
Wednesday 6 September 2017

Wednesday this and that . . .

Here's another one of the photos I managed to catch of the butterflies in my garden the other day.  I am not sure what kind this is, but Todd would know. (He is in bed right now.)  The underside of their wings which shows when they are feeding looks completely different than the upper side.  This is perhaps a camouflage and a protection so they are safer while eating. 

Here, you can catch just a glimpse of the upper side. They were opening and closing their wings the whole time they were feeding, and moving around in circles as well.  It was quite interesting. 


As you can see there were several different kinds feeding. This one was mostly orange in colour, and there were cabbage whites, but I didn't get any photos of them.

Breathtakingly beautiful  . . .  all of God's creatures. 


On another note, this has not been a good week for Mitzie.  We discovered she had fleas Sunday evening and have been battling them since. We went to the Pet Store and got a load of stuff on Monday morning. (I hardly slept Sunday night with concern.) We came away with flea shampoo, spot on, new bedding, spray for the soft furnishings and carpets, worming medicine, and a flea collar to put on her later in the week.  It cost us £80 in all.  Not cheap and very distressing for all of us.  Hopefully we have the situation under control now!  Although, having said that, I noticed her scratching her face this morning.  That is the one area that you can't spray, wash, etc.  Here's hoping that eventually those ones die as well.  We then had to let Ariana know because she had been to our house with Dexter on Saturday night and rolling around the carpet and playing with her toys and I was worried that he might have picked some up.  Or maybe he was the one who left them.  Who knows!  In any case, they might want to dose him up as well.

The pain in my knee has gone back to being excruciating, and far worse than it was back in May/June.  It is literally constant and I can get no relief from it.  Ibuprofen isn't even touching it.  I was taking 2 400mg tabs first thing in the day, but then read the package insert yesterday and realised I should only be taking 1 400mg tab three times a day.  I've also applied heat packs, by that I mean my wheat bag and have done that pretty constantly as well.  Also not touching it.  Today I have added some co-codemol.  I am only 62  and this is getting me down.  This constant debilitating pain. I don't think I can live like this for another 10 or 15 years. Seriously.  The pain is really bad.  When I go to the Docs they tell me that I need to lose weight, but how am I supposed to do that when I can hardly walk.  I have already had the allotted two shots of cortisone per joint per life for that particular knee so no joy there either.  I just keep praying it will go off.  I had a couple of good weeks and then it all kicked off again last week and worse.  I don't know what to do  . . . I can't get a blue badge, I can't get disability.  I am too young for a knee replacement and getting one of those has become really difficult even if you are the right age.  I try to dwell on all that is good in my life and to distract myself with other things, but it is always, always there.  Its even disturbing my sleep.

But lets think positive.


Back to school for Luke and Gabriel.  Love their matching outfits.  (wondering how much longer that will last!)  Luke is 8 now (I think) and Gabriel 12.  I think they are both still in elementary school, but Gabe will be going off to high school next year.  They are growing up soooooo fast!  I want it to stop! Please stay little forever. I think they are such handsome boys, but I know I am biased, its my right as the grandma!

No other first day of school pics . . . yet.
I live in hope.


I've been working at bringing down all the photos from Photobucket and onto my food blog as quickly as I can.  I am about halfway through 2009, but am starting to think I should be working my way back from now to the beginning instead of from the beginning to now.  Or maybe I need only bring down one photo for each recipe and have it at the top, instead of all of them.  That might work better.  With almost 10 years of recipes, pretty much 365 days of the year, it is a pretty formidable task.   I also respond to every single comment, both on the blogs and on my FB page and my Instagram.  I feel that if people can take the time to comment, I must at least do my best to respond.

It seems like my days are getting shorter and shorter and passing faster and faster.  I used to have time to cook and to play and to write, but my time is evaporating it seems and I can't get even a fraction of what I need to get done, done . . . is it like this for everyone? 

Yay, I'm going to call my mom today.
I love my mom and our talks.
Even if we only just
repeat ourselves.
Its all good. 

And sometimes you just need your mom.

Tomorrow I get to see another complete draft of my book.  Here's hoping this is the final one!  I am getting anxious to see it all done and dusted now.  Its taken a long, long time!  Much longer than anticipated! 

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
•。★★ 。* 。
° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
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˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ | 田田 |門 ★

 *.˛.° Opportunity is missed by most people
because it is dressed in overalls, 
and looks like work.
~Thomas Edison  •。★★ 。* 。 

Spiritual Enlightenment

Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . . Leek & Mustard Sauced Pork Chops. Delicious!

Have a great Wednesday.  Hope the suns shines as brilliantly down upon you as the sun is shining here this morning.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. I am so sorry about your knee. Just sounds so very painful.... I so hope you feel better. We have 3 dogs and live in MI., we have not experienced the flea issue here as when we lived in CA. While living there we did use ( after clearing the house with humans-and our pets) a " flea-aerosol bomb". We found this helpful as our vet said these pesky vermin can lay in your sofa, carpet and other like areas with fabric. We left the house and went directly to those pet shoppes that have dog wash areas ( self cleaning tubs/dryers for dogs). Not sure if your area has these or if option as I believe the label does state not to be used with / or by those with lung issues so just a thought. Do take care and hope the pesky things take their leave. ( oh one more thing , our son who lives in the mid-west really likes the flea collars that the Vet provides as the face is covered by the collar).

  2. Thanks for all the information Cathy! I am really hoping that we have taken control of the problem. Its our own fault as we had lapsed with the spot on for a few months what with one thing or another. We will not lapse again! Having said that, she was very unwell Monday night and threw up etc. I think we did too much at once to deal with the problem and she couldn't handle it. It is so hard to know what to do when your animals are concerned as they can't tell you how they are feeling! xoxo

  3. Unfortunatly that's what chronic pain is..relentless..and until it either goes away or is cured..people suffer trememdously while certain medications are presecribed until something works..but the time between appts goes quickly for the physician while the patient has to wait..trial and error trial and error.
    Chronic pain is not in someone's is wear and tear..or an accident..or a condition.
    I hope someone finds a solution for you soon..and let's get that book out and sold:)
    Ugh re the fleas..

    I see how much our children spend on their pets..etc..

    we did too..that time has passed for us.
    Even my chicken..when she concerned me and was given baby aspirin..till it was cured..

    fleas..make me lice..:(

    Get well quick for Mommy and Daddy !

  4. Your pictures are wonderful and butterflies are magnificent. So sorry your pain is worse. Have you tried ice and not heat. It may be what is needed. When my daughter was young and her knees bothered her from the sport she was in , they recommended 20 mins ice. Still I know my brother in law with arthritis prefers heat. Take care and give yourself the needed rest to heal.

  5. Hi Marie. Your butterfly pictures are amazing, the butterflies are beautiful!

    Poor Mitzie. It does sound like she may have picked them up on Saturday night. Seems like too much of a coincidence. Hope she's better soon.

    Oh Marie, your poor knee. I know I sound like a broken record but you need to drive your GP crazy! If there really is nothing they can do for your knee then you need to go to a pain management clinic. You can't carry on like this. Have you ever been to A&E with it. It might be an idea to go, saying its got worse and the pains unbearable. They may do tests that the GP hasn't done.

    Your grandsons look absolutely gorgeous!

    My daughter told me yesterday she has set her wedding date. Next September in Central Park New York!! At least I've got 12 months to lose about 10 stone hahaha!!

    Wishing you a pain free day, lots of love xxx

  6. Oh dear Marie, I could cry for the pain you are is so bad, I think your Drs suck I really do...there must be a better pain killer he can prescribe, do you always see the same Dr ?...maybe another one would have more sympathy. What with your knee and thr Fleas situation you really are having it bad. As I said I had the same Flea infestation on poor Masy, thankfully tonight for first night she has not been scratch scratch scratching so I think we might have got them stopped. Everything is such a cost I think I said we got the flea stuff Frontline I think from our chemist it's a prescription one but being a chemist he is allowed to have it. It was I think £22/24 he rang Pets are Us to find out how much they were charging £28 he is so good at charging me a bit less I am very thankful. Lyn hoovered every corner of the room, she said our Hoover has such a good suction it would lift anything...Mary washed both the beds and the toys so fingers crossed....that's a great photo of the boys. They do grow up so fast I don't think we can add a photo with our messenger but I will two great nephews heading off to school together for last year. Noah goes to ..big year when he will be 10 having said that it might be two years before he goes up to seniors...time will tell. Going love, praying that you feel better tomorrow, night night. God bless xxxx

  7. I bought this liquid flea stuff that I put on my dog, instead of flea collar. It seems to work alot better.

    I was so hoping u were feeling alot better Marie! I would go to another Dr, and another til you find one that will help you. With all the technology in this world, someone should be able to help you! You shouldn't have to go through all this pain!

    Your grands are cute! Time is going way too fast bc the yr is almost gone! It will be Halloween b4 we know it. I'm behind in putting up my decorations bc I'm still weeding out mags from a big container, trying not to keep too many recipes. Lol. I already did that with my dvds making them easier to find. Also paperwork was shredded. Why do we keep all this stuff? The hardest thing will be going thru my cookbooks! I think I'll put some of those in a container as well, til I'm ready to tackle them. I have to wait til I'm in the right mood to do it. Hahaha!

    Yay to ur book coming right along! B4 u know it, it will be here and just in time for the holidays! Just imagine when ur getting ur shopping done and u walk by the books and there's yours sitting proudly on the shelf! What a great day that will be and all will be worth it accomplishing one of your dreams into reality!
    I'm so proud of you!
    Hoping ur getting a good nights sleep!
    Love and big hugs!

  8. I am so sorry everyone that I was not able to get on to respond yesterday. I find sitting at the computer makes it worse. Love and hugs to you all.

    Lice make me queasy as well Monique. I could hardly sleep for knowing the fleas were on her on Sunday evening. Thankfully they seem to be gone now! whew! Waiting today for what I hope is the last draft of the book! xoxo

    Thanks Pam, I have not tried ice yet. I do use heat though. I will have to make some ice cubes! xoxo

    I know Kate, the squeaky wheel gets the grease they say! I need to squeak louder! Congrats on the impending wedding. Great impetus and central Park, wow! xoxo

    I seem to see a different Doctor every time Sybil. It is a three week wait to see a particular Doctor in our surgery. Frontline is THE best! xoxo

    Thanks Jan! I did get a pretty good night's sleep last night, I was exhausted! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!