
Wednesday 23 August 2017

Wednesday prattling . . .


We sit here now at a time I like to think of as the crowning of the year . . . the nights are now beginning to draw in . . . the days getting that little bit shorter with each day that passes . . . soon now we will notice that the leaves at the tops of the trees are beginning to change colour . . . it will only be slight at first . . . a change as soft as a whisper, so soft that you will ask yourself . . . can it be???

 And then . . . your heart will say . . . yes . . . summer is on the wane.

This is the time of year that our gardens 
are still pretty, but,  beginning
to fade a bit
 . . . 

Lush and green and bursting with colour from all sides. The roses all a-bloom . . . their tender petals unfurled and sweet with scent . . . soon to drop and be replaced by rose-hips, bright and gay with ripe colour . . . rose-hip jam? I have always wanted to make some . . . but never have. Could this be the year . . . one never knows. It all depends on what whimsey befalls me . . .

The wheat and corn grow in the field . . . looking like sun-flecked seas beneath cloudless summer skies . . . little ripples breaking upon the surface with even the slightest breeze . . . while scarlet wild poppies, petals wide . . . dip and rise upon the restless tide . . . of summer's end . . .


Evening sunlight rests upon the river . . . it never looks the same at any other time of year. Dragonflies flit about the reeds in an aerial dance, whilst in nearby peaceful pastures herds graze by quiet watermeads . . . and in and out between the islets, a swam in quiet dance, with queenly grace moves to nest amongst the rushes, where willows . . . interlace . . .

Where once the branch seemed as if t'was dead . . . heavy now with apples ripening, green fruit flushed red and golden where the thrushes sing. Once laid with frost, then scattered and tossed with a miraculous shower of rosy-tinted bud . . . a heavy bough awaits . . . the harvest time . . . twill soon be upon us . . .


If t'were always summertime . . . weary we should grow of changeless weather . . . the unflading glow of sunshine, the endless bloom of roses fair. The flowers which bloom down garden ways, would lack the power they have to call forth from our hearts . . . words of joy . . . and praise.

Tis the expectation of summer sunshine and flowers, that make them all the sweeter . . . that delight us with it's golden hours.

The winter wait . . . the hope in spring . . . serve to make these golden days twice as sweet, for hidden in the recesses of our hearts . . . the knowledge lays that . . . time is on the wing . . .

"Thou crownest the year with thy goodness . . . and the little hills rejoice on every side. The folds shall be full of sheep; the valleys also shall stand so thick with corn that they shall laugh and sing." ~Psalm 65:11-13 

'Tis a very gloomy day out there this morning  . . . very gray and overcast with skies that look about to let go in a deluge any minute!  There was no watching of the Eclipse here in the UK the other day, it was very overcast anyways and I don't think we were experiencing a full one here, so television was the best way for us to enjoy it anyways.  I can remember there being a full one in Nova Scotia when I was a child and my mother giving us old picture negatives to look at it through.  I believe that was the same Eclipse that Carly Simon wrote of in her song "You're so Vain."

My Birthday present arrived yesterday and I am really pleased with it. Its very delicate and a beautiful reminder to me of the Saviour every second of every day.  I love it!  Next time I will get a crown to put on the other hand to remind myself I'm a Princess! ☺

And with that I will leave you with a thought for the day . . . 

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He loved us not because we are loveable,
but because He is love.
~C. S. Lewis   •。★★ 。* 。

Spiritual Enlightenment


On The English Kitchen today  . . .  Street Style Beef Tacos, with homemade Avocado Cream and Homemade Flour Tortillas.  Very good.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!  Don't forget along the way of your day . . . 

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And I do too! 


  1. Hi Marie. Although I absolutely love Autumn I prefer it to arrive after a half decent summer! Do you remember back in May when we had two scorching weeks and everyone was saying its going to be a heatwave till September!! Hahahaha, I dont know what happened to that!! Although we did have a lovely day yesterday, we had a picnic lunch and just went down to the beach for the afternoon. We walked for about a mile and found a quiet spot, had lunch, read for a bit and dozed for a bit. Heaven! It wasnt particularly sunny but it was lovely and warm. Even the breeze was warm.

    Your ring is beautiful! Good choice! Hope you are still keeping well. Enjoy your day. Lots of love xxx

  2. I love Autumn also Kate, but like you, I would have liked to have had a really decent summer! We joked back in May when we had those few days that they would be our summer, but never thought that would be the case! lol How lovely you had a nice picnic. It's a bit muggy out there today, but no sunshine! Love and hugs. xoxo

  3. I do not feel we have had a summer..last yr's was bliss..this one a bust..fallish..yesterday high winds heavy tropical winds and power outages..had a cake in the oen and ours kept flickering..went off ever so briefly..but had to turn on the oven again.
    Your ring is lovely:) Exactly as you showed:)

    Have a beautiful day.

  4. Your pictures today are just beautiful and show all the beauty summer brings us. I have notice the fading colors. Things are not quite as brilliant as they were a few short weeks ago. Late summer days have some sadness to them it seems. Every one seems to welcome the relief from the heat when fall comes, but for me I hate to see them go.

  5. I think summer has been a bust all over Monique! Even back home, mom says it hasn't been the same this year! Why is summer always so reluctant to visit us and in such a hurry to leave??? Love and hugs and a beautiful day to you as well! xoxo

  6. Thanks Pam! Like you I feel a bit of sadness along with the fading days of summer. I hate to see them go . . . God bless! xoxo

  7. It was so humid and muggy yesterday that my cool whip melted in the container! I was making a pb pie and open it to find just liquid. So I had to put everything in refrig til today.
    I made brownies and they didn't come out right either! So I didn't dare make my cake yet! Hahaha! Great Big Hugs!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hello Marie,

    Summer seems to have started before winter is officially over here. We are back to hot days and muggy nights. I think spring will be sidestepped completely.

    Anyhow I am having a set of woes. My computer should be working but it won't and is now in a shop. Last night the television started playing up and of course it is the newest one. The solar converter is not working so we are not gaining any electricity from the solar system. But the health woes are a worry. Dad fell badly on Monday night. I stayed with him all night and mum seems to think 2 hours sleep makes up for a lost night. Yesterday I made sure to see the doctor on his weekly ward round. Pip is back to vomiting and I had to take her to hospital last night. The baby wasn't coping well wither and for a short while I thought she might have been delivered last night. Pip is desperate for this baby to be born. On the positive side Brendan has started chemo and is doing well.

    Better get off Pip's computer. God bless.

    1. Suze,Sending prayers ur way, hoping that your family and everything else gets better!

    2. Suze,Sending prayers ur way, hoping that your family and everything else gets better!

  10. Oh sweet Marie, your descriptive words are like music to my ears. You have such a way with words. I think you do need to write a book. Your pictures and thoughts on the ending of summer and fall were so lovely. There is a ceratin sweetness about each changing season that brings different emotional feelings into my heart. We are starting to cool down a bit and it has been so leasant to spend some moments outside.
    Loved this one and love you; sending hugs!

  11. So sorry about your coolwhip Jan! That is pretty hot! I have no real experience of coolwhip! Hope today is cooler for you! oxox

    I was thinking about you all day yesterday for some reason Suzan and I was prompted to say a prayer for you. Now I know why. I love it when that happens. Never ignore a prompting! I will continue to pray for your dad, your Pip, your mom and for you! Brendon is prayed for regularly anyways. Love and hugs! xoxo

    Thanks LeAnn! There is a certain cadence to the seasons for sure and a special tenderness that comes with the changing of them . . . we mourn the one which is passing, and yet rejoice in the one arriving. Oh, I feel like Anne Shirley when she said, I just love that I live in a world with Octobers! haha. Love and hugs, xoxo


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