
Saturday 15 July 2017

Barbie's Dream House

When I was a little girl I would have done anything to have a Barbie's Dream House. I had a Barbie which I bought with money that I saved from a joy I had cleaning telephone booths in our small community, but no dream house.  I had to make do with cardboard boxes, catalogue cut outs and my imagination! At the time it was the ultimate in sophistication, although it does look a bit dated now! 

She's come a long  long way since then, but I am not sure that living in an all pink house wouldn't be a little bit like living in a corner of hell for me, but  . . . meh, there is no accounting for taste is there!

It Barbie can have a dream house . . .  so can I! 
Welcome to my Dream House.

It doesn't have to be big, a tiny place will do, with plenty of gingerbread trim. With a lovely veranda out front with space for a rocking chair or two or three, and plenty of flowers.  A screen door that creaks and slams, and weathered shingle siding.  I'd want it to be a house that said "welcome" from the moment you stepped onto the porch . . .

With a cosy living room with couches that begged you to snuggle down into them and a fireplace that burns real logs  . . .  lots of light is a must.  I want lots of light . . . slightly old fashioned, but not fussy. 


With a bright and airy kitchen with lots of counter space to work on and lots of cupboards . . . 

A walk-in pantry with lots of storage space . . . 


A dedicated laundry space . . .

And a breakfast nook with a view.  I'm getting rid of those chairs however. I want something wooden and white with puffy seat cushions that match the bench seating on the side, and while we are at it, lets toss the pillows.  They only get in the way.  I want colourful fabric for the bench seating and the chair cushions, maybe something flowery, and lace valences on the windows.  Just because . . . 

The dining room would be light and airy as well, with plenty of storage for the good dishes and glassware, and I want a pretty wooden floor for the whole house, even in the living room.  I love wood floors  . . . 


A cosy bedroom built for two, again with lots of light and wood floors and colour  . . . and a chair in the corner just for reading  . . . 

and the perfect ensuite, just for us . . . 


A well appointed guest room with plenty of space and twin beds, just in case  . . . again with their own bath . . . 

An attic bedroom for the grands  . . . with pull out trundle beds in case they all descend at once.  (Now that is what I call a dream) with their own bathroom as well.  

Three full baths, are you counting?
And a powder room

and there just has to be a craft/sewing/office room for moi.

And a back garden with nooks, crannies and lots of space for flowers and greenery  . . . 

A place for dreaming.

Of course I would need a maid to keep everything sparkling and white wouldn't I.
And an outdoor dining area, and BBQ area
and a pool would be nice.

 Of course we all know that one of the most important things
in Barbie's Dream House
was Ken
. . .


Meet my version of  Ken
A gal can dream

Just kidding!! We all know who my Ken really is, 
and I love him to bits, as you all
know by now!!!

I promise to give him a "Man Shed."

I have lots to do today.  There is a wedding at the church this afternoon, and I am doing some of the food for it. So I best get my skates on.  It's finger food, but we all know how that goes!  Oftimes it takes longer to do finger foods than it does to do main meals!  They can be so fiddly and you need a lot to feed a crowd!

A thought to carry with you  . . . 

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 *.˛.° ˛°. Sitting silently beside a friend who is hurting
may be the best gift we can give  . . . 
~Unknown  .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •   


In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Easy Lemon Refrigerator Dessert.  Simple. 

Have a great Saturday. It looks as if it might be going to rain here.  Don't forget!

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And I do too! 


  1. Do you think we could show an architect your pictures and then find a like minded architect to build a little community? It all sounds so perfect for me. Of course a girl can dream.

    Today has been quieter until half an hour a go when a storm announced its presence. So I am listening to the rumbles, grumbles and rain. Storms are rare at this time of year, It is not a ripsnorter but one to enjoyed. I hope it stays that way. The radar indicates the worst of it is happening now and the weather bureau doesn't even have a warning.

    Finger foods can be so fiddly but nothing beats a good nibble. Enjoy the wedding Marie.

    God bless your day everyone.

  2. Hi Marie, when you move in please can I have an invite or better still I'll be your maid, I love cleaning!!!

    It's dull and overcast at the moment but should be brightening

  3. up later hopefully, so enjoy the wedding. Lots of love xxx

    P.S. my phone is playing up again!!!

  4. Kate I need your love of housework to feed through to me. I cannot seem to matter it now matter what I try.

  5. Sounds like a dream community eh Suzan? Especially if each house comes with someone like Rufus Sewell. Hot diggity dog! Hope your storm was not a bad one! Love and hugs. xoxo

    It does seem to be brightening up a bit now Kate, so hopefully the sun will shine on the bride! You can come and clean my house anytime, lol. Maybe not, I would hate that! I'd rather sit and have a drink and a good natter! Love and hugs.xoxo

  6. I love your dream house, Marie; would suit me very well in my solitary state. My house has large rooms and not many of them!
    Hope wedding goes well: very wet here in NW Wales XX

  7. Your home tastes are identical to mine..give me a storybook /charm home..anyday over have great taste Marie..who knows what your future will bring:)
    One thing still puzzles me..why more 1 bdr homes don't exist..pretty like yours..not everyone has or wants guests..but for resale..1 is not good:(

  8. I love your dream house. Believe or not one of my DIL's has a pantry room bigger than the one you've shown. I'd love to have one like that too. Here I have a pantry cupboard that not everything fits into. Presently there are to bags of groceries to put away with no where to put them so they sit by the cupboard waiting. I will be using up some of It all as I have a party planned later this month for all my helpers when we did the big move. I've been stock piling for that. Hope your wedding finger foods are enjoyed by all. With you as the chef, I know they will be delicious.!

  9. Thanks Bunny! I love those new smaller homes, but you need to be really organised and you can't keep anything extra! A bit of storage space is a good thing! The wedding was beautiful and no rain in Ewloe! Xoxo

    We could win the lottery eh Monique! LoL won't be holding my breath on that one! One bedroom homes are scarce as hens teeth over here, yet if you are a singleton or a couple the Government penalises you for being in a home superfluous to your requirements. It's crazy. Xoxo

    How exciting Pam that you gave this party to look forward to! Planning ahead is the way to go! Happy Weekend! Xoxo

  10. Glad to read above that the wedding went well. What finger food were you preparing for the reception ?'s been a dry day but dull also feels quite humid tonight, I think it's to be a similar day tomorrow but we will have to wait for the sun to come back....quite a quiet day we just did the usual jaunt to Chippenham with Peter and also our other neighbour Val, she wanted a lift..!!....Peter went round to the travel agent who arranged his trip to Canada as he likes to thank them and takes them cakes for their good service. He is such a kind thoughtful chap.this afternoon he went for the usual shopping and as an extra brought us the loveliest cherries I have ever seen they are British called Rainer they are the most beautiful colour pinky yellow shade deepening into a darker rose colour, I have never seen them before they taste lovely as well in fact I'm eating a few as I write this, they are a wee bit bigger than our usual cherries, if you ever see them grab them quick for a real treat,( Peter got them in Sainsburys ). Hope you have a peaceful evening. Night night. God Bless. Xxx

  11. Oh my, this was an awesome post. I loved your dream home and yard. Our tastes are the same in so many ways. I really want a veranda. I especially love a cozy living room with a real fireplace where I can read and sip hot chocolate. My home would have to have a lot of light and bright too.
    I think I want to dream a bit more about this one!
    Blessings and hugs!

  12. Your cherries sound fabulous Sybil! I will be on the lookout for them! Your Peter sounds a real treasure of a friend! xoxo

    Thanks LeAnn. They say you got to have a dream to make a dream come true! Love and hugs. xoxo


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