
Tuesday 21 March 2017

Springtime Mail Exchange Activity

Mail... do you miss mail? Real, honest to goodness, snail mail? Do you miss opening your mailbox/postbox and finding something fun in it...not just bill-payment requests or junk mail? As many of us do more banking online, as well as so much else via the internet, sometimes we don't even receive that many bills in the mail. We can go a while without so much as an envelope in our postbox, TJ & I. And along with so much done online, I know I'm guilty of sending birthday and other greetings more often via online card services. But I'd like to help change that...

How would you like to be part of a little mail project this spring to cheer up our lonely mailboxes/postboxes??!! Would you like to put a smile on the face of someone else and send some fun mail to someone new--maybe find a new friend?!

My LOVELY long-time friend Tracy over at Simple Gifts Pictured and I are collaborating on hosting this Springtime Mail Exchange to bring some happy mail cheer as far and wide as we can! :)))

How the Springtime Mail Exchange works is quite simple. Everyone participating--each person on the participation list--is kindly requested to contact at least ONE person on the list to exchange mail with. Reaching out to many is, of course, optional, but at least one person. That way there's a chance of everyone being contacted and receiving something in the mail. Do think about reaching out to someone on the list you don't know. Let's mingle!

A card or letter is suggested for sending in the mail exchange. Postage being what it is these days--rather high--sending a little gift is optional. So we recommend letters or cards at least. Cards with a handwritten message--or a even handwritten letter--that alone is fun!

Now, this mail exchange is not limited to us folks in the Northern Hemisphere only. It might be called Springtime Mail Exchange, but if you are living in the Southern Hemisphere you are VERY welcome to join us--please do!!

If you would like to be on the sending and receiving end of this fun mail project, please leave a comment here. A blog link or other will help participants meet each other from the participants list. Tracy  and I will compile the list of all participants and their links, and we'll publish the exchange list as soon as it is ready. It might seem soon, but we're aiming for folks to have sent/received cards or letters by Easter! But a send-by date will be announced shortly...

In a time like this, when so much negative seems to be happening around the world, in the news, etc... it can be hard to know what to do, or how to help. Let's do even a little of what we can to spread and share a little happiness, love and peace. What do you say??!! Would you like to join our Springtime Mail Exchange today?! I can't wait to send you a card! :)))



  1. Sooo happy and excited to be sharing this project Long with you, Marie! I've had a couple of sign-up's at my place! :))) ((HUGS))

  2. Would love to do this! Let me know what I need to do. Linda

  3. Seems a good idea Marie, but how are we going to get addresses etc ? We have to be so careful what we put on line these days. There's always somebody who thinks it's fun to leap in and write something horrible....I certainly would like to take part as I think writing is important. I love getting the odd letter...rarely these days !.....I write mostly e mails I have to admit and a letter from me does go on and on's so much quicker to write just whenever a friends name comes to mind if they have an E address. But friends who don't have an e mail address get many fewer letters...I think about it, but by the time I gather the paper, find a pen, remember where the envelopes are find the address book...I then think..oh I'll do it tomorrow...and so it goes on I am sure it's the same with most folks, except these few precious friends who do write....hope all is going well with you. Did you ever find a Scottish holiday ? Or the Lochs and Glens catalogue ? My friend Pam is thinking of a lochs and glens later in the year.....take care love to Todd. Xxx

  4. Don't worry Monique, Sybil and Linda, your addresses will be handled with care. You will be put in touch with the person you are partnered with and they will exchange addresses with you via e-mail. Can I count you all in? xoxo

  5. Posting from Canada, where Spring is trying so hard to appear! I'd love to be involved. Count me in! X Chy

  6. Yes to be the idea...I will be away over the weekend but once back I will reply to any ...replies ! Xxxx

  7. Yes count me in! I would love to do this! Linda

  8. This does sound like so much fun; do count me in. I think this is such a good way to spread a little joy around! Hugs~

  9. Looks like we have some folks signing up here! There's been a few at my blog too... Such fun!! When you have a chance, and feeling up to it Marie, send me a list of everyone from here joining in and we'll make the big list. :))) ((HUGS))

  10. Sounds like a pen pal! May I join or is it only for people who have a blog? I think it is a fun idea. I am from the US.

  11. Looks like fun. I an from Australia and that may not suit everyone.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!