
Wednesday 22 March 2017

. . . .

no post today as I am feeling
rather poorly.
Will be back when I am back up to snuff.
Please pray that is soon.
I have a book to finish and
only a few days to do
it in.


  1. Oh dear Marie, I pray you will feel better very quickly. Especially with the book to,finish, it's so important that that gets to the printers or whoever in time...hope whatever your suffering from wont affect Todd...God Bless xx

  2. Hope you are feeling better soon. I too am not well as the flu bug came visiting here. Take good care !

  3. Be taking good care there, and rest, Marie... prayers and hope you'll be on the mend soon are on their way from here too! :))) ((LOVE & HUGS))

  4. I hope u feel better real soon Marie! Hugs and Prayers to u! Jan

  5. I hope you feel better soon. Rest up and look after yourself today.

  6. Hope you feel better soon.

  7. Oh my sweet friedn, I am so worried about you. I have been praying for you both for a while; but I will pray even harder for you now. I am assuming that you have had a priesthood blessing. Sending prayers, love and big hugs your way!


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