
Wednesday 7 June 2017

Wednesday this and that . . .

(Don't you just love this teapot and cups?)

The sun is shining this morning.  Its cool and its windy but the rain has cleared and it looks like today is going to be a brilliant day. I hope that is the portent of things to come.  Today is the day we go  back to the specialist and find out if the radiotherapy has done what it was supposed to do. Its a funny feeling this  . . .  a part of me is being totally optimistic, and yet another part of me is terrified of hearing the worst.  Does that show a lack of faith in me?  No, I don't think so . . .  it shows that I am totally human.  I did not expect to hear bad news way back in November and I did . . . heck, I did not expect to hear bad news the day I sat down and a Doctor told me my daughter was developmentally challenged.  Bad news is like that.  You go in not expecting the worst and then it happens.  I don't think you are ever totally prepared for it, even if you should be. So maybe the terrified part of me is the part of me that is prepared, or trying to be prepared.

I truly hope and pray that today will be a 
day of celebration.

Older love.   It is something completely different than younger love.  You have had the moon and the stars and all of the giddyness that comes with young love, but your love has deepened into something much, much more than that.  It is all of that, but it is also something else. It is like having the deepest, deepest affection for your best friend forever.  Your BFF . . . All of the physicality and distractions of young love have been replaced with something much, much deeper than that.  Oh sure, they can still make your heart race and your tummy tingle, but it is accompanied with feelings which transcend those feelings of your youth.  It is not earth bound, but heaven sent . . . it is knowing this is forever and forever and forever and beyond what we know of now, something quite, quite eternal . . . with a magic all its own . . .

Nothing in life prepared me for this love I feel for my husband, and I discover a new layer of it with each day that comes and then passes.   I look at him, or touch his hand and I feel everything . . . I so much wish that we could have known each other when we were much younger, had a family together, etc.  But we were not blessed in that way.  And yet at the same time I know how very blessed we are that we found each other eventually.  I waited a lifetime to find this, and it is no less that what we might have had, had we found each other sooner, if that makes any sense . . .  and I am not ready to let it go.  I don't know if you would ever be ready for that . . . . it has taken us a lifetime, both of us . . .  to get it right.

Grateful for the Temple and eternal
promises and

Grateful too that we did find each other, and for whatever time we have had, do have and ever will have. I know it is a special blessing that a great many people never find at all in this life.

I know what I want for my birthday this year.  It is a sideways cross ring. I think it is just beautiful.  I like rings.  I don't like huge rings, with enormous stones on them.  Just tiny rings with meaning.


The Missionary Sisters stopped by last night for a visit.  We love them.  We have a new Sister here now, serving with Sister N who is from South Africa.  Her name is Sister Turnbull and she is from Melbourne, Australia.  She's just lovely and amazingly she has only been a member herself for 3 years and is, yes, a convert also. It was so much fun getting to know her better.  They shared a video with us before they left.  I loved it.  (Sister T is the one on the far left of this photo.)  Sister N is such a sweet, sweet sister.  She is so shy but she has a beautiful spirit and testimony.  They will be so good together, because Sister T is very gregarious and outgoing. They are great gals!

Plus she was trained by Sister Fernandez who started her mission here in the Chester Ward what seems like eons ago!  Wow, so much time has passsed since then!

I love it.  Its all about not only dancing in life, but learning to listen for the music that goes with the dance.  In other words yes, it is good to read your scriptures and pray and do all the things we are asked to do, but they have no meaning unless we hear and feel the beautiful music of Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost that goes along with them.  I am so grateful that I can hear and feel the music.

I will leave you with a thought for today and hope that tomorrow or even later today I will be back with some good news.

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 *.˛.Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair.It gives you something to do but doesn't
get you anywhere. ~Unknown   .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •

Spiritual Enlightenment

In The English Kitchen today . . .  Braised Beef with a Peppercorn Sauce.  So good!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.  Don't forget  . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Hi Marie, it's perfectly normal to hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Although I am an optimistic person I think in this situation you naturally have some negative thoughts, you wouldn't be human if you didn't. I'm praying for you both and keeping you in my thoughts. It'll be a long day till you find out.

    I'll reply to your reply another day, if that makes sense!!

    Lots of love xxx

  2. Marie I am sure that most people in your position would be balancing ideas, hopes, prayers and so much more. If it s a consolation most men will develop this disease and there are some great things that are done every single day. I pray that you have no reason to fear. I ask our dear Lord blesses you both and holds you close today and always.

    Poor Pip now has the bug and the house is resounding with wracking cough and whines as the poor coughing person is left holding sore, ribs, tummies etc. I think we will be house bound far a few days.

  3. Praying for you and Toddy extra much today... and keeping you close in heart, as always!! God Bless you both!! And here's to old love... :))) ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  4. Thanks very much Kate! The relief in the room when we got the good news was palpable! xoxo

    Thanks Suzan. So sorry to hear Pip has the bug now Suzan! No fun! Praying she feels better soon! xoxo

    Thanks Tracy! Blessings and love to you and TJ! xoxo

    Thanks Pam! Prayers always appreciated! xoxo

  5. Well Marie, I was so excited when I read the wonderful news of Todds recovery that I forgot I hadn't commented on this days blog !....but just had to write and say what a beautiful little video that was. It is really lovely....I expect you are still smiling and doing that dance around your kitchen ,! God Bless xxx


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!