
Wednesday 7 June 2017

Great news!

I just wanted to let you all know that we got the best news possible from the Specialist this morning!  All of our prayers have been answered and it would appear that Todd's cancer has been destroyed by the radiation!  Praise be to God!  He had the lowest PSA levels in his blood that he has had in many years and now he just has to get over the side effects of his treatments so we can go to Scotland now with a load off and minds free from worry.  The Dr said that with the level of cancer Todd had and the results from his treatments, there is no reason why he couldn't remain cancer free for 10 years or longer.  But he will still need to have his levels checked every six months and we already have his next appointment for December 13th.  We are just so pleased that this has been the result.  It is what we (and YOU) had been praying for. God is good.  Thank you all so much for your prayers and support through his treatments and recover.  I'll be back tomorrow with a normal post,but, in the meantime I am busy floating on Cloud Nine!


  1. So glad to hear your good news! Enjoy your vacation!

  2. YAAY!!!! So pleased for you both, that's wonderful news!!! Xxx

  3. Wonderful news! Wishing you both a good night's sleep xxx

  4. Such wonderful news!!! Bravo. Now go off and have a terrific holiday. You must be feeling so happy right now

  5. You have made me so happy I am going to make your Lemon Drizzle Cake!
    Great news!

  6. Praising God with you for this great news! I can't wait to hear about Scotland!

    Connie in K.C.

  7. OH float float float away..all the way to Scotland on the wings of love.
    Great great best news.

  8. Thanks laura! xoxo

    Thanks Kate! xoxo

    Thanks Bunny! Slept like a top! xoxo

    Thanks Linda! Very happy! xoxo

    Thanks kay! Hope you enjoy the cake! xoxo

    Thanks Connie! We will! xoxo

    Thanks Monique! Best news every for sure! xoxo

  9. OVERJOYED and celebrating the good news along with you, Marie! Oh, my... prayers answered--Praise be to God! :))) So very glad all is well with Todd, and that his prognosis ahead looks so good. HOORAY!! LOVE YOU BOTH SOOO MUCH! Give Todd a BIG HUG from us both here! :))) And here's some for you, too! So glad you will have your trip soon to celebrate!! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  10. Thank the good Lord for His many blessings !

  11. Thank you Tracy! We are also overjoyed and humbled by the goodness of God. Love and hugs back! Xoxo

    Yes Pam, thanks be to God! Xoxo

  12. wonderful news for you, blessings.

  13. Marie and Todd I am so pleased that your prayers have been heard and answered. Thank you Lord for the blessing poured on Todd and Marie.

  14. So glad to hear this's been a long journey for you both.

  15. Thanks so much Wood Fairy, Suzan and Sandie! God is good! xoxo

  16. Prayers answered, and I imagine you feel lighter upon hearing the test results.

  17. For sure Terra! You cannot imagine! xoxo


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