
Saturday 21 October 2017

Saturday this and that . . .

In thinking about my problems this week I remembered some of the challenges which had been given over our last several church conferences and the promises given about Reading the Book of Mormon. In our April 2017 Conference, President Thomas S Monson (the President of our church) gave a very short, but compelling talk about reading the Book of Mormon, entitled "The Power of the Book of Mormon." 
This morning I speak about the power of the Book of Mormon and the critical need we have as members of this Church to study, ponder, and apply its teachings in our lives. The importance of having a firm and sure testimony of the Book of Mormon cannot be overstated. 
Our Prophet, President Monson is very elderly now and not in the best of health.  This was probably one of the last real talks he was able to give. He was not able to speak to us at all at our last conference.  His testimony of the Book of Mormon was so strong in this talk that millions of Saints all over the world renewed, with determination, their desire to read the Book of Mormon again.  I was one of them. 
My dear associates in the work of the Lord, I implore each of us to prayerfully study and ponder the Book of Mormon each day. As we do so, we will be in a position to hear the voice of the Spirit, to resist temptation, to overcome doubt and fear, and to receive heaven’s help in our lives.
I started  reading the Book of Mormon each morning, and listening to it as I put my makeup on, etc.  But I have not been studying it earnestly and prayerfully . . . pondering what it is trying to tell me. 
 This week, I have been inspired to begin again, with a renewed effort to do just that, to study it daily, prayerfully and with sincerity of heart in wanting to know what it is trying to teach me about myself, about the world, and about the things I need to be doing.  If you want to, you can do it along with me and we can share in the comments section each day what  we got from the Previous days reading. In any case, I will be sharing in a small section of my blog each day that I can, what I have read and what I have learnt from it. Who knows, we may be able to discover something together.  Now, that's an exciting thought! 
Book of Mormon Corner: Today's reading 1 Nephi 1: 1-15 
What I learned today was that Lehi read the book and he was taught of things to come, he saw destruction and yet called God merciful and good. He teaches me that as I come unto Jesus I shall not spiritually perish. Even if there is 'destruction' around me, I can come to know God's goodness for myself. Through reading the scriptures I can come to know God's character and understand better His plan. 
 Tomorrow - 1 Nephi 1: 16 -2:16 
We were sitting here last night just watching telly when all of a sudden Todd pipes up about how proud he was of me when I won the Turkey Award.  It is hard to believe that was five whole years ago now.  
It was such an exciting night for the both of us really.  Just to be there in attendance, and to have my recipe in the running was very exciting to me. This was a really big deal, but to win.  Never in my wildest dreams had I even considered that I might win.  When they called my name out I was completely gobsmacked. 
The Savoy Hotel is such a ritzy hotel.  I remember feeling a little bit like a country mouse in a city mouse setting.  It was all pretty stupendous.  Just to be there experiencing this once in a lifetime kind of event (for me at any rate) was pretty special in and of itself.  I wish someone had gotten a photograph of me and Todd together in our finery, but alas we did not. 
I was really surprised last night when he popped up with that statement about how proud he had been of me. It made me feel really good to know that.  That award is gathering dust now, in a bookcase upstairs, it all seems to be so long ago now, but for just a moment last night, I was able to feel again some of the joy that I had had in winning it.  I had not realised how proud Todd was of me, it made me feel proud of myself.  (In a humble sort of way.)  I really have accomplished a lot in these past 17 years that I never ever thought I would be able to do. 
When I was married before I was so shy, and had so little confidence in myself, that I was afraid to answer the telephone half of the time, unless I absolutely knew who was calling.  I didn't think I was really any good at anything. I have come a long way since then.
For the first time in my life, when my marriage broke up, I found myself actually living on my own, and totally reliant on only myself.  I had gone from my parents home to my husbands, home, both times I had gotten married.  I had never lived on my own, ever.  It was a difficult six or seven months, but I did it.  That was my first step towards independance!  Circumstances meant that I ended up moving back in with my mom for a short time after that, but at least I had done it "on my own" first, and successfully too.  To think that it took me until the age of 44 to be completely independant is kind of mind blowing! 
To think that only a year or so later I would be getting on an airplane to fly to England (again, all on my own)  and to begin a new life is also a pretty amazing thought  to me.  That woman who was afraid to answer the telephone. Since then, I have gone back to school and done not one but two diplomas.  Medical Secretarial, and Chef.  I have worked several jobs, but the most amazing one was to work as a Personal Chef for a wealthy family and get to live in a country cottage on a Manor Estate.  I learned, developed and grew so much in that job. That's where my culinary skills and talent really took off.  I'd had them all along, but had never had the opportunity to use them in that way.   That woman who was afraid to answer the telephone was planning/shopping/preparing and serving multicourse silver service dinners to groups of very wealthy people and doing it very well. (Not to brag, I would never brag) 
I write two blogs just about every day.  I've served a Mission for my church. I have helped bring a husband through his battle with cancer. I have artistic creations that I have painted living in homes all over the world, and in just a few weeks/days now I will have my first professionally published book out there on the book shelves.  I am truly living a "pinch me" kind of a life, and I guess I can really be proud of the things I have accomplished  in my later years. Things that just 20 years ago I would never have thought I was capable of, or could ever do. Praise God for showing me who I was and could be!
It may sound a bit cliche for me to say it, but  . . .  it all began with me reading  studying and pondering on The Book of Mormon. Who knows what will happen next, now that I am going to read and do the same again!!  😉 The mind boggles.
Not a lot on my plate today.  I think I will bake Todd some cookies and then tonight we have the first session of our church Stake Conference at the chapel.  There will be a second session tomorrow morning. There is no rest for the wicked as my mom always used to say! haha!
A thought to carry with you through today  . . . 
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 *.˛.°Dreams and dedication
are a powerful combination.
~William Longgood •。★★ 。* 。 
In The English Kitchen today  . . . .  Lemon Rice Pudding. This is so simple and very delicious.  You will be sure to love it!
Have a great Saturday!  Don't forget!
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And I do too!  


  1. BRAVO BRAVO!!! Hi Marie! So happy to read this blog and see that you're on the right track. Todd's not the only one who's proud of you, I definitely am and I know plenty others who read this blog will be too! Enjoy your reading and I hope it gives you the answer you are looking for.

    It's been a funny old week, but my sister got back from holiday last night so I will go round and see her today, subject to Storm Brian letting me get out of the flat!! Lot's of love xxx

  2. Aww, thanks Kate! I have been thinking about you and praying for you. I hope you are able to get out and go to see your sister! It’s a bit rainy here, but not too bad at the moment! Love and hugs! Xoxo

  3. You ahve accomplished so much..bravo Marie:)

    I have never in my life lived on my own.

    You have done wondrous things..

    it's funny..

    My parents of course coddled gifts etc..

    I was raised on praise lol..apart from my childhood friends.. and not all thank God.. re fatty..etc..but my

    Jacques is a middle child..left much to his own devices and no gifts etc..except xmas..

    so..imagine my surprise when this 20 yr old bride would be excited when he came home from business trips expecting a

    so gifts and praise..not in his vocabulary..

    hard getting used to.

    I had a friend who never cooked ..baked..when she married again she started making muffins for her new husbands breakfast..did I hear about those Ann Lindsey muffins..from HIM..


    that's a praiser.

    SO..I loved that about work..I did..:)

    So that was nice of Todd:)

    FUnny how we are all different.

  4. Good for you to reflect on how far you've come. We sell ourselves short much too often.

    I have been reading the B of M this time looking for all the ways God loves me because i was really struggling. I'm up to 500 already and not even 1/3 through. Oh how he loves each peraon on earth!!! I feel His love each day and have a stronger desire daily to look through 'love goggles' at each person I encounter, giving all the grace i can. Practice makes perfect, i hope.

  5. We all live such different lives Monique and are at the same time of such similar character! I admire that you were able to do the things you did. Real Estate is such a challenging career! And you raised a lovely family as well. What a sweet childhood, you had with such loving and devoted parents. A true blessing. Todd is not overly flowery with his words so I was surprised last night! It made me day! Xoxo

    That is so wonderful Anna! I love that idea! Thank you so much for sharing! I am sure you will find many many more! Xoxo

  6. Hi Marie~

    Well, there's that girl that we all know and love...:0)

    I love reading the Book of Mormon, and I truly believe that if you read diligently, even if you don't always understand what you are reading, it will make a difference in your life. The Young Women in our ward just issued a challenge to everyone in our ward to read the Book of Mormon before Christmas. I just got done reading it a few months ago, so I wasn't too keen on hurrying through it again, I like to take my time reading. But, I would love to read along with you, Marie. So, 1 Nephi 1:16 - 2:16, will be my reading for tonight. I love this idea!

    You and Todd look amazing! What an honor to win the Turkey Award, it looked like a very fancy occasion. You are beautiful, Marie. And how thoughtful for Todd to remember that event and comment on it after 5 years! It's always nice to know that our spouses are proud of us!

    When I read the rest of your blog I thought . . . you've come a long way baby!! Life can be very challenging, but you did it, you excelled and accomplished more than you thought you ever could, I'm proud of you as well. I honestly can't say that I have ever had a challenge in my life that pushed me like that, but if I ever do, I hope I have your fortitude!

    Hope you had a wonderful time at Stake Conference, it's always so enlightening!

    I better get reading!

    Hugs and Love,

  7. I am so proud of you! I do not share your religious beliefs, but I want to join you each day in your reading of the Book of Mormon. I have a copy. One of my best friends is a woman that I met in the nursing home that my late father was in. I visit her Wednesdays and Sundays. She is an adult convert to Mormon like you. We have spoken very briefly about some aspects of her church. Two young lads from the nearest church visit her about once a month. They are so nice. I have no intention of becoming Mormon, but it's about time that I read the Book of Mormon. Hopefully you will keep me on task! ;)
    PS Is there any study guide (brief please) that I could also hook into as we go?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. So many accomplishments Marie and I'm sure they'll be many more to come!
    Very proud of you too!!!
    Big hugs and love!

  10. Thanks Barb! I think it will be real fun to do it together! I am excited about this prospect! Can't wait to read your insights! Love and hugs! xoxo

    Hi Laura, thanks! I am excited that you also want to read with us. I can't wait to hear what you think also! I found several study guides. the first one is here:

    The second one is here: (You download that one as a PDF)

    There is also a very good one that you can buy which I think I am going to do:

    I hope you enjoy the journey! xoxo PS - You will be helping to keep me on task also!

    Thanks Jan! Love you too! xoxo

  11. Marie: the second study guide you listed is free for my kindle, so I already downloaded that one. I need all of the help I can get. I am already quite familiar with the bible, but I have never even opened The Book of Mormon before yesterday.

  12. Oh my sweet friend, you are so amazing. I agree that when reading The Book of Mormon daily life goes better or at least easier. I love the Book of Mormon. I made a promise years ago to read from it's pages daily. When I was set apart in my new calling our Stake President challenged our presidency to read 10 pages a day for a year. That means we will have read The book of Mormon 6 times during the year. I feel blessed to have his challenge because I know it is a powerful book.
    I think sweet girl, that you have had an extraordinary life in so many ways. Yes, a hard one; but you have come out on top. I can't believe it has been 5 years since you received that award. I remember reading about it.
    I am very excited about your new book. You are a very accomplished woman.
    Sending loving thoughts, blessings, love and hugs your way!

  13. That’s exciting Laura! I hope that you get a lot out of it. Just keep asking yourself as you are reading, what is this trying to tell me about my life now? What principles are being taught here and how can I apply them to my own life? I think you will do great! Xo

    Thanks so much LeAnn! I am so excited for you and your new calling. I know you are going King to be great at it! Todd’s and I are teaching the Temple Prep Class now. A definite challenge! I would love to have your insights on your readings of the BOM! Xoxo

  14. PS Laura, I think you will find that the Book of Mormon support such the Bible in many ways! Xo


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