
Sunday 16 July 2017

Sunday this and that . . .

(Lucy and Tom's ABC)

Its raining, its pouring  . . .  tipping it right down this morning in a fine and steady rain. The other day we were at the golden arches and it was raining so hard that the rain drops were bouncing back up about six inches into the air!  Only made us linger longer over our hot choccies until it let up.  A woman we know from church was sitting in the booth next to us with some of her grandchildren. It was so lovely to see. I can only wish . . . 

Thankfully we had a beautiful afternoon for the wedding of Eileen and Derek yesterday.  Very well attended also.  Its lovely to see a couple meet and fall in love at such a late stage in life. 


I believe Derek is 80 and Eileen is in her late 60's, early 70's.  They met online.  Its a beautiful story. Both had been widows for a long time.  Never give up on finding love. Sometimes you find it more than once in life.  I just know they will be very happy together.  He clearly adores her and she him.  I am so very happy for them! 


Last night I started to crochet that heart dishcloth that I posted the link to the other day. It just wasn't working out.  I think I was perhaps too tired, because now in the daylight I see the mistake I am making.  I have missed out a whole row.  It's a good thing that crochet is so easy to rip out and do over.  See Monique?  You are not the only one.  Even well seasoned crocheters need to rip back their work every now and then!  It's cute however.  I think I might remove all the blue though and use a darker blue?  I don't know.  I haven't made up my mind yet.  I think it's cute though.  

There's a lot of cute projects on that page.  The rag baskets are catching my eye big time! 

I discovered Tail.Com the other day.  They tailor make dog food for your individual dog according to their needs, etc.  I decided to try them out.  Mitzie is overweight and everything we have tried so far just has not worked.  You have to fill out a questionaire according to your dog and their habits, etc.  Mitzie is a 7 year old greedy overweight English Cocker, and needs to lose weight, and she doesn't get all the exercise that she should because she has an elderly owner and another owner with severe arthritis, so minimal exercise and she likes her treats.  They came up with a formula just for her, and a specific diet/measuring cup, etc.  


It comes right to your door.  We are weaning her into it.  They even gave specific instructions on how to do that.  We are on day two and so far so good.  She seems to be enjoying it and I love that they have taken all of the guesswork out of the experience.  I have high hopes for this and maybe at the end of it all she will have lost some weight!  

I wish I could do the same for me.  But have you checked those
programs where they send you all the main meals you
can eat?  EXPENSIVE!

And you still have to buy other foods to go with them.  

This is a quick photo I snapped with my phone of the Sisters after dinner the other night.  Sister Turnbull from OZ and then Sister Fawcett from British Columbia.  This is Sister Fawcetts first area on her mission.  She only arrived here last Tuesday.  She is going to be an amazing Missionary.  She comes from a farming family and I think she said there were 8 children in the family.  Sister Turnbull is a Convert herself, of about three years I think, and here she is serving a Mission.  I love it when that happens.  These young people are amazing. They inspire me.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed 
by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. 
Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
 Explore. Dream. Discover.

You know how on facebook they have memories.  This came up the other day as a memory of something which I had posted on Facebook last year.  I loved it then.  I love it now.  I love creating collages. 

Here is another one I had done around the same time.  Loved this one too. 

But then again, I adore beach huts. They remind me of little Wendy Houses and I have always loved Wendy Houses.  There is a cute Wendy House on Winston Churchill's Chartwell property. 

It's a Brick house with little furniture inside and everything. 

But my favourite Wendy House of all has to be the one on the grounds of Windsor Castle, at the Royal Lodge, which was built for the little Princesses and presented to the Queen from the people of Wales in 1932. 

 “Y Bwthyn Bach” (The Little Cottage)

Isn't it adorable?  Thatched roof and everything.  Wouldn't a child have a wonderful time playing in this Wendy house.  

 There is a short video where you can visit inside the Wendy House here on You Tube, as being explained by Princess Beatrice.  It's really interesting! 

Mary Poppins Returns is coming out this Christmas by Disney.  I can't wait.  And guess who is playing the new Mary Poppins. 


Emily Blunt.  Is that not perfect casting?  I think so!  I loved the story of Mary Poppins when I was a child. At the end of the school year in Grade 2 I had been given the book as an award.  This was a well worn book by the time I was an adult.  It had all the original drawings in it by Mary Shepherd.

I just loved that book.  I was devastated when my ex husband during our last year of marriage gifted all of my childhood books to an old friend of his for "her grandchildren".  It still pains me to think about it.  I can remember feeling very angry with him for having done that. They were not his to give away.  All water under the bridge now.  I forgive. I forgive. I forgive.

Oh how I loved President Hinckley.  I am really enjoying studying his life this year in Relief Society. He was an amazing man and his wife was an amazing woman!  Loved them both dearly!  They were a perfect match!

Funny how being at this wedding yesterday reminded me of when I married Todd. It brought a tear to my eye.  One of the speakers was talking about how much you love each other on the day you get married, but how that love that you have on that day is nothing compared to the love which grows and deepens as the years pass by.  It is so true.  I totally adore my husband with a love which transcends and overshines everything else.  I never thought it was possible to love someone as much as I love him. 

I am blessed beyond measure.

A thought to carry with you . . . 

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 *.˛.° ˛°. If you want to get warm, you must stand near the fire.
If you want to be wet, you must get into the water.
If you want, joy, power, peace, eternal life,
You must get close to, or even into
the thing that has them. ~C S Lewis  .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Sour Cherry and Vanilla Scones.  These are wowsa! 

Have a beautiful Sunday.  Whatever you get up to don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. Hugs and love for a beautiful Sunday. I know how you feel about losing books. I truly do.

    I loved the pictures you have shared of yesterday's wedding.

    A little play home in the yard is so much fun. I was so cross when I left Windsor Castle. We were only there for about 70 minutes and I forgot to see the doll house. I spent such a long time in St George's Chapel. English building speak to me.

    God bless your day and love to you all.

  2. Marie:) So cute of you to say :"See Monique" I do want to try that heart and in those colors LOL..Emily Blunt perfect casting!

    Watched To The Bone last night on Netflix..Lily Collins..we had no idea who she was..I Googled..Phil Collin's daughter..a BEAUTY..we both liked the movie..if you follow Monvoirco(Jenna Rainey?) on IG..and her may see a resemblance..both have a similar beauty:)A little A Hepburn..the eyes.. that show..and in real life...

    I wish we didn't have to waste part of our lies thinking about it..

    watched another movie..awful in my opinion yet Ebert gave iy full marks..again Netflix 20th century women..Annette Bening..she is great ..but to me the movie was..well maybe a 3.

    However..I did catch this quote..oh..Wondering if you are happy or not is a shortcut to depression..

    Something like that..

    I must get the personalized food:)
    And beach houses:)
    Cute wedding..I am happy for people to get together too.

  3. Ohhh Suzan, we had always talked about going to Windsor Castle when we were living down South, but never got there! Doubt I will now! ThNk goodness there are very good documentary type programs where we can watch them as if we were there! Xoxo

    I will have to look that up Monique! I knew he had a daughter who was an actress! I will check out your friend on IG as well! Hope your weekend is going well! Todd is watching Yellow Ribbon right now with John Wayne and I hVe frozen fish and chips in the oven. Yes, even I do that from time to time! Xoxo

  4. I am sorry Suze missed the dolls house in Windsor Castle it is so wonderful, I could have stayed there all day looking at everything, problem was there was lots of people wanting to do the same thing. I had my two little nieces with me at the time I so well remember Beth the youngest desperately wanted the toilet and I said...come with me there's a toilet over here, she gave me such a look and said with awa in her voice.....will the Queen let me use her toilet ??....oh yes I said....from that day forward for quite a few years she told one and all about the Queen letting her use HER toilet !!..........I'm glad the wedding went well yesterday, it's so nice to see a happily married older couple....I hope that your rain stopped soon after your day got right started. We have had a good warm day down here. I went to collect Rita in Bathampton for church and even at 9.45 it was 22 c by the time I took her home it was 24 c at 12.30 it's clouding over a bit now but still warm. Lyn has been over helping to take apart a raised bed I have near the back door I hadn't trimmed the heather for a couple of years consequently it was dying back there was also a variegated ivy that had taken over everything, we decided we would get everything out and I'm going to buy a water pond thing and make it into a water garden I will have water Lillie in it and something else Lyn saw but can't remember the name of, perhaps by next weekend we will have got it well on its way.....night night. God Bless xxxx

  5. I can just imagine your Beth's excitement at being allowed to use the Queen 's toilet. The rain here had pretty much stopped by when we went to church and it has ended up being a fine day Sybil. I can't wait to see your water feature! It will be beautiful! Xoxo

  6. I love the photos and the story of your friends that were married. Amazing, that they met on line. I guess we don't think of on line romances at older ages.
    I do love your heart crocheted dish cloth. I have been thinking of making some for Christmas. Your's is lovely.
    I guess you may be saying "Rain Rain go away; come again some other day.....
    Now for the dog food; let us know how it works. I wonder if you can get the food here. Sammy is in the same boat. Overweight and doesn't get any exercise. He likes his treats too.
    I totally loved your sweet thoughts about your eternal marriage to Todd. I feel the same way about my hubby. Love and Marriage get better as time moves on.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs your way!

  7. So far so good LeAnn! Time will tell! Love you. xoxo


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