
Wednesday 19 October 2016

This and that for hump day . . .

"Marie Alice, you look stunning! Life in the 50s would have suited you incredibly well because you embody the lifestyle of this era perfectly. Thanks to your relaxed and lively personality you would have felt more than at home and the events of this special decade would have changed your world completely! Whether you wear an elegant petticoat or a cool leather jacket, you would have enjoyed this decade to the fullest,"

I get such a kick out of these little thingies that are on facebook.  They are so easy to get sucked into and such a waste of time really, but sometimes they make you laugh.

 photo MarieAliceandMom.jpg
This is what I really looked like in the 1950's.  I think I must have been about 2 1/2 in this photo as my mother is pregnant with my sister and she was born just before I turned three.  As I recall however, I did actually enjoy that decade!  Minus the leather jacket and petticoat!

Marie Alice, you're a wild one! By day you are sweet and friendly, but by night the wild animal inside of you awakens and you are ready to party 'til the early morning! 

This one really makes me laugh.  I am in bed by 9 or 9:30 every night and the lights go out at 10:00 at the latest.   I am so not a party animal.  I am sweet and friendly however.  At least I like to think that I am.   I do, however, enjoy a very vivid dream life, so maybe this is what they are talking about.  Last night it was spiders.  Todd had brought something in from the shed and it was filled with spiders.  One was as large as a dinner plate and set me to screaming, and that darned man would not catch it and put it out the door.   Then a guest came over and lo and behold guess what ended up sitting on the guest's shoulder.  Yeppers!  That spider!  I woke myself up saying . . .  "Todd, check out the left shoulder!"

So I guess things do get a bit "wild" in my dreams at night.

Marie Alice, this quote will accompany you for a lifetime: The most beautiful present you can give to someone is your time, your attention and your love... You live a beautiful life and have made so many amazing experiences. You inspire your loved ones on a daily basis and master every challenge life throws at you with ease. The quote of your life reflects your soul perfectly and proves that you are incredibly Reliable and Decisive. 

Now, this is a quote I could quite happily live with.   I love it.  I do live a beautiful life and I have had some pretty amazing experiences!  But then . . .  do you think that this might apply to most people?  I don't know.  Probably, but for now,  I will gladly take it.

I like to think of myself as being quite reliable, but I am not decisive most of the time.   Just put a restaurant menu in front of me and see how long it takes me to make up my mind.  I could guarantee that I will change my mind ten times before the waitress comes to take our order and nine times out of ten, I will go with the first thing I chose anyways.  Oh, and if I was a betting man or gambler, I would bet on the fish and chips.  Solid.  ☺

The times when you called yourself Marie Alice are long gone. Your friends have come up with another nickname for you, one that perfectly represents your personality. Now your name is Cuddle Bug and it stands for joy, cheerfulness, and joie-de-vivre. You are a balanced person, who always sees the good in life and tackles challenges with a positive attitude. You don't shy away from risks to fulfill your dreams! 

Just call me  . . .  Cuddle Bug.  There ARE worse things . . .

However, I do like to think that most of those things are actually qualities I have.

Marie Alice, even 50 years from now you will look stunning! Especially your Lips and your Hands magically attract other people. But they not only admire your looks but also your multi-faceted character - one instantly wants to get to know you! 

This one makes me laugh.  Ha.  Ha.  Ha.


This is the reality.  Fifty years from now I will be pushing up daisies.  I hope they are nice daisies.  With stunning lips and hands.

Marie Alice, your lineage is incredible! Your name reveals that you come from a strong and noble line. It's no wonder you are such an ambitious and driven person. It's in your blood! 

This is actually quite true.   The written part anyways.  I don't believe in Moon Goddesses.   I love doing geneology and have traced several family lines way back.  One line goes back to the 800's AD.  Once you hit royalty or aristocracy the names fall like dominoes, and most of them are related to each other.   I can boast of having a lineage which stems from Robert De Braese (Robert the Bruce), William the Conqueror, Alfred the Great,  Edward the Confessor, John Howard, the first Duke of Norfolk and Grandfather to Anne Boleyn and Great Grandfather to Queen Elizabeth the first, etc.


In fact this is one of my ancesters.   Hugh Lupus Grosvenor, the first Duke of Westminster.  This is from his tomb which lays in the Chester Cathedral, so . . .  I have really come back to my roots haven't I?  Which is kind of neat.

The title Duke of Westminster was created by Queen Victoria in 1874 and bestowed upon Hugh Grosvenor, 3rd Marquess of Westminster. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Dukes were each his grandsons. The present holder of the title is Hugh Grosvenor, having inherited the title on 9 August 2016 following the death of his father, Gerald. The present Duke is also a godfather of Prince George of Cambridge.  They are the richest people in the UK.   He owns all of Westminster which is prime property in London, and who knows what else.


We even have a coat of arms. Quarterly: 1st and 4th, Azure a Portcullis with chains pendant Or on a Chief of the last between two united Roses of York and Lancaster a Pale charged with the Arms of King Edward the Confessor (City of Westminster); 2nd and 3rd, Azure a Garb Or (Grosvenor). The shield is encircled with the Order of the Garter, of which the 1st and 6th Dukes have been members.

Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction.

Now here is a strange story.  A week or so ago, we purchased two dwarf male Gourami fish for our tank.   When Todd emptied the bag into the tank, we were very surprised to see that somehow . . .


We also had four Endler Guppies.  They are tiny but I suspect they will soon grow.  I suspect that they got into the bag with the Gourmai and it would have been more difficult to get them out than was worth the effort.

But it gets stranger still.   Yesterday I noticed what appeared to be a small pebble with antennae moving around the inside of the glass of the aquarium.   Very tiny, smaller than a grain of rice.  I think this is some kind of sea snail, and then this morning I discovered three all together.  All moving around the glass.

Strange things are afoot . . .  I wonder if tomorrow I will wake up and discover Nessie in our tank.  Yikes!

A thought to carry with you through today.

“Think the best of each other, 
especially of those you say you love. 
Assume the good and doubt the bad.” 
~Jeffrey R Holland

Spiritual Enlightenment 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Fruity Chicken and Rice Pilaf.  Quite simply delicious.

Have a beautiful Wednesday . . . may you never forget . . .

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And I do too!!


  1. your guppies are going to reproduce at an alarming rate, lol. just wait a few weeks. xoxo

  2. I think they are all male. At least I hope that they are! xoxo

  3. I have seen these things on FB:) I love that they make you happy and smile..

    Stranger Things..have you seen that show?:)

  4. Hi Monique, I only ever rarely do them. More often than not I kind of mistrust them, but these ones were a bit of fun! I have never seen Stranger Things. Is it on Netflix? Xoxo

  5. What a very fun post~ I loved all that was said about you and then the explanations of who you think you are. I liked the genealogy part and earning of your heritage. My husband line goes back to royalty; but I haven't got mine back there yet. I love the fishes yo got and whatever else showed up; so fun!
    Blessings and hugs for this one!

  6. Roger and I must have connections way back I am sure! How interesting! xoxo


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