
Thursday 20 October 2016

Raindrops on Roses . . .

These are a few of my favourite things  . . .

Autumn colours.  This is a photo my sister took of the road which runs past my mother's house.   At least I think it is that road.  It makes me feel homesick to see it and the colours.  Our leaves change here in the UK also, but we don't have the vivacity of colour that you have in North America.  

It is my dream to one day visit Vermont in the autumn and see the colours there.  My cousin Martha posted a video of an area in Vermont yesterday on Facebook and it was so beautiful.

I have always said that if I ever won the lottery I would move to Vermont.  Heaven on earth.

Cruciferous vegetables.    I love cruciferous vegetables.   Cabbage, broccoli, sprouts, califlower, kale . . .  you name it, if its cruciferous I am all over it like a rash.  I could eat a whole plate of properly cooked sprouts and nothing else and be quite happy.  I feel the same way about each cruciferous vegetable.   And they are very healthy also, balancing blood sugars, cancer prevention, brain protection, immunity, shrinking inflamation, etc. 

I think of all the cruciferous vegetables, cabbage and rutabaga are my most favourite of all.

Pecan Pie.   I quite simply adore Pecan Pie.  It is right up there with Lemon Meringue.  In fact I think it edges out Lemon Meringue a tiny bit.  I have not had a piece of Pecan Pie in years and years  . . .

Far too dangerous for me to have in the house.

Trying new things . . . meeting new people, experiencing new experiences, tasting new foods, seeing new places.  I love, LOVE trying new things.   Admittedly now that I am older I am not so keen to do things like bungee jump or parachute, but I am always willing to give new thing a try within the realms of safety.  I do not have a death wish.

Ruffles, frills and flounces . . .  I am a girly girl.   I love feminine clothing.   I don't wear very feminine clothing because I am of a size, but if I was thinner I would be ruffling, frilling and flouncing all over the place!

Things which inspire thought . . .  quotes, books, documentaries, art, etc.   Things which make me want to think deep thoughts and ponderances.  I love them . . .

Being a woman of great faith.   My faith is the very essence of my being.  I have always been in tune with my spiritual side, known and seen God . . . . it is just who I am, and always have been.

This is not all there is . . .

Gourds.   I love to decorate with them in the autumn.  Its been a very long time since I have been able to do that.  They are not something which you see over here in the UK.  I don't think the wet damp weather is very conducive to growing them.

Potatoes.  Boiled.  Fried.  Baked.  Mashed.  Even raw.  I love potatoes.   They are my favourite thing to eat.  I could live without bread if I had to.  I could live without pasta.   I would not ever want to live without Potatoes . . .  although if I truly had to I would, but I wouldn't like it, not one bit.

So there.

Celebrations!  Holidays!  Parties!  Every day is a reason to celebrate.   I just love life and all that it brings to the table.  I love being with other people and rejoicing in their happiness.   I love birthdays, holiday occasions, graduations, etc.   I am going to a Birthday Celebration today for a friend who is turning 60.  I can't wait!  It is a pot luck lunch and I am going to bring my 7 Layer Mexican Dip.  It will be so nice being with the other ladies and catching up with each other's goings on and wishing my friend all the best in her 60th year.  Yipee-i-yay Cow Patty!

And finally Silly Songs.  I like singing them.  I like listening to them.  I like making them up.  They make me smile.

Which reminds me.  When my kids were growing up we used to have singing morning every now and again.  You could not talk.  You had to sing.  Everything.  I am not sure they enjoyed it, but I sure did!

Yes  . . .  I am THAT wierd.  Ahh, well, life was never dull.

And those are a few of my favourite things for this week. What are some of yours? A thought to carry with you . . .

You can easily judge 
the character of a man
by the way he treats those
who can do nothing for him.
~Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Spiritual Enlightenment

 photo SAM_0695_zps8dff2af6.jpg

In The English Kitchen today  . . . . Windfall Crumble Cake.   Delish!

Have a beautiful Thursday . . . may you never forget . . .

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And I do too!!


  1. Good morning Marie. I loved your post. I could easily sing all day, my voice is not what it was but I love to sing. I cannot quite agree with you vegie choices. I can handle only some of those and after one lot of surgery I never looked at the poor old spud the same way again. Eating veg needs to improve around here.

    God bless your day.

  2. I could quite happily live as a vegetarian Suzan, except for my love of a good steak! Have a great evening! Love and hugs, xoxo

  3. Hi Marie, the colours were definitely changing in Scotland, it was beautiful. Unfortunately we had to come home after two days as George's sister, Joyce, was admitted to intensive care with pneumonia and pleurisy. They have put her in an induced coma and on a heart ventilator to help her breathe. We are really worried about her. Please think of her in your prayers Marie. Lots of love xxx

  4. Kate, I am so sorry to read about George's sister Joyce. I have added her to my deepest prayers. Keep us posted as to what happens. Love and hugs. xoxo

  5. We do get some beautiful colors of leaves on the trees here, but I have always wanted to see a New England fall. The pictures you shared are beautiful. I love vegetables too and have some to cook up today. I will have more than I can eat, so will probably freeze some for later on. I don't want them to go to waste. Hope you have a lovely day!

  6. I just found a video of our area that I was going to add to my next post:))Just need to find where I put it!
    I love many of the same things..and you would love's very much like here but I see see you settling in so happily there..
    I love potatoes too..and Marie I just pinned a Ricardo pie recipe you might like..

    Have fun at the celebration!

  7. We are so lucky to live in the day and age of being able to freeze our excess food for later Pam! Believe it or not I have three small freezers and they are always full! Todd is amazed! I love to cook and with just two of us I often have leftovers and so I just freeze them for another time. That way we never get bored! Hope your day is going well! xoxo

    I have family in Vermont Monique, I need to go and visit them one day. I have driven through the state a few times, but never when the leaves are at their best! I am off to look for the pie! xoxo

  8. Well Marie, I'm back and have spent quite a time reading what's been going on for last 4/5 days First I am glad that Todd got on ok at hospital. Just the wait now for another time. But we all have him in our prayers so I'm sure he will be's a hard time though for you both. I wonder how you got on at the birthday party, bet you had a lovely time, you should get a good nights sleep tonight. I have sent an e mail but will get a snail post sent very soon...have a lovely Friday. Xxxx

  9. Meant to say that you can grow gourds here Marie. I bought a packet of different shapes and I got 5 different colours and kinds...the difficult thing was drying them, I think they might have needed a dry warm place to dry out....but worth a try for you next year xx

  10. I would love to visit Vermont too. I love the fall and the beautiful colors. I like vegetables too. Pecan Pie is so good and I haven't had any for a very long time. I usually choose chocolate. I like to try to new things but not dangerous stuff. I just love clothes in general. I am really a big shoe lover.
    I too love potatoes but bread is my big weakness.
    I love celebrations too; any kind! I really love singing silly songs too. I used to make up words to songs all the time when my children were little. I wonder if the younger generation even does stuff like this.
    Thanks for this fun post! Blessings and hugs for you1

  11. Thanks Sybil! I will have to look for the seeds. I am thinking you could dry them on top of a radiator? I used to dry things on my furnace back home! Love and hugs xoxo

    Thanks LeAnn! I wish potatoes were my only weakness. I have a fondness for bread also! xoxo


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