
Tuesday 5 September 2017

The Simple Woman's Daybook . . .

FOR TODAY, September 5, 2017

Outside my window ...
Its raining and overcast and miserable. And cold.  Summer is definitely over.

I am thinking ...
So pleased for Prince William and his wife expecting baby number 3.  I hope she doesn't suffer from morning sickness for too long.  Its such a horrible thing. When I was pregnant for my oldest son, I couldn't even keep water down. It was awful.

In the kitchen ...
One of my favourite things!  Harvard Beets!  Love, LOVE these!

On my "To Cook" list ...

From Recipe Runner.  Egg, Green Chile and Cheese Breakfast Tacos!  These look fabulous!

Good to know ...

You never know when you will need to know how to do this! 

I am creating ...

Shadow Box Christmas Ornament. How adorable is this.  Split Coast Stampers. Pure inspiration. 

Crochet oversized farmhouse wash cloths.  Mama in a Stitch.  Free pattern. Great blog!

Goods Home Design. How to make a succulent Turtle.  I love succulents.  

How to paint facial features. From Hazel Soan on Painters Online

House Heart Ornament.  Complete tutorial using old cards, found on Michele Made Me.  Another great blog!   Love these.

I am reading ...

Before The Storm, by Diane Chamberlain
Fifteen-year-old Andy Lockwood is special. Others notice the way he blurts out anything that comes into his mind, how he cannot foresee consequences, that he's more child than teenager. But his mother sees a boy with a heart as open and wide as the ocean.

Laurel Lockwood lost her son once through neglect. She's spent the rest of her life determined to make up for her mistakes, and she's succeeded in becoming a committed, protective parent—maybe even overprotective. Still, she loosens her grip just enough to let Andy attend a local church social—a decision that terrifies her when the church is consumed by fire. But Andy survives…and remarkably, saves other children from the flames. Laurel watches as Andy basks in the role of unlikely hero and the world finally sees her Andy, the sweet boy she knows as well as her own heart.

But when the suspicion of arson is cast upon Andy, Laurel must ask herself how well she really knows her son…and how far she'll go to keep her promise to protect him forever.

I have loved every Diane Chamberlain book I have read, and so far I am loving this one too. I am halfway through it now.

I am looking forward to ...
We are visiting some friends on Wednesday evening for a short.  We worked with them when we were on our mission and we just love this family. They are the family we drive to church each Sunday. We have always enjoyed spending time with them. They're just really special people and we love being with them. Also going to call my mum tomorrow afternoon and I am looking forward to that as well!

Dreaming about...

Would still love to have our own chickens  . . . 


A Shepherd's Hut to call my own  . . .

Just wow  . . . 


Corner Sofa . . . 

Wall stickers  . . . 


Yes please  . . . 

Something to watch ...

The 25th Anniversary Les Miserables Concert from the O2.  We have it on DVD and have watched it several times.  Its amazing.  We love it.

A quote for the day ...
  `*.¸.*´Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ¸. •´¸.•~♥♥♥~•. ~ ღϠ₡ღ¸. ✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ.
              ( ¸. ❀⁀ ⋱‿✿“` * .¸.* ✻ღϠ₡ ღ¸.✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ..
Everyone wants happiness,
    Noone wants pain,
      But you cannot have a rainbow,
           Without a little rain. •~♥♥♥~•. ~ ღϠ₡ღ¸. ✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ.  

Makes me smile ...

Everything she writes, says, paints  . . . She is a kindred spirit.  Susan Branch.

Corners of my kingdom ...  


Our butterfly  bush was literally covered with these the other day.  I watched them for quite a while and took a bazillion photos  . . . I love butterflies.

And that's my daybook for this week!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆
  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆

✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..✿¸.
░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░

Wherever you go and whatever you do, I hope there's a great day ahead of you! Don't forget!

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And I do too!!  


  1. Just makes me so happy to read this. Joy. I so love chickens. My parents have a neighbor who has these and when I visit it is so sweet to watch them as we enjoy a morning cup of coffee. I wish were I lived we could have some. I knit and love to make washcloths. Your washcloths from previous post were lovely.... and growing in quantity. Nothing like a good rain and a ball of yarn to settle into the sofa and create...... with a sweet pup ( or two). We have 3 pups and they settle right in for a knit and a movie.

  2. Hi, Marie! Isn't the Royal news wonderful--another adorable baby!! :) Harvard Beets--one of my faves too! I'd skip cake and candy, just give me Harvard Beets... LOL! Have not tried a breakfast taco yet, but so many good recipes out there--looks like a tasty way to start the day. CPR is something I've wanted to learn for years, but just haven't... Must do! We could save someones' life! Those Christmas Shadow Boxes are so sweet--what a nice idea. So is that house ornament made from cards. Oh, and that turtle with succulents is beautiful--a mini succulent garden! I've always like shepherd's huts and gypsy caravans... And that kitchen--THAT is the DREAM KITCHEN if ever there was one--WOW! That space must be as big our whole first floor... LOL! Imagine having all that space?! Happy week, my friend ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))


  3. Summer pointed it's nose..period..
    it's not been stellar here..

    I love SB too..I think the world does..I am always amazed when I mention her name and some..many ..don't know her..MANY MORE
    I'll never forget her showing us her journals at Titcombs'.

    Cute projects find so many neat things!
    Bonne journée!

  4. I do love butterflies. What a wonderful sight you got to enjoy there. This time of year we don't see many. Soon they'll migrate south. The end of summer and the beginning of fall is all about change and we are seeing more and more each day. As we had a holiday weekend here, it seems like Monday to me, but your post reminded me is is Tuesday !

  5. Ahi Marie, we have had an end of summer day here as well. We started very wet, then we had showers but now things have cleared and there was a slight shine from the sun a wee while ago....I have never heard of Harvard Beats ? Can we buy them here ? Don't think I have seen them...we havnt seen nearly as many butterflies as usual even although both Mary and I have Budlia bushes we expected to see so many....ah well next year....I love your Christmas Shadow boxes you are so very clever ....I'm afraid I'm very lax at doing anything these days. By this time Pam and I would have had a lot of things made for our Christmas sale at church...but I just don't seem to have the heart this year.....I'm away now. Night night. God Bless xx

  6. I'm with you Cathy! Knitting and puppies and snuggle times are the best! Xoxo

    I can't imagine having all that space Tracy! Obviously not a European home! Love and hugs! Xoxo

    Bonnie Journee Monique! I really want to make one of the little heart house ornaments! Xoxo

    You are so right Pam! Change is in the air! Xoxo

    (((Hugs)))) Sybil, hoping you finf your mojo. The rain turned to sunshine for me also! Xoxo

  7. Oh Marie! I love that shadow box!
    That would fit in nicely with my Christmas tree in the kitchen. I have ornaments with gingerbread people, candy canes, and gum drop garland. So much fun to decorate for the holidays! I just don't like the cold and snow anymore! Yuck!

    I also love the quote for the day.

    I bookmarked the CPR info.
    It reminded me when I was choking on a taco and my oldest grand had to do the hemlick maneuver on me 3 times! She was 11 or 12 yrs old and I was babysitting only her in my daughter's apt. Now I won't eat tacos bc of the fear!

    One month b4 they moved, I gave all 5 grands a hard strawberry candy, and my Lex got it caught in her windpipe. I gave her all kinds of things to drink and it wouldn't dissolve, but made her threw up alittle. I made the boys go and watch TV so I could concentrate on her. The twins just sat there real quiet and scared. I kept making her talk while trying different things. She stopped talking all of a sudden and I told her to put her head up and arms up as I was quickly going in back of her. I held up her arms and she was shaking so hard. Little did I know she was turning purple the girls said after. She was so drained that she wanted to go lie down and I didn't want her to. I prayed so hard to God, and he listened bc she came running into the kitchen and threw up missing the wastebasket apologizing. She threw up 1 more time and laid back down on the couch. I slept that night on the sectional, right by her.All through the night I kept checking to make sure she was breathing, trying not to wake her.
    Next day I went home and threw 2 bags of that candy away. She has bought that candy since then, but I won't.
    Just writing this story made me cry reliving it again! So hard! We have always been close and it made us even closer to each other. She's 16 now, but always keeps in touch even though she has many friends.

    I haven't seen that many butterflies in quite some time, but they are pretty.
    My daughter is petrified of caterpillars still! When she was young a neighbor boy over her Grammy's threw a cup of them at her and she never forgot it!

    Wow I'm long winded tonight! I sure hope this comment doesn't disappear like the other one did.
    Last time I wrote a long comment it disappeared also.

    Love and Big Hugs!

  8. Jan, your Christmas tree in the kitchen sounds adorable! That must have been so frightening about your granddaughter. I cannot imagine. I remember a hard round peppermint ball getting caught in my windpipe when I was a child and we had a babysitter over. She hung me upside down and banged on my back and it came out! Whew! Round candies are evil! Especially around children. So are grapes and hotdogs. Hotdogs are just like sponges! I am glad that you and your granddaughter are close however! Love, hugs and blessings to you. xoxo


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