
Tuesday 1 August 2017

Simple Woman's Daybook . . .


FOR TODAY, August 1, 2017

Outside my window ...
Its raining, its pouring  . . . its cold. I was laying in bed last night looking at the moon through the curtains shining in on us, but today is a rainy day. Perhaps it will blow over.

I am thinking ...
I have been thinking about the problems they are having at my moms at the moment.  They haven't had water all weekend and up until yesterday and probably still no water.  Praying they can get the problem sorted soon.  They are on well water.  Please keep them in your prayers and happy thoughts for a not too exensive solution. Thanks!

In the kitchen ...

Ta da!  Yes, I baked a perfect loaf of bread. There was no machine involved for any part of it.  I was really pleased with how it turned out and so was Todd.  And its very good.  We had bread and butter for supper last night and enjoyed every bite.  Favourite White Bread. I am very proud of this loaf.

On my "To Cook" list ...

Carrot Cake Roll from Crazy for Crust. Inspired by Monique's beautiful cake.Todd loves carrot cake, so I will just have to bake this for him.

Good to know ...

How to make stuff smell better.  Smart School House.  

I am creating ...

Suzys Artsy CraftsyThese are lovely!  

Just Imagine.  Sweet.  

Amanda Saladin, a one skein scarf.  Very pretty.  

Messy Bun Hat.   A downloadable pattern on Etsy. Not free but not expensive either.  

Crafty Morning.  Framed flower decor, made from painted pinecones. 

I am reading ...


The Ocean at The End of the Lane, by Neil Gaiman
Sussex, England. A middle-aged man returns to his childhood home to attend a funeral. Although the house he lived in is long gone, he is drawn to the farm at the end of the road, where, when he was seven, he encountered a most remarkable girl, Lettie Hempstock, and her mother and grandmother. He hasn't thought of Lettie in decades, and yet as he sits by the pond (a pond that she'd claimed was an ocean) behind the ramshackle old farmhouse, the unremembered past comes flooding back. And it is a past too strange, too frightening, too dangerous to have happened to anyone, let alone a small boy.

Forty years earlier, a man committed suicide in a stolen car at this farm at the end of the road. Like a fuse on a firework, his death lit a touchpaper and resonated in unimaginable ways. The darkness was unleashed, something scary and thoroughly incomprehensible to a little boy. And Lettie—magical, comforting, wise beyond her years—promised to protect him, no matter what.

 A groundbreaking work from a master, The Ocean at the End of the Lane is told with a rare understanding of all that makes us human, and shows the power of stories to reveal and shelter us from the darkness inside and out. It is a stirring, terrifying, and elegiac fable as delicate as a butterfly's wing and as menacing as a knife in the dark.

Its too early to shape an opinion.

I am looking foward to ...
Wanting to get started on some Christmas things    . . .

Dreaming about ...

Window seat libraries  . . . 


 A chair to curl up in  . . . 


Wood floors . . .  wild flowers . . .  a sofa to sink down into  . . . 


A country style bedroom . . . . 


White and sage green  . . .  warm pine countertops  . . .  light, light, light  . . . 

Something to watch ...


Mona Lisa Smile  . . .  hadn't watched it for a while.  Watched it again last night.  Thoroughly enjoyed, again.

A quote for the day ...
  `*.¸.*´Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ¸. •´¸.•~♥♥♥~•. ~ ღϠ₡ღ¸. ✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ.
              ( ¸. ❀⁀ ⋱‿✿“` * .¸.* ✻ღϠ₡ ღ¸.✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ..
Not all who wander are aimless.
   Especially not those who seek truth,
       beyond tradition, beyond definition,
          beyond the image.
                     ~Mona Lisa Smile 
( ¸. ❀⁀ ⋱‿✿“` * .¸.* ✻ღϠ₡ ღ¸.✻´´¯`✻.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ.. 

Makes me smile ...


A card from a dear friend . . .  bad me.  I opened it early. I could not resist  . . .  thank you Ruthanne, it made my day!

One of my favourite things  ...

Dolls . . .  I always wanted a Tammy Doll  . . . 

Corners of my Kingdom ...

Chirk Castle in Wales, taken on a visit a few years back.  Beautiful.

And that's my daybook for this week!

  ⋱ ⋮ ⋰
⋯ ◯ ⋯ Take time to enjoy the small *´¯`.¸¸.☆
  ⋰ ⋮ ⋱ blessings in life.*´¯`.¸¸.☆

✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..
░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░░░░░░░

Wherever you go and whatever you do, I hope there's a great day ahead of you! Don't forget!

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And I do too!!  


  1. Good Morning Marie.

    I hope that you have a wonderful day. My afternoon was spent in the doctors' surgery. I then raced to the quilt shop to see the new Tilda fabrics released today. Yummy stuff.

    The loaf of bread looks delicious. Well done you. Enjoy the book and have fun....

    God bless.

  2. Oh, I love LOVE Tilda fabrics Suzan! How wonderful that you got to check it out! God bless! xoxo

  3. I wanted Tammy too..for some reason I remember seeing it in person and smelling it..but was it mine?

    Hoping for the water..not easy :(:(:( At all!!

    Great bread..what fun to succeed..cute crochet..

    I started my ornaments and they suck.:(
    There I said that frame of mind..really they are choice

    Lovely card! OMG is it your bday soon? I am bad for things like that..has to be family or someone who has the same day..or a specific day:(Like a holiday..or Nancy who is the same as M..or Jo my childhood bad..

    If it is happy birthday already!!

  4. Lots of lovely things in your post today. That bread looks wonderful ! I do like warm bread from the oven with lots of butter! It's a warm and sunny day here and I'm about to get out and do some yard work. Hope your Tuesday is a terrific one !

  5. Hi Marie. I had a Tammy doll when I was a young girl. (I think we're close in age.) And a few years ago when God blessed me with a little extra, I went online and bought a "new" Tammy, some of the clothing line and the bedroom furniture I had for her. Along with the clothing, a few extra dolls came to me. So, I would like to gift you with one of these Tammy dolls. Send me an email with your address. And although I may not get the doll out to you in the next couple of weeks, I think I can get one to you in a couple of months. Just passing along a blessing! <3

  6. I still have a few weeks before my Birthday Monique, its not unti the 13th! lol You are right about that! So sorry about your ornaments. I love and cherish the ones you have sent me. I am sure your family will love them anyways, because they came from you. xoxo

    Thnks Pam! Warm bread is so lovely with lots of cold butter melting into it for sure! xoxo

    Oh Sandy, you are so kind. I will e-mail you, but only if we can do a trade of addresses! I am sure I could come up with something! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!