
Thursday 5 October 2017

My favourite things . . .


These are a few of my favourite things. Maybe some of them are your favourites too! 

Old Musicals.  Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, The King and I, Dr Doolittle, Sound of Music, Fiddler on the Roof, Flower Drum Song, South Pacific, Oklahoma, etc. I love them all. We have been collecting them on DVD for years now and every now and then we enjoy one all over again. They never lose their charm! We sing along with them as we watch, and tap our toes.  We find them quite delightful! 

The art of crochet.  I like it better than knitting. Its easy and mindless. You can't drop a stitch and when you make a mistake it is easy to pull the yarn back and repair it. I've been doing it for years now. My sister taught both my mother and when I was still in high school and I have been doing it ever since. My sister has always been really good at the needle arts.  Sewing, etc. Her sewing has always been impeccable.  She is much better at these things than I am because she has more patience.  Not sure she realises that, but its true. She is very patient.

My ex SIL was Jewish and she knew where to buy the best bagels and rugelach in Toronto.  I adore good bagels and rugelach.  They were always so delicious.  She would bring big bags of bagels from this bakery and of the rugelach as well.  We would eat them until we felt like bursting. Soooo good. What I wouldn't give for one more taste! 

Being safe and warm indoors while the wind blows.  I feel a certain comfort in listening to it howl and sitting here, all bundled up with a hot drink or some soup, maybe some soft music playing. It never gets me down. I just feel blessed.

Penny rugs and mats. Penny rugs are not actual rugs for the floor, but decorative coverings for beds, tables and dressers and mantles. Sometimes they are used as wall hangings or pillows. Most designs include circles and some include images from everyday life such as cats, flowers, birds and shapes such as stars and hearts. I love them.

Shaker Style Furniture.  I adore Shaker stule furniture.  I love the simple lines and workmanship of it.


Vintage Patchwork quilts.  There is so much in a vintage patchwork quilt . . .  hours of painstaking labor . . . old fabrics . . . hand stitching . . .  an abundance of love. History.  My mother used to have a quilt that my grandmother had made. It covered the the fold away cot in one of the bedrooms. I liked to lay on it and run my fingers over all the different fabrics wondering what kind of garments they had come from, who had worn them, what stories they could have told  . . .

Depression glassware . . .  depression glassware is a machine-pressed product that was mass produced for sale in five and dime stores at extremely low prices. It comes in a multitude of colours.  Pink is my favourite.

This was my favourite book when I was a girl.  It was 365 stories, each one on one page and they all were themed around one street in a small town, called What A Jolly Street, and the people who lived there.  There was an old woman who lived at the end of the street called Mrs Apricot. 

Inside the cover was a map of the street and you knew where each character protrayed in the book lived, and what their house looked like, etc. 

They all seemed pretty real to me.  I wanted to live on What A Jolly Street.  I wore that book out. It was in absolute tatters.

Tiaras.  I have nowhere to wear one and I actually wouldn't wear one, but I do love them. Oh wouldn't you just feel like a princess with one of those on your head?  Our Eileen wore one when she got married.  


Every bride is beautiful on their wedding day, don't you think?
She looked like a princess to me.


I quite simply adore ribbon.  All colours.  All kinds. My ex boss had a ribbon drawer.  She kept a really wide assortment of ribbons in it.  All different colours, sizes, wired and un-wired, satin, grosgain, chiffon, etc. All for gift wrapping. I loved to sort through it for her.  She would give me these menial types of chores to do when I would be there with her overnight packing.  I can remember thinking how lovely it would be to have a drawer just full of ribbons. 

In an odd sort of way, except for the taking all night aspect of it, I used to enjoy the packing nights.  For one thing, I knew that at the end of it she would be gone for a few weeks or so.  That was a bonus.  But I loved the aspect of stuffing her shoes with tissue paper and putting them into the cloth shoe bags.  Stuffing the sleeves of her dresses and jackets, folding them just so.  Putting her jewelry into small bags and then putting them into larger bags. Sorting out her perfumes and cosmetics, etc.  There was an almost wonderland quality about it all. It was a real glimpse into another world.

Fancy drawer knobs. Like buttons, they hold a special fascination to me  . . . 


Fancy door knockers. This dragonfly one is particularly beautiful.  If I had my way I would have a bumblebee door knocker or a bird  . . .  something winged at any rate!

And those are my favourite things for this week!

A thought to carry with you . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.°Train your mind to see the good in everything.
Positivity is choice.
The happiness of your life depends on
the quality of your thoughts.
~marcandangel  •。★★ 。* 。•。★★ 。* 。


In the kitchen today  . . .  Dilled Carrots.  Julienned carrots braised in a bit of stock, some honey and some dill.  Delicious!

Have a wonderful Thursday.  Hope you get to enjoy a few of your favourite things. Don't forget along the way of your day. . . .

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and I do too! 



  1. Hi Marie. I must admit I'm not a big fan of the older type musicals, but George loves them. So, while we were in Pitlochry they were showing High Society on the local theatre and we went. What a disaster!! Unfortunately, the seats were so tight and close together that George couldn't move his legs at all and ended up in agony. We had to leave at the interval, I think his circulation had stopped!!! It was a shame really because the production was really good.

    Did you hear the wind last night? It was certainly howling here! Mind you its always windy here, the design of the flats has caused a wind tunnel.

    Eileen definitely looks like a princess, she's beautiful!

    I've got my kidney hospital appointment at Clatterbridge this afternoon and a load of ironing to do this morning, so I'd better get going! Lot's of love xxx

  2. Oh what a shame about George and those theatre seats! I am guessing it was a live show? I love live theatre! I did not hear the wind last night, but I sleep with earplugs! haha, that's me! Good luck with your kidney appointment! Love and hugs! xoxo

  3. Jacques loves the old musicals too:)
    So many cute things to like!
    I went away and have forgotten the stitch to my blanket will see me again:) I probably don't have eneough yarn anyway..?:(

  4. My grandmother was a quilter and I have one that was pieced together from scraps of materials she saved from our hand me downs. Several squares were from one of my favorite dresses. Her hands were never at rest unless it was Sunday. She firmly believed that Sundays were for rest. It's unusually warm here for a few days. But the cold days will be here soon enough. Keep warm and have a great day!

  5. Hi Marie~

    I have said it before, and I'll say it again, we are so much alike! I love musicals, I love to watch them, I love to go to local theaters and watch them, they are just something I adore.

    Crocheting is my hobby for sure. I have tried knitting and just can't get the hang of it. I learned how to knit when I was in Primary, many years ago! I even made a pair of slippers and a set of hot-pads, but today, it baffles me.

    I love old quilts, and even have a few of them that were my great-grandmothers, and even one made by a grandmother that passed away when I was a small child, I cherish them.

    I have to admit that the wind can make me quite nervous, but I do like a stormy day. Nothing like cuddling up on the sofa and watching an old musical during a storm . . . of course with a hot drink, and popcorn.

    The tiara is just beautiful on you daughter, she does look like a princess. I'm glad that more brides are wearing them.

    Thank you for sharing all of your favorite things, loved them all!

    Hugs and Love,

  6. Reading through this post,I reached the part about the book you enjoyed as a child. When I saw the book's cover,I thought about the book that I had LOVED as a child, and thought, "We each had a bedtime stories book that had the story-per-day format". I scrolled down to the drawing of the girls and my eyes stopped right there. That looked VERY familiar, so I scrolled up a bit, and read the map. You and I both loved the very same book! When I had my children, I looked at my parents' house for it, but couldn't find it. My mother died in 2009,and my brother and I began the monumental task of going through EVERYTHING (our father had died years earlier,so it was the BIG go-through,clear it out,clean it up). And there it was,that WONDERFUL book! As a child, I read it, and reread it, and read it some more. That drawing of the 2 girls...I do believe I remember that story!

  7. Monique! Its like riding a bike! You will get the hang of it again and you can always buy more yarn or make a smaller blanket! xoxo

    What a wonderful legacy Pam! How blessed are you to have that! xoxo

    We are a LOT alike Barb! No surprise there! I learned how to knit in Brownies, but it is still not totally my favourite thing to do. Crochet is so much easier and more forgiving! xoxo

    Maryanne, that story was about one of the girls losing her mittens, that's all I remember about it! How wonderful that we both loved the same book. I wish they would put out an identical one today as I would buy it for my grandchildren! xoxo

  8. I like reading about your favorite things because many of them I really like too. For instances, I love all the shows that you love. I often ask my children if they are letting their children enjoy some of these wonderful calssic movies. The book you read as a child sounds like a really fun one. I had some favorite childhood books too.
    I love to crochet but I still am not very good at it. I made baby blankets for all of grandkids and many of them have obvious mistakes.
    I love vintage patchwork quilts.
    I always love your finds and well take some time to look at some of the links.
    Blessings, love and hugs~

  9. I am sure that those obvious mistakes in the baby blankets make them all the more precious to your grandchildren. What a beautiful legacy, almost an allegory for life LeAnn! We all have flaws and weaknesses, but that doesn't mean we can't do what we were sent here to do, and it doesn't make us less worthy or incapable! Love you! xoxo


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