
Wednesday 4 October 2017

Wednesday witterings . . .


A person devoted to fashion clothing, particularily unique or high fashion. A person not to be called a fashionista would be someone who obsessivly follows trends.

Student #1:"Oh my gosh! Look at that girl wearing those sparkly red mary janes, black lolita skirt, hello kitty corset, and a top hat with pink hair!" 
Student #2"Oh yeah, thats Xenia, she's a Fashionista." 

I don't think I could have ever been called a Fashionista, not even when I was a teenager.  For one thing I have never, ever in my whole life been able to afford to keep up with the trends.  When you are raising a large family, most of your income goes into, well  . . . raising them!  As an older woman I have not had the body to warrant keeping up with trends.  There are lots of things I like, but I think to myself  . . .  you're too fat or you're too old, and then again, there are the monetary restrictions.

I don't have a style, unless you call cheap and comfortable a style.  I tend to find a pair of trousers that I like and then buy a bazillion pairs of them, well . . .  a slight exaggeration.  Maybe 4 pairs, two navy and two black.  Then I wear them out.  With navy and black, you can put just about any colour of top.  I tend to find a cheap top that I like as well and then buy that in a multitude of colours, and then wear them out also. Its not that I like being boring . . .  I just can't afford not to be boring. ☺

If I had the money and figure I would be anything but boring.  For instance I adore this coat.  I think it is just wow.  It's not overly expensive, but again  . . .  don't have the figure to carry it off.  I would just look like I was wearing somebody's bedspread, or worse yet  . . . curtains. That might work with Scarlet O'Hara, but I am no Scarlet O'Hara! 

I'm short, old and almost as wide
as I am tall.

I love colour . . .  I am so in love with colour.  I am like a crow with sparkly things . . .  when I see colour, I want to grab it and wrap it around myself.  

I also like comfort.  If I could get away with wearing my nightgown all day . . .  I would! 

I have a board on Pinterest filled with the kinds of clothes I like.  I might not be able to buy them in real life, but that doesn't stop me from admiring them and dreaming . . . I totally adore this, and the shoes too. They look so comfortable. 

 Why is it when young thin women wear stuff like this they look magnificent in it, but if I did, I would end up looking like a frump? 

Chubby and toothless is only cute at this age.  I would love to be able to do wild things with my hair.  When it is short I look at all the things that they do with long hair and wish to myself that I had long hair and could do that  . . . . now I have long hair, I am afraid to stand out and do anything with it other than what I do.  Make one plait and pin it up.

I'm just not that brave, but I wish that 
I was


Maybe when I get to heaven  . . . 


Don't you just love it? 

I tried to do a messy bun one day and I just looked  . . .  messy.  Maybe I am too much of a dot your "i" and cross your "t" kind of a person.  Too pedantic to look messy.  I can't even do that when I am painting . . .  let things just flow and go where they want to.   I am far too pedantic about detail to be loose. 

There was a woman at our Women's Pamper day who had purple hair and when I saw it I thought to myself, oh yes  . . .  I wish I was that brave.  Brave enough to live my life in colour rather than in the shadows.  Sigh . . . 

A thought to carry with you . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.°Start where you are
with what you have.
Just begin  . . .  •。★★ 。* 。 


Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Corn Casserole.  Nostalgic and  comforting.

Have a great Wednesday.  Wherever you go and whatever you get up to, don't forget . . . 

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And I do too! 


  1. You have Mary and I giggling at you this morning Marie ! We are exactly the same. Truth be told I think we are among 80% of women. I would love to wear lovely bright clothes but my shape puts paid to that, although thankfully I had someone make me quite a few cotton dresses and a few silky ones that I wear and wear every year..on Sunday I out on a dress that I wore at a wedding it's very plain navy but I have been wearing it at least 20 years old!! Trousers are harder than ever as I just take 25 length ..why is it when you need larger sizes they think you should be taller as Mary is opposite to you and me. She might not be tall but she isn't fat so can buy nice dresses, but dosnt like or feel comfortable wearing them she has 25 length legs as well so sticks to trousers and tops mainly she loves bright colours but won't wear them...she might stand out!! That's her great fear standing out.......I don't think many of us are contented with ourselves..others never see us as we do LOL....I have always said there are some people who could put a sack on and look stylish another. could wear a Dior dress and look like a sack ! I think we are the second lot...
    Hope you have a nice day I think Mary and I will go to a national trust property nearby and might have lunch there...get ourselves into holiday mood ....God Bless. Xx

  2. Hi Marie, I'm back!! Had a fabulous holiday, I just can't believe it's been and gone. Where does the time go???

    I will try and catch up on your blogs over the weekend. I've got a few things planned already for this week so time is short.

    I've noticed how as I get older I tend to wear more neutral colours than anything bright or colourful. I never wear a skirt, I don't even own one! I do have some dresses but rarely wear them either. Trousers and jeans for me with a long top to cover my ever growing tummy!!

    Hope you and Todd are keeping well and that your knee has improved. Lot's of love xxx

  3. Sybil happy I could bring a smile to your face. Getting through life with a smile on your face is the only way to go. Smiles are the greatest beauty accessory! I love them! I have been told I have a smile that lights up a room. I'll take that. Its a great compliment! I could make Dior look like a sack, lol. Plain and simple with a colourful heart. Love and hugs to you both! xoxo

    Welcome back Kate! Kept up with your photos on FB and loved them. It looked like you had a wonderful time. Long tops to cover the tummy are a must for me too! Love and hugs. xoxo

  4. You could wear those dresses! My fave kinds!
    And for goodness sakes get a streak or two..they can correct it:) You have long hair it while you do..I sound like your mother..not just want you to try..I am tempted for all grey..when it will show signs of all grey..there is a lot..I am sure just not enough.

  5. I'm all about comfort and not fashion. My mom always said if it's neat and clean it doesn't matter how much it cost. Some people have expensive clothes but if they are wrinkled and unkept you'd never know it. I've tried to follow her advice when it comes to clothes. It's nice to look at the fashions and try to make something old look new by adding a scarf or jacket. I like to mix up things now and then and feel like I have a new outfit. I always try to remember though that the best accessory you can wear is a SMILE.

  6. Haha Monique, as soon as I get my income tax back I am going to go for it, I promise! (Yep still waiting on that but in all fairness I was late getting it in.) I suppose that the worst thing that could happen is I don't like it and then what, I dye it back again. Meh! Welcome back! xoxo

    You are so right about that Pam! Our landlord is a millionaire but he walks around looking like a homeless man. You are right about the smile! God bless! xoxo

  7. Hi Marie!!!

    I love this post...and its so good to be blogging and commenting!

    I feel EXACTLY the same way, I love color, love all those gorgeous dresses, but I live on a budget, sometimes a very tight budget. I don't think there's anything wrong with buying more than one pair of pants that fit, and are comfortable, I do that...if I can find a pair that actually fit, and are comfortable. Shirts are easier, they just need to cover me up.

    Loved, loved your honesty! I'm sure there are so many women who can identify with are not alone.

    By the way, you would look awesome in that coat!

    Hugs and love,

  8. Ahh Barb, there you are! I have missed you! I think we as older women we tend to pigeon-hole ourselves a bit into thinking we can't do this or get away with that. I wish I would look awesome in that coat, but I really fear I would not, lol Love and hugs right back! xoxo


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