
Saturday 8 October 2016

Saturday ponderings . . .

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We had a lovely Senior Missionary Meeting at Wrexham yesterday morning.   It was so lovely to see all of the other missionaries and to meet some new ones that we had not met yet.   A lot of work got covered and then we shared a lovely lunch together with some of the best Beef and Barley Soup I have ever eaten.  (Must chase up the recipe.)  There were other soups also, but I only had the Beef and Barley.  I am sure the others were just as good.  There was also salad, fruit, bread, cake, etc.    Afterwards they were all heading off to Chirk Castle for a tour and then a late afternoon supper at the Bistro there.  We did not go with them.  We have been to Chirk several times and I knew that I would struggle with the hill (its on top of a HUGE hill that you have to walk up.) and the expense of that with a meal out afterwards was a bit more than we could afford this week.

I was very glad to get home.  I had been struggling to keep it all together a bit throughout the morning.  But that is me.

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Todd outside on the grounds of Chirk Castle several years ago.

Todd had his Doctors appointment before we left for the meeting.  I wanted to go in with him and he didn't mind.   Normally when the Doctor calls and says he wants to see you, you know it isn't good news and yesterday comfirmed my theory.  It was not good news.   The last two blood tests Todd has had have contained a huge red flag and the Doctor feels that it is highly likely that he has Prostrate Cancer.  He is being fast tracked for an appointment with a Urologist at the hospital.  We were told yesterday that if we had not heard within 10 days that Todd needs to call the Doctor back and he will chivvy them up.

So there you have it.  Its not a positive diagnosis yet and there is still a slim hope that it is nothing, but with the Raised PSA levels he has it is highly likely that he does.  I spoke to a Doctor at our meeting in Wrexham,  and he says that they are definitely a cause for great concern and to make sure that Todd is seen asap, as early diagnosis and treatment are key in this.  I was looking on-line at Dr Google and with proper treatment and an early diagnosis 98% of patients are still alive after 15 years.   So that sounds promising.  I am going to be on this Doctor like a bee to honey and making sure that things go ahead as quickly as possible.

A positive attitude is the best way forward for both of us.   I know that we have a Father in Heaven who loves each of us very much.  If it is His will all will be well in the end, and if it is not, then I do know that everything happens for a purpose and I am so very grateful for the blessing of being a part of an eternal family and having been sealed to my dear husband in a Temple of the Lord for time and all eternity instead of until just Death do us Part.  I am grateful for the knowledge that this life is not all that there is and I am grateful for the time we have had together here and the time we will still have together.  And I am especially grateful that we have been able to serve a Mission together.  This has been a dream come true for both of us.  We never ever thought we would be able to serve, especially as we don't have a great income to sustain us and we knew we would never be able to leave our home to do one.  Being able to serve from our own home has been a great blessing.  We have two months left to serve and God willing we will be able to make it.

So, if you are a praying person, I think it is safe to say that your prayers over these coming weeks would be very much appreciated and if you are not a praying person, then your positive and happy thoughts would also be very much appreciated.


Lucy has passed her obedience training course.  What a sweet family they are.  Bruce, Sara, Baxter and Lucy.  Love them all to bits.  Which reminds me I need to get something off to them in the post TODAY.   I have been meaning to post it all week.  I keep forgetting.   I'll show you later, once it arrives what it is.

We started watching the first series of Poldark on DVD in an attempt to refresh our memories before the second series started on the telly.  The new series started a few weeks back and we haven't been able to watch it.  Happy to report we have not finished the first and are ready to dig into the second!  We love Poldark.   I hope it does not disappoint.  We have never read the books so its all new to us.  I'm so happy we both love shows like this.


That was one of the things which drew us to each other at the beginning aside from our mutual love of the Gospel . . .  our love of all things historical, especially historical dramas in film and television.   We also have a mutual love of books, travel, geography, nature, dogs, birds . . .  and well, shucks . . .  each other.  ♥♥♥

We are and have been blessed.


Its hard to believe but, one week from today we will be sitting down with not one but two Apostles of the Lord.  That will make three that we have been in the personal presence of during our Mission.  I am so looking forward to next Saturday.

We will have to be up extremely early and on the road before the crack of dawn, but it will be well worth it.  We are hoping that the Missionary Sisters are able to stay at ours overnight on Friday so that we don't have to back track all the way to Buckley on Saturday morning, but we will see what happens.  Either way it will be a great day for sure. 

And then we get to see Elder Nelson again in Wrexham with the whole Stake on Sunday morning.  Amazing.

I will leave you now with a thought for today  . . . 


Its a picture one.

Spiritual Enlightenment  

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In the English Kitchen today . . .  Pumpkin Pie Dump Cake.

 Have a beautiful Saturday.  A very Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Canadian family and friends.   God bless you all.  Don't forget!

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 And I do too!!


  1. My dear Marie, having had so many family members and friends given the cancer diagnosis I know exactly how you're feeling this morning. It's amazing what they can do now and I firmly believe a positive attitude helps. I will be thinking of you both and including you in my prayers. Lots of love xxx

  2. Marie I am so very sorry that Todd has to face this. With you beside him he will do well. I will pray for him and for you. As Kate has said there are many options and medical science moves forward at such a pace.

    I am glad that you had such a great meeting. It must leave you feeling full of joy.

    I went to the doctor today. I have two slightly elevated liver enzymes but most of my blood levels were well within normal levels. He says it is most unlikely that I have real problems but I will need to be monitored and he will assign me to a specialist in liver care.

    God bless you and keep you. Lots of love now and always.

  3. Thanks Kate. Positivity is the key to longevity I believe! I feel blessed that we live in a day and age when this no longer be a death sentence, and I pray that Todd and I have many more years together and I thank God for the ones we have had! Its all good. Love and hugs. xoxo

    Thanks Suzan. I am sorry that you have liver problems. I hope and pray that all will be well for you also. Love and hugs. xoxo

  4. Thinking positive thoughts for Todd. We had a friend who lived well into his nineties with prostate cancer, taking medication. I think when one gets older this sort of thing is less aggressive. Onwards and upwards!xx

  5. Thanks Bunny. We are remaining positive! xoxo

  6. I will be praying for sure. One thing I know about this type of cancer is that it is treatable and very often cured. I know a few that have done well.

  7. Marie, we will be praying for Todd. Early diagnosis and treatment are indeed key for this, but I type on many people who have lived many years past the diagnosis. (((Hugs))) my dear friend.

  8. Thanks very much Pam and Raquel. Your prayers are very much appreciated. Love and hugs. xoxo

  9. Fingers and toes crossed marie..a freinds husband gets high readings and all is well so I hope the same is true for Mr T..

    the worry of these things..:(

    Yes be on them..the quicker the better..
    Again you are very fortunate to have such amazing faith..

  10. Thanks so much Monique. All are appreciated. I am hopeful, but steeling myself for the alternative as I must be ready. It is a concern, but I must be positive for him We are both blessed to have our faith. It has carried us through a lot through the years. Love and hugs. xoxo

  11. I am saying a prayer for Todd and for you. My husband is recovering from surgery 2 weeks ago to remove his bladder, prostate, and lymph nodes. He had stage 2, muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Tests after the surgery show no spread outside his bladder. He is doing quite well now with dealing with no bladder and an outside appliance. One good thing: he will never have prostate cancer! ;) My father had prostate cancer and surgery many years ago and did very well afterwards. I'm sure whatever the treatment, Todd will do fine. How could he not, with you by his side?

  12. I will keep your dear husband in my prayers Laura! That sounds like he is doing very well! I am remaining positive and hopeful. He got a hospital letter today and has an appointment next Friday so things are definitely going quickly! That is a plus! xoxo

  13. Oh, Marie! I am sooo sorry to about what's hppening with your dear Todd... :( So much I hope and pray he can get through some next appointments and tests quickly to know what's what. I'm almost speechless... please know that I am praying for him, praying for you both!! With your ateong faith, I know you'll wather this storm with great love and fortitude! God Bless you both extra much at this time. LOVE YOU BOTH SOOO MUCH!!! ((BIG HUGS))

  14. Dearest Marie and Todd..I am so sorry to read about the result of your latest tests but we all know that whatever the Drs prognoses is we are in the Lords hands and his will,is above all others, so all we can do is leave you in his hands and pray that you will have many more years to spend together.......I'm glad that you had such a lovely day yesterday and that you are looking forward to meeting the missionaries next week. We had quite an exciting day. One of the paraolympians Steph Millard a swimmer comes from the village ...although married now and living in Chippenham....our church decided to have a welcome home for her as it dosnt appear that the parish council were going to do anything. ..The Parrish Church of England joined with us in the welcome and provided lots and lots of delicious cakes etc. We had know idea how many might turn up as we didn't have time to get the news out. We were thrilled when what appeared to be 100s but probably 50 adults and lots of children turned out. Steph was delighted brought all her medals a gold, a silver, and three bronze..I will send a photograph when I get one...I was amazed at how heavy the medals are and the wording on them include the Braille version..also enclosed in the beautiful wooden presentation box is a very small gold, silver, or bronze lapel pin....and of course a soft toy... It was lovey...have a good Sunday xxx

  15. Thanks Tracy, Your prayers are very much appreciated. We love you very much also! xoxo

    Thanks Sybil, likewise yours! How exciting was your day! It all sounds very wonderful! I know our Eileen's Olympic medals are also very heavy! Wha a wonderful experience you have had! xoxo


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