
Thursday 24 August 2017

My Favourite Things . . .


These are some of my favourite things, maybe they are some of yours as well! 

Not a great photograph.  I snapped it with my camera. Plums!!  I adore plums.  We didn't think we had any this year, but we took a walk down to the back of the garden last evening and lo and behold, we have what is for our tree a bumper crop!  They were all around the bottom of the tree for some reason.  Anyways, hooray for plums and for bumper (for us) crops!  What will I make!  My mind is all ablush with ideas!

I love this ring, so, so, SO much!  Its so dainty and pretty and every time I look at it I think of the Saviour.  I think of the Saviour all the time anyways, but this makes me "Focus" on Him and what He did for me every time I look at it.  (My wedding ring finger is bare because I need my rings re-sizing and we don't have the £150 it is going to cost to have it done at the moment.)  I am reminded of that poem I carry a cross in my pocket  . . . 

I carry a cross in my pocket,
A simple reminder to me
That I am a Christian,
No matter where I may be.

This little cross isn’t magic,
Nor is it a good luck charm.
It isn’t meant to protect me
From every physical harm.

It’s not for identification
For all the world to see.
It’s simply an understanding
Between my Savior and me.

When I put my hand in my pocket
To bring out a coin or a key,
The cross is there to remind me
Of the price He paid for me.

It reminds me too, to be thankful
For my blessings every day,
And to strive to serve Him better
In all that I do or say.

It’s also a daily reminder
Of the peace and comfort I share
With all who know my Master
And give themselves to His care.

So, I carry a cross in my pocket
Reminding none but me
That Jesus Christ is Lord of my life,
If only I’ll let Him be.
~Vera Mae Thomas

Which leads me to another favourite thing . . .  poetry.  I adore poetry.   I have my favourites.  I have always loved reading poetry.  I think that even more so than books, they are a glimpse into the human heart and mind . . . I love writing poetry as well.  Some of it serious and some of it not . . . I'd show you some but I am afraid someone would steal it and make millions on it.  lol

Garden gifts  . . .  a friend stopped by the other day with a lovely bag of fresh beetroot and potatoes plucked from their garden.  Oh boy . . .  does anything tasted better than fresh picked veg?  I think not! 
Oh yes, I'm going to say it again, I love The Gilmore Girls.  We are now watching it from the beginning again for the third time.  Totally love it. Never get bored of it. Never.  That and The Big Bang Theory.  Colour us obsessed.  Did you know that the GG's has a facebook page?  I didn't until this morning.  I hope, hope, HOPE they do another series of a year in the life of the GG because I want more!  Yes, I am greedy like that. 
Bubblegum, or at least its flavour.  I don't necessarily like chewing it.  But I do love the way it tastes.  That's probably why I have always enjoyed bubblegum ice cream, which is a flavour they don't have over here  . . .  sigh  . . .  Hubba Bubba was always my favourite.  I am not sure, but I don't think they have bubble gum over here, not that I have ever seen anyways.  I could be wrong! 
There are several of my favourite things here . . .  my gorgeous granddaughter Maryn and a rainbow.  Looks like she is surfing on a rainbow.  I love this photo so much.  Those pony tails, the enthusiasm. It delights me. 
I saw this and two words came into my mind  . . .  "SAY CHEESE!"  Little Cam, just one of my favourite grandsons.  I have 6 favourite grandsons as you know.  I have yet to meet him in person, but one day  . . . 
I just love to crochet.  I had not picked up a hook in many years until I did my flower blanket a few years ago and I had forgotten how much I enjoyed the mindlessness of crochet.  Unlike knitting, I can just sit there and do it while I am watching the television, without counting (for the most part).  I love stringing colour combinations together.  Its just very soothing  . . . 

Winding yarn into balls.  I could sit and do that for hours also.  It is a mindless thing as well, and yet very satisfying. I love looking at all the coloured balls when I am done.  I need to keep them in a large flat bowl so I can look at them more often.   
Having lunch with friends.  I am going out to lunch today with my good friend Carolyn.  We have not seen each other to really sit down and have a good chin wag in a while. We've seen each other but only in passing.  I love Carolyn.  We served in Relief Society together. She was the RS president and I was one of her counselors for several years, plus we were also Visiting Teaching partners for  couple of years.  We get along so well and have so much in common.  I can't wait to catch up with all her news.  She has just finished two weeks with the British Pageant.  She loves acting and writing.  I love acting and writing.  We both have daughters with learning disabilities.  We both love cooking. The list goes on and on . . . I love lunching with friends. 
The music of Abba.  I love it.  I could listen to it for hours.  It always makes me smile and want to dance!

Todd and Mitzie  . . .  Mitzie and Todd.  That is one of my favourite combinations of things . . .  either way.  Love them both to bits.  Wouldn't want to be without either one.  Daren't think of the possibility. 
They both fill my life with endless joys.
I have always loved making these dolls.  I have not made one in a while.  I think I should make some more soon.  Any doll. I haven't made a Raggedy or any kind of doll in a while.  I always enjoyed it.  I need to do it again soon . . . 

I guess I just love creating something new with 
my hands, be it a cake,
a loaf, or even,
a doll

And that best be it for today as the time is marching on and I have a lot yet to do this morning.  I will leave you with another one of my favourite things  . . .  a thought to carry with you.

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 *.˛.° The simple and shortest ethical precept is  . . . 
to be served as little as possible,
and to serve others as much as possible.
~Leo Tolstoy   •。★★ 。* 。*。*˚ 
One of my favourite Mormon Messages, entitled Lift

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes.  Sized just for two and ready and on the table in about half an hour, I kid you now.  Delicious!

Have a wonderful Thursday! Hope its filled with some of your favourite things!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!



  1. Hi Marie. Your favourite things are lovely! Your grandchildren are adorable!!

    I haven't seen the Gilmour Girls, is it on Netflix? Mind you if you say yes then it just goes on the list of about a hundred things I want to watch on there! I'm saving them for cold, wet, dark, miserable winter days, so hopefully I won't be watching them any time soon!

    Yeah you can definitely get Bubble Gum flavour ice cream over here. Although it's blue, why is that? Bubble Gum was always pink.

    Enjoy your lunch and a good catch up. Lots of love xxx

    Suze, thinking of you and hoping you've had a much better day today. Xxx

  2. Oh, I haven't seen the bubblegum ice cream Kate! I will have to look again. GIlmore Girls is on Netflix and there are seven regular series and then a series of four specials that follow the seasons of the year. You need to watch it. You will be hooked! I think my grandchildren are very special, all seven of them, but then again, I'm supposed to! haha Love and hugs. xoxo

  3. Enjoy your lunch Marie and God bless everyone. I am so very tired and will be off to bed soon.

  4. Happy sweet post! The children..your loves.. everything..have a beautiful day..I've not made one of the dolls in a while and I too LOVE crochet now w/ thanks to you one of my mentors!!

  5. I had a great time Suzan. It was just so nice to be out of the house and with a friend! Have been praying for you, your dad and Pip! Love you! Hope you get a good night's sleep! xoxo

    Thanks Monique! It's been a beautiful day. I am glad you are turned onto crochet now. The world is your oyster! Who knows what you will make next. Your blanket is going to be gorgeous! xoxo

  6. I always love Thursday as when I read your's like reading most of mine, or reminding me to do something again ! Funny you speaking about bubble gum ice cream ( something we differ on, I don't like it, never have) I had a gift token for not one but two Ltr. Tubs of ice cream !! I have always loved what I say is the best ice cream in England. Marshfields Ice Cream. It is made on a farm only five miles up the hill from us in the village of Marshfield....two weeks ago when we were ar the National trust gardens at Holt we just had to have a wee tub, I was so disappointed as there was a lot of ice crystals in it....I wrote to Marshfield to tell them about it and how dissapointing it had been, they replied saying that the ice cream had left them in perfect condition but whoever supplied the gardens or they themselves had not kept it cold enough then refreezed it...hence the crystals then today came this voucher ! There are apparently 27 varieties ! Including...bubble gum LOL....Mary and I have changed our minds a dozen times deciding which variety we will have!! I write this a message has appeared telling me you have added a letter to our game, so I will away now and try to see if I can add any to our game. Night night. God bless xxxxx

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Cute Grands,you could sell those dolls too! Love ur new ring,it's so petite! Fresh fruit and veggies are the best!
    Some of my fav movies are Pretty in Pink, Some Kind of Wonderful, What About Bob? etc.
    Great Big Hugs Marie to u and ur Todd!

  9. Marie dear. I just wanted to tell you how much I loved the video of Mitzie talking to you yesterday. She just makes me smile from ear to ear. I adore dogs and would so much love to have one but alas, we live in an apartment and so it's not possible. But I love every one elses and enjoy petting and making friends with them all. Also, I think from the photos you've posted lately that Todd looks ever so well. That also fills my heart with joy. God is good! Sending my love for a lovely day. xx

  10. How wonderful that they sent you those vouchers Sybil! It is nice to read of a company these days that stands behind their products like that and wants customer satisfaction! Great! 272 varieties, wow! How will you ever choose! We have an icecream farm not too far from us. Have not been there in yonks. Perhaps its time we went. Love and hugs, xoxo

    Oh, have tried selling the dolls, and did sell a few Jan. Also my Raggedies. I like What About Bob. It's pretty funny! Love and hugs. xoxo

    Aww thanks Noelle! Todd is feeling a lot better, but is still very tired. But that is to be expected. God is indeed very good. Love and hugs. xoxo


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