
Sunday 22 October 2017

The Sermon to the Birds . . .

(St Francis of Assissi by Pauline Baynes)

"If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from
the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men
who will deal likewise with their fellow men."

 St. Francis was a very kind and loving man . . . kind and loving not only to humanity, but to all living things. He referred to the birds as his "little brothers of the air," and he could never bear to see even one of them harmed in any way.

 At Christmastime, he scattered crumbs of bread beneath the trees so that they, too, could feast and be filled with the joys of the season.

A boy once gave him a pair of doves, which he had snared. St. Francis had a nest made for them, and by and by the mother bird laid her eggs in it. One at a time, the eggs hatched and a nestful of young doves grew up. They were so tame that they sat upon the shoulders of St. Francis and ate from the palm of his hand.  

(source unknown)

There are many, many stories told of this kind man's great love and compassion for the timid creatures which lived in the fields and woods.

One day as he was walking amongst the trees of the woodland, the birds saw him coming and flew down to meet him. They sang their sweetest songs to show him how very much they loved him, and then, when they saw that he was about to speak . . . they nestled softly in the grass and prepared themselves to listen. 

(source unknown)

"O, little birds," he said, "I love you, for you are my brothers and sisters of the air. Let me tell you something, my little brothers, my little sisters: You ought always to love God . . . and praise Him. For think what He has given you. He has given you wings with which to fly through the air. He has given you clothing both warm and beautiful. He has given you the air in which to move and have homes.

 And think of this, O little brothers; you sow not, neither do you reap, for God feeds you. He gives you the rivers and the brooks from which to drink. He gives you the mountains and the valleys where you may rest. He gives you the trees in which to build your nests.

You toil not, neither do you spin, yet God takes care of you and your little ones. It must be, then . . . that He loves you. So do not be ungrateful, but sing His praises and thank Him for His goodness towards you." 

Then, the Saint stopped speaking and looked around him. All the birds sprang up, filled with joy and spreading their wings. They opened their mounts to show that they had understood his words. And . . . when he had blessed them, all began to sing; and the whole forest was filled with sweetness and joy . . . because of their wonderful melodies.

"Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of value more than many sparrows." ~Matthew 10:29-31 

I just love this story of St Francis of Assisi. It is a wonderful reminder to me of how very much my Heavenly Father loves me, and how I can place my whole trust in Him. Even when I am not feeling very brave or strong . . . He will lift me up and give me the courage I need to be able to put one foot in front of the other and move forward. 

A thought to carry with you! 

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 *.˛.°A successful woman is one who can build
a strong foundations out of the bricks
that others have thrown at her.
~Unknown  •。★★ 。* 。 


Book of Mormon Corner: Today's Reading  1 Nephi 1:16-2:15

What I learned -  In being obedient to the Lord's command to leave his home and take his family into the wilderness, Lehi left the known for an unknown future. Big step of faith!! But he did it. Verse 6 & 7 tell us that when he reached the wilderness he 'built an alter... made an offering... and gave thanks unto the lord'. With everything that had happened and was still happening Lehi felt a need to renew his covenants and give thanks because he knew those things kept him focused on and close to the Saviour.

Also when he left his home he 'took nothing with him save it were his family and provisions'. He left everything else behind. What will I take back to heaven with me? My family relationships. My character. My learning. Strengthening and developing these here and now require sacrifice.

There are things I need to do less, give up, put aside, leave behind - those things that are worldly and important to my natural man. Big job!! But doable if I think of it in a 'little by little, step by step, try after try' way.

Verse 12 stood out to me today too - 'and they did murmur because they knew not the dealings of that God who had created them.' It made me think about asking God 'what?' questions instead of asking 'why?' questions and how this will help us better understand the dealings of God in the difficult circumstances we face.

Tomorrow - 1 Nephi 2:16 -3:8


There is a different kind of peanut butter cookie in The English Kitchen today. . .  Oaty Peanut Butter Cookies, with plenty of oats, whole wheat flour and chopped peanuts.  These are very moreish. 

Have a wonderful Sunday.  Its blustery and cold and rainy here!  Don't forget today and always, 

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And I do too! 


  1. Have a beautiful Sunday.I love St Francis!

  2. You have a beautiful Sunday also Monique! God bless! Xoxo

  3. Marie where our son lived in Italy(Umbria) was the church of St. Francis...and statue! I will find it and send it to you along with the pizza recipe! Di ❤️

  4. Thanks Marie, for sharing the sweet stories of St Francis of Assisi. I remember reading them a long time ago If we could all just be like him and our beloved Savior.
    I loved your thoughts on the Book of Mormon. It is my very favorite book and I love the stories from it that help me be a better person. I love the faithful obedient prophets.
    Blessings, love and hugs for you!

  5. Hi Marie~

    Beautiful thoughts on, St. Francis. I love birds, my house is full of them (not real ones of course... :0) ). I think that we should all take better care of, God's creatures and love them as He does.

    I did my reading! I loved your thoughts on these chapters as well, Isn't it funny how we all get somethings a little different from these scriptures? I think it's the message that we need in our lives.

    I think that those first few books in, Nephi, definitely show me how much, Heavenly Father loves His children. He loves us and wants us to return to Him, and gives us chance after chance to repent and change our ways. He also teaches us that in each family, it is not just the wayward or rebellious members who need to learn lessons, but the faithful members also have the need to grow in patience, wisdom and forgiving. I think it's evident that along with Laman and Lemuel, Nephi had a few doubts about the gospel, because he tells us that the Lord "did soften my heart that I did believe all the words which had been spoken by my father; Wherefore, I did not rebel..." Nephi's approach was just different than Laman and Lemuels. He had an honest heart and a desire to know the truthfulness of what his father taught. I need to be more like, Nephi, by humbling myself, I think I could find more of the answers I am looking for in my own life. We all have questions and maybe even doubts about the Gospel, and the, Book of Mormon can answer every one of them...we just need to open it!

    Hugs and Love,

  6. Thanks Di! Italy is on my bucket list! Love you! How lovely and thank you also for the pizza recipe! I will look forward to getting it. It looked delicious! I love Pizza! xoxo

    Thanks LeAnn! I think the world would be a much better place if we were all like St Francis! Love and hugs! Hope you are enjoying your new calling! I am sure you will be an excellent RS Stake Pres! xoxo

    Barb, thanks so much for your thoughts on these passages from the BOM. I think we have much to learn from each other! I have a real love affair of birds, and have some in my house, like you not real. I hate to see a bird caged! It just seems to wrong to me! Love and hugs. xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!