of faith, and will make the journey a lot easier to bear, always remembering that we do not go through them alone. He is always by our side, and sets his angels in front of us and beside us, and when we don't think we can walk another step, He WILL carry us.

Tomorrow's reading - (Day 24) - 1 Nephi 17:1-16
QuestionWhat have you learnt from the reading today? Which of Nephi's character traits stands out to you in these verses? 


In the English Kitchen today . . .  I took some time the other day and made my mincemeat for the holidays.  It now has time to ripen and develop some really lovely flavour.  Brandied Mincemeat.  It's fabulous, even now!  Chock full of vine fruits, and apricots and prunes, yes  . . . prunes.  Very rich!  

Have a wonderful Sunday!  Be happy and don't forget along the way of your day!

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And I do too!  



  1. Your church seems to be such an incredible support system, like an extended family. I envy that!

  2. Hi Marie, wow I'm starving now!! Gorgeous Christmas goodies though. Imagine the smell in the house with that lot baking!

    Happy anniversary to you both for yesterday and I'm pleased you had a lovely suprise visit.

    We're off to London tomorrow. Pete has his appointment on Tuesday but things are still really tense down there.

    Enjoy your Sunday, lot's of love xxx

  3. I had to go grab a breakfast bar to munch on halfway through your post as looking at all those Christmas goodies made me quite hungry! Hope your Sunday is a blessed one !

  4. Thanks for the links Marie..pretties up and down..Glad you had a nice day:)

  5. Hi Marie!

    Yummmmm! I love all, Christmas goodies, but, I especially love mincemeat. We Bob's mother used to make her own and can it, it was delicious, even though she made it with deer meat, yes, real meat.

    I love giving goodies away at Christmas time, but, someone told me that they usually throw away treats giving to them, as so many do...sad. But, that doesn't stop me from making them for my own family. All of these ideas look like so much fun to make. I really would love to make the Christmas tree cookies and have them look that beautiful!

    Fun Ideas, Marie!

    Hugs and Love,

  6. Hi Marie~

    My book will be here on Wednesday!!! So excited to get it!

    Hugs and Love,

  7. Thanks very much Julie! It is very much like that, especially in the Chester Ward! I think you would love it and you would always be welcome! Our chapel is in St David's Park in Ewloe. You would be most welcome! xoxo

    I am still keeping them in my deepest prayers Kate! Hope all goes well! ((((hugs)))) xoxo

    LOL Pam! Sorry about that. IF it helps it made me hungry too and I had to munch on something while I was writing it! xoxo

    Thanks very much Monique. I have ever so many Christmas goodies pinned and will probably not even get to a fraction of them, but it is fun to collect! (Even if I can't eat them!) xoxo

    What a sad thought Barb! Still, as you say, it is lovely to make for family. I wish I had more family here. We have none but our church family. I am excited about your book. Thanks so much! Send me your address and I will send you a book plate! xoxo
    PS - a review on Amazon is always so very much appreciated! xo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!