
Sunday 9 October 2016

Sunday this and that . . .

We were both very pleased yesterday to get a letter from the Hospital in the post with an appointment for Todd for next Friday.  I was especially pleased to see that they are hurrying things up and taking this as seriously as we are.   None of this dilly dallying around!  So very pleased about that, and ever so grateful for all the prayers that are going up.   We appreciate every single one.  We really do.  I've been reading a lot and consulting Dr Google and I think that we are very blessed to be living in an age where a Cancer diagnosis is not necessarily the death knell that it was even 20 years ago.   We are blessed with many medical advances, especially in the field of cancer.  I am feeling very positive and I think Todd is too.  Onwards and upwards!


We did some of our fall gardening things yesterday.  There is so much still to do.  We picked all the pears and the apples.   (We had three apples, DOH!)  Anyways, I am going to make pear/applesauce to put in the freezer.  We also picked the remaining blackberries to put in the freezer.  We moved the strawberries yet again. Todd has been busy emptying pots and gathering dead or dying vines/etc.  All have gone on the fire pit.  Oh I do so love the smell of autumn burning leaves.   Now there only remains some pruning to do.  We are going to cut the hydrangea and roses right back this year.  It does them a lot of good to do that every now and again.


This is my friend Kathy's back deck as of yesterday.  Yup.  Snow for Thanksgiving.  She lives in Northern Alberta, just West of Edmonton.  I remember when I lived up there.  We did get a LOT of snow in the Winter and Winter always came early.

In the meantime, back in Nova Scotia, this is a photo my sister took on their way out to Bridgewater yesterday.  Look at the beautiful fall colours. That is one thing I miss, the vibrant colours of autumn.  The leaves here do change, but we have very few which put on as vibrant a show as this.


Cindy and Dan went to a roadside diner for lunch and guess what my sister had?  You guessed it right.  Fish and chips.  See . . .  a family thing.  We cannot resist them.  Our meal of choice when dining out every time will always be fish and chips.  Its a family thing.  ☺

Every family has their thing.  Ours are fish and chips and word games.


While I am at it I might as well show you my sisters Honey Mead.  Doesn't that have a lovely colour?  And it is so clear!  Sis is really into fermenting and things like that.  I admire her skill and gumption in tackling these things.  I would be scared of poisoning myself, but she is really good at it and everything ends up looking really good and she hasn't killed herself yet.


These are her Dills in various stages of fermentation.  Not pickled.  Fermented.


Here is one cut open.  Looks good.


And her fermented Tomato Bombs.

I keep telling her she needs to start a blog about all that she does.  I think it would be very interesting.  She also needle felts, knits, crochets and is into cotton spinning.  Not to mention she works part time and takes excellent care of my mother.  She is super woman.


I saw this on Facebook.   My answer is YES!  I would love to have this.  I really would.   I'd just need to build a new kitchen to house it in.

Unfortunately I did not win the lottery, so that will have to wait.


These are happening . . .

And these.   A pattern I bought from Etsy.   My fingers are being very nimble.


How cute is this cat mug.  If it had been a cocker spaniel I would have been on it.   People have the greatest ideas.

Can you imagine?  Things just have to taste better when drunk from a mug that is a pink padded paw don't they?

My heart melts.  Life is good.

As it is the Fast and Testimony for our church due to last weekend being General Conference I just wanted to share my testimony with you.

I know that we have a Father in Heaven who knows each of us individually and by name.  He is the literal father of our spirits and loves each of us so very much.  Jesus Christ is our Saviour.  He also loves us very much.  They are real to me, as real as my arm or my leg.  I trust in them.   I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that he translated the Book of Mormon through the power and influence of the Holy Spirit.  I believe the Book of Mormon to be scripture and equal to the Bible in its power to change, influence and inspire lives for the better,  These are the scriptures spoken about in Ezekiel 37:19, the stick of Judah and the hand of Ephraim, welded into one stick.  The Gospel fills my heart with hope and my mind with light.  I believe that we have a prophet on the earth today to guide and lead God's people, Thomas S Monson.  I believe these things not because I have been told these things, but because I have studied them, and pondered them and have felt of their veracity through the power of the Holy Ghost in my heart.   My life has been blessed by this knowledge in countless and miraculous ways.  The Gospel has made and continues to make me into a better me, into the best me that I can be.  I love it, and cannot imagine living a life without it.  It is everything to me.   All that the Father has shall be given unto us.  God's grace is real.

And I leave these things with you in the name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer.  Amen.

Spiritual Enlightenment 


 photo DSCN9308_zpsrsvaahdn.jpg

Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . .  Caramel Apple Mug Cake.

May you have a truly beautiful and blessed Sunday.  Don't forget, and please know this to be true . . .

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And I do too!!


  1. Good morning Marie,

    I am so pleased you have an appointment next Friday. That is reassuring.

    The colours of the fall are magnificent and such a joy. So different to here. We live in a beautiful world that feasts our eyes.

    God bless your day.

  2. Hi Marie. So pleased you've got an appointment for Todd next week. I have to say the NHS takes cancer very seriously and I'm sure they'll look after you both wonderfully.

    I love all the autumn colours. It's. You 60th birthday next September and George and I are thinking of going to Canada to see autumn in all its glory. We have been to the Scottish Highlands in the autumn and that is beautiful too, but I'm sure Canada will win hands down! Lots of love xxx

  3. Fall is beginning to do a little showing off here. Every day there is more color. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

  4. Thanks Suzan, it is very reassuring indeed! We do live in a beautiful world, that varies so much from area to area. It is all very amazing! xoxo

    Thanks Kate! I am well pleased at the speed it is going. Its very reassuring! You will love Canada. It's very similar to the Scottish Highlands in many Places. Especially Nova Scotia! xoxo

    Thanks Pam, you too! I hope you are safe from Hurricane Matthew! xoxo

  5. We are just about at the peak here..glorious colors..masterpieces every view!
    Yay for the appt.less time to think about it..
    PS I love the stove/oven♥

  6. Isn't it just wonderful Monique! What I wouldn't give for a stove like that! xoxo

  7. Good evening Marie, hope you have had a good Sunday....loved your testimony from last week......I'm so pleased that the appointment has come through for Todd without having to wait to long. I am praying that it won't be long till my X-ray appointment comes through as well. I had hoped the extra painkillers were going to help but although the first night I took them that was Thursday overnight, since then it been back to normal in bed about half an hour till pain forces me to get up and almost crawl through here where I sit till pain eases..but it seems to be all in vain they just ain't working. I am going to give the Dr a call tomorrow or Tuesday to ask what else I could try as its really getting me down,,,.as they say.....night night God BLESS XX

  8. Sybil, I am so sorry to read that you have been in so much pain. ((((hugs)))) I hope that they can find something to help you. I don't know why but I never get notification of your comments. That is wierd. I do look forward to hearing from you. I am saying a prayer that you will get help soon! Love and hugs and blessings to you! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!