
Saturday 18 March 2017

A Mother's pearls of wisdom . . .

(Me and Mom, circa 1958)

When I was growing up there were many things my mother told me . . . lots of words of wisdom and advice. Most times I paid strict attention. I do confess however, that there were other times that I politely listened, but then thought to myself afterwards . . . wierd . . . what does she know?? Then one day . . . what seemed like many years later . . . I heard myself spouting off pearls of wisdom to my own children, and I realized . . . I had turned into her . . .

I thought it would be fun this morning to review a few of her pearls of wisdom. I am sure that you can probably all relate to at least some of this!

1) Don’t ever leave the house without clean underwear. You never know when you will be in an accident and God forbid you are wearing dirty underwear when it happens.

2) Touching frogs causes warts. I've kissed quite a few toads through the years, but thankfully I've never touched any frogs.

3) Carrots help you see in the dark. I like carrots and eat them all the time. I've never gone without eating them for long enough to see if those words are true.

4) Fish is brainfood. I like fish. I eat it alot, and I'm smart . . . point proven!

5) If you keep crossing your eyes, they're going to stay that way. We used to have a breadman with crossed eyes. I was fascinated with this. One day my mother caught me practicing crossing my eyes, hence the warning . . . I think though, that she was just afraid that I'd do it when the breadman was around and he'd think I was making fun of him.

6) Don't talk with your mouth full. Having been spattered with flying bits of food during conversations with people that do . . . I realize the wisdom of those words.

7) Don't sit so close to the television, you'll go blind. The probability of dying from some sort of cancer from the radiation is probably more likely, but still . . . I make sure I sit well back.

8) Eat everything on your plate. There are starving children in Africa. To this day I'm not sure how cleaning my plate off made a difference. Was she going to package up all that we hadn't eaten and mail it off to Africa?

9) How do you know you don't like it if you don't taste it?  Umm . . .  Mom . . . there are certain things I absolutely KNOW that, never in a million years, a BAZZILLION years, I am ever going to like eating . . . whether I taste them or not.


10) Don't get your school clothes dirty. Very hard, when you're a kid, and dirt follows you around like a magnet . . .

11) You have five minutes to pick your toys up. After that, I'm throwing them out. (I confess, I was never brave enough to put this to the test. Toys were always picked up.)

12) These years are the best years of your life. Very true . . . such is the carefree life of a child with no worries or bills to pay . . .

13) You wait til your father gets home. (no explanation needed)

14) If you don't study hard, you won't get a good job. This is sooo true! Pity some of us don't really pay attention until it's too late!

15) If you don't go to sleep, Santa won't come. Oh, the agony . . .

16) Don't stare, it's not polite. Ummm . . . but it's so interesting mom.

17) Don't bite your fingernails. I suppose it is a dirty habit, especially when one realizes just how many germs our hands harbour.

18) Go play outside, you need the fresh air. (Not to mention she needed some peace and quiet.)

19) Don't slam the door! oops . . . sorry . . . and the piece de resistance . . .

20) Because I told you so!! 

Just a little bit of humor here this morning. It's good to laugh at ourselves sometimes! And where would any of us be without our mothers!  Love mine to bits and bits and bits . . .

I did go to the activity last night and had a great time. I also got another two chapters sent off to my Editor yesterday.  Only 4 more to go and a week to do them in. YIKES!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

   .° * 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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 *.˛.° ˛°. . 
˛"The purpose of our lives 
      is to give birth to the best 
         which is within us."
            ~Marianne Williamson  •。★★ 。* 。

Spiritual Enlightenment

Baking in The English Kitchen today, Date, Honey and Pistachio Slices.  Delish!

Have a wonderful Saturday.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Word for word what my mum said to me. I still wouldn't go out with shabby underwear just in case. Imagine lying in the hospital with shabby underwear thinking she was right!

  2. Yes - I remember some of these very words of advice from my mom too! Glad you went to the RS party and had a good time. I didn't know you were writing a book! Wow - I need to go b ack and review posts and do better at staying caught up with all my blog friends. Have a good day!

  3. I too had much the same repeated to me by my mother. Makes me wonder what modern day moms would have to say. Hope you have a super Saturday and get a lot done!

  4. You can do it!!

    I don't remember my mom..saying things like that..I wish I could..but I sure see me in those't pluck your'll be sorry...don't shave your thighs lol.. don't roll up your school skirts..:)

    wait till your dad comes home!

    Oh yes..and now I am telling the boys school is important..a foundation..;)
    Oh guilty as charged..:)
    You have to remember my mom only had sons..and had lost a precious little girl..before me..she was she was just a different kind of mom..with me..only sugar.No reprimands..I don't tremember one off moment between us.
    I knew you would go last night.;) Because I do that:)
    PS I started Love..and HATED the first episode..I am not a prude at all..and like my voyeursism..but I thought I can't watch content not even funny awful scenes..actually sad to watc..

    then I thought..if Marie likes it..I watched epi 2 last night..and I may be getting into it:)

    It was that first boyfriend..what a ..well I won't say it..but he was disgusting.;)

  5. Monique, yes, I agree, that first episode was revolting in a way. Her first boyfriend was really not nice. There are a few shudder moments in the ensuing episodes also, everything is so graphic these days, but as the episodes go on, I found I really started to like Mickey and Gus and want them to have a relationship and by the time series two started, I began to understand Mickey more and empathise with her. But again, I can't watch it with Todd as he would not like it at all, so I watch it on my own. I think our mom's only ever wanted the best for us, and I am glad that I can laugh at some of the things now, and even how I repeated them with my own children, and added a few more, lol. I never, NEVER go out without clean underwear! lol xoxo

    I don't know what Modern moms have to say Pam! But I am sure it is something! Hope you are getting all settled into your new home! xoxo

    I am writing a cookbook Deb! I have to have it finished by the 28th, so we are down to crunch time here! Between that and Todd's treatments, March has just flown by! xoxo

    Oh Ronnie I still think about things like that, and I think sometimes if I woke up in the middle of the night feeling really ill and thinking I might have to go to hospital the first thing I would do is put on my makeup and clean underwear! (Unless I was past it and then who cares!) xoxo


  6. T and J..are the same..I want to see what's out there.:)
    Compelling as you said:)

    When will your bok be ready for pre-order:)?

  7. I can't say for sure yet Monique! Probably towards the end of April. We all have our skates on now and I am struggling a bit due to this horrible head and chest cold I have! Xo


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