
Sunday 19 March 2017

Things that make you go hmmmm . . . .


 A few of the things I saw this week on facebook that made me think, smile or cry  . . . its not all a wasteland.

 This made me laugh.  The mind boggles at the thought of what life would be like if we took everything seriously and verbatim.

 This made me laugh too.  First, Jim Carrey . . .  and then the insult of knowing someone has seen the message you sent them and totally ignoring it.  Happens to me all the time and I have felt like Jim Carrey looks.  Especially when it comes to my kids.

 Ahhh, yes, a gentle reminder to focus on the positive and be grateful for it . . .

 Apple Pie Churro Bowls.   I hope looking at things doesn't make you gain weight, but when I look in the mirror I think it does right?  Had to find the recipe on Cafe Delights.  Not that I will ever make them, but . . .  hey a girl can dream, right?

  haha.  Its true!  But I never thought about it until I saw it.

 This made me chuckle also . . .

 This made me think  . . .

Ahh . . .  Andy Rooney.  I used to love his little bits at the end of 60 minutes.  He was so wise.


Snow pictures  . . . 

Snow pictures . . . . 


And even more snow pictures  . . . 


Lots of pictures of my Uncle Harold cutting down a huge tree . . . love my Uncle Harold.  He's my favourite Uncle.


My sister's St Patrick's Day dinner.  Looks good enough to eat! 


And her Kambucha looks good enough to drink.  I keep telling her she needs to blog about her fermenting adventures.  She could teach people a LOT about it. 


 And she makes Kefir too . . .  she is really a fascinating person.  I love the coats on her jars in the back.

Sometimes in life, you just have to laugh at what gets thrown at you.  Like a Spring that looks like its never going to arrive . . . our clocks have not gone forward yet.  They won't until next week.

I do get a giggle from some people's spelling.   It can be quite attrowshus.  (Yes, I did that on purpose.)

A friend posted this photo with the caption, "I don't know what all the fuss is about the large portions served in American restaurants."   It made me laugh and then I thought, wow!  That's what you call a big breakfast! I wonder how much managed to get eaten?

And a whole lot more.  Lots of it has been really nice. Nice videos. Nice recipes. Nice updates on people's lives. That is the part of Facebook, I like.


Plus . . .  I hab a code . . .  and its a man code . . . . *sniff*

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

.° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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 *.˛.° ˛°. . 
You must master a new way to think
before you can master a new way to be.
~Marianne Williamson.   ° * 。 •。★★ 。* 。

Spiritual Enlightenment


Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . . Blueberry Ribbon Cake.

Have a wonderful Sunday.  May your day be truly blessed.  Don't forget along the way  . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Oh my poor girl. Sniffles and coughs are not fun. Be well soon.

    Some of your photos today have made a bleak Sunday better. The wind doth howl all night last night. the skies have been grey for days. OH well can't have great weather all the time and it is a brilliant break from the heat. Loved the writing photo the best.

    God bless.

  2. Thanks for the smiles. Enjoy your day.

  3. Morning Marie, sorry not to get in idea why or how I get through no bother, like this morning then other days no matter how I try I can't ...anyway been good reading two days !! Both full of such gems. It's amazing how much our mothers told us was exactly the same despite the 1,000s of miles apart we's true that good manners are the same wherever we come from I'm sure.....
    Hope all well with you and Todd this morning and that you are away to church. I am just going as soon as I have posted this. It is a horrible wet morning but not quite so cold as yesterday...take care mGod Bless xx

  4. I see those things on FB too..but still happy I am not on it;)

    Enjoy the day Marie..epi 4..not sure all over again..Jacques watched 5 minutes and said:"I can't believe you watch this lol..the pool scene)..That's what he saw..
    Bon Dimanche..I though the apple dessert was corn;)

  5. PS..Take care of your atwossous code..seriously..get well soon:)

  6. Suspect you are home now Suzan. I hope you had a lovely cruise. It's mild here today but very windy and showery. I feel like I have been hit by a truck. xoxo

    You are welcome Linda! xoxo

    Thanks Sybil! We ended up not going to church today. I felt too sick. xoxo

    Yes, I know what you mean Monique, it swings back and forth. I was disappointed in Episode 4, but it bounced back in Episode 5. I think it's crapola and then something happens that makes me want to watch it again. I find it oddly compelling. Kind of like Orange is the New Black. I shouldn't have liked that either, but I did. Todd can't watch any of them! I was mistaken about Grace and Frankie, it doesn't start until the 24th. I was so disappointed when I tuned into netflix and found it not there Yet! haha xoxo

  7. Yes..Jacques checked for G and F..24th..
    I enjoyed the seasons of OITNB too and then I reason;)
    I find these shows oddly compelling too:)What's up w/ us?:)

  8. Oh no! I hope ur feeling better! Big Thanks for making me laugh though! I laughed so hard I was crying and I woke up the pup!
    I had to take him outside. Now I'm wide awake from being out in the cold air. The only pictures I didn't like was the snow. I shoveled 9 times this year! Twice one day bc of that darn snow plow. I should of looked at this post first. Wow! U have a cleaver and resourceful sister too! She should blog or you could sometimes post her interesting recipes. Lol. Like u don't have enough on ur plate right now! It's just a thought though. I hope ur Todd is still feeling good! Jan

  9. Maybe we secretly long to be bad girls Monique?? I don't know. I stopped watching OITNB As well, about 2 episodes into the third series, but I still like Girls, even though those characters are all really wierd, lol. Maybe I just like wierd! xoxo

    I think my sister should blog also Jan, she did start one a number of years back and I thought it was good. Flat Belly Files But I think she doesn't think she has the time or enough to share. I think she is mistaken! She needs to blog, definitely! xoxo

  10. Oh my gosh, this was a cute one Marie. I loved all the little Facebook ones. I have laughted at some of these too. Sometimes, I get such a chuckle out of the things posted and I also learn about a lot of things. That being said, I sometimes wonder what people who are younger than us that haven't experienced life without facebook will do if we don't have it for a while. I especially worry about the youth of today. They don't know how to funciion anymore without their phones, facebook and etc.
    Well, I did smile a lot on this one. Love you much dear friend~


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