
Wednesday 2 August 2017

Wednesday this and that . . .


The wheat is like a sun-flecked sea
beneath the summer sky.
Little ripples break the surface
as the wind goes by . . .
Here and there the scarlet poppies
with their petals wide
dip and rise like red sailed boats
upon the restless tide  . . . 

As the month of July slips off the calendar the farmer looks at his ripening corn and weighs out his chances of a good harvest.  August is the make or break month for him . . . the school holidays here in the UK have begun and crowds of holidaymakers  are flocking to the seasides, to make the most of any sunny day we might be graced with . . . the seaside air rings with the sound of happy folk and the laughter of children paddling at the water's edge . . . 

The verges of meadow and wood are embroidered with the lovely  rosebay willowherb . . .  a common sight on railway banks and disturbed woodland . . . self seeding it spreads like wildfire in a small garden, but out in the wild I find it quite beautiful . . .

Hedgerow is festooned as if with garlands . . . traveller's joy or old man's beard as it is also known . . . clematis vitalba.  This woody member of the buttercup family gallops through the hedgerows, which of a sunny day have suddenly become conspicuously silent, all the joys and noise of courting, nesting and fledgling having passed  . . . while in the shaw meadow-rue and purple loosestrife dance silently about in a riot of colour  . . . 


The first of the crysanthemums keep company in the garden as the delphiniums do their swansong . . . in crowded borders where the lemon and cherry coloured spikes of the gladioli are thrusting up between tangled masses of gaillardias, coreopsis, clarkia, marigold and  . . .  gypsophila, the baby's breath  . . .  

In the rosebed things begin to look a bit weary with Madame Butterfly, Lady Forteviot and the Doctor taking a bit of the rest, along with  Caroline Testout and Ophelia . . .  it is the Poulson polyanthas that are holding centre stage at the moment with their golden truses of pink and crimson blooms . . . 

With each day that passes now, we move nearer
to the summer's end, but there is no time for regret, for there
is still plenty to enjoy and
look forward to

My friend Tina stopped by for a visit yesterday afternoon.  She had dropped her grandson off at the skate park and had an hour or two to while away.  I love it when she comes to visit, and so does Mitzie . . . 


I think she has adopted Tina as her mom away from mom.  She gets so very excited when Tina comes.  She is almost beside herself, which is funny really because as Tina will tell you, she is not really much of a dog person, but she does like Mitzie. Funny that.  Now that Mitzie is getting older, there is brown showing up in her muzzle.  All of her brothers were brown cockers and her father as well . . . its funny how that goes. 

It seems that chipmunk my sister feeds daily is becoming quite tame.  She posted this photograph on Facebook of him enjoying a tickle behind the ear.  My sister has always loved wild creatures.  When we were girls she was always picking up strays . . .  baby birds or field mice.  My mother was not happy about the latter . . . 


Their nuthatches have also fledged . . .  we used to get a lot of nuthatches at our feeders down south, but then again we were surrounded by orchards.  Here we get  . . .  mostly sparrows, but I still like to watch them. 

 Prayers have been answered. Dan, my sister's partner was able to find the well, so now maybe they can get some water going.  They have been without water since last Friday.  Hoping that the problem can be quickly sorted now.  I spoke to mom yesterday afternoon, she seemed fairly upbeat about it all, or maybe I was just distracting her from the worry of it.  In any case, I am sure she is relieved now that the well has been found.  It will be interesting to see what the problem actually is.  Nothing too serious I hope!  Keep praying! 

And with that I will leave you with a thought for today  . . . 

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 *.˛.° ˛°. .Life has a way of testing our anchors and tempting us to drift. Nevertheless, if our anchors are correctly placed in the rock of our redeemer, they will hold ... no matter the force of the wind,  the strength of the tide, or the height of the waves. 
~Dieter F Uchtdorf •。★★ 。* 


In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Cake Pan Salad.   Healthy, low fat, and diabetic friendly.  This is delicious.

Have a great Wednesday.  Don't forget along the way!

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And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie. I am so glad the well has been found. Being without water in summer is a dreadful thing. Tonight we have been talking about bees. They are enjoying my lavender and basil. In fact mum had to pick some basil for me tonight as there were so many bees in those plants.

    August in England sounds delightful. Children and the sea are a delightful combination. Laughter, sun and water are an irresistible combination.

    Today has been slow. God bless your day.

  2. Hi Marie, wow, August already!!! Hoping for more sunny days!

    So pleased youre sister will get her water sorted soon. Its incredible how we just take things like that for granted these days. We're so lucky really!

    I had to go to the hospital yesterday to see the doctor about the bursa on my bunion. I will have to have it operated on and straightened out. She asked if I had any holidays booked as you have to be off your feet for a couple of months. I told her we are going to the Outer and Inner Hebrides at the end of September/October so she said she will do it when I come back. Now I knew my daughter was doing something special for my birthday (its my 60th next month) but didnt know what. Anyway when I told her last night she said Oh I'll have to tell you what your surprise is... .and its 5 days in Vienna at the end of November for the Christmas Markets, just the two of us! She's as mad about Christmas as I am!! She booked it over 12 months ago. I'm so pleased about it but in such a dilemma. Should I postpone my op in case its not healed enough but then if I do that will I be able to walk round for 5 days if my foot is so painful with the bursa? I really dont want to let her down, it was so thoughtful of her.

    We're off to Leeds today to see Celine Dion. It should have been in Manchester last month but the Arena is still closed after the bombing. I think it will be quite emotional.

    Have a lovely day, lot's of love xxx

  3. Hooray for slow days Suzan. You get so few of them! Lavender and Basil, what a heady combination. Now I am wondering what Lavender and Basil Honey would taste like! That's me! Love and hugs, xoxo

    I know Kate. We never think of not having the things we so take for granted! What a dilema, but a good one because you have so much to look forward to! I think I would wait until after the Vienna trip, and then let everyone else do Christmas for me! Enjoy Celine! She is amazing! Wish I could be sitting on your shoulder! Sure to be emotional! Safe travels and have a great time! xoxo

  4. You write so well!!
    And great news re the well:) Fingers crossed..

    what a trooper your mama is:) Have a great to see your salad!

  5. Thanks Monique, you are too kind! I really hope that they can get the water situation sorted soon! It's no fun being without water! Love and hugs! Xoxo

  6. Evening Marie, real late getting in tonight it has been a very busy day..not that I have been out but Henry Pams husband came over this morning for what is now a monthly visit. I phoned him to say did he still want to come as it was pouring with rain ( it has rained all day, and it's still raining ) but he was quite sure he wanted to come, bless him at least he has a day out. He repeats the same thing again and again but we don't mind....well I don't but Mary is not so keen !! Mid way in his visit Lyn came over to help me try to clear out the back bedroom wardrope. It wasn't much clothes but all the things that get thrown in up on top perhaps or on the floor...I left Mary with him ! And Lyn and I did a great clear out, she took loads of things away for the charity shop and other things went into the bin....I even decided to bite the bolt.....or whatever the saying is !!...and throw away Mums handbags that was my last tie with Mum the smell when I opened her handbags, but I realise they mean nothing to anyone else so deep breath ...and out they went, I had loads of pictures in frames a few that I was reluctant to throw ...but out they went, so now I have a completely clear wardrope floor and in the overhead places. I did keep the series of the Waltons and Little house on the prairie Mary bought them a long time ago but I have forgotten how to use the machine but one day I will have another try.....Henry had not been gone long, just time to make Mary and I a sandwich for lunch, when Val arrived for her usual now daily no time at all it was time to make dinner....and so the day has it's almost bed time...night night I meant to say how much I had enjoyed reading all about the names of the flowers on the blog today...God Bless. Xxx


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