
Monday 6 June 2016

Tender mercies . . .


"The tender mercies of the Lord  do not occur randomly or merely by coincidence. Faithfulness, obedience, and humility invite tender mercies into our lives, and it is often the Lord’s timing that enables us to recognize and treasure these important blessings."  ~David A Bednar 

A few of the small and wonderful things in my life that some might call co-incidence, but which I recognise as sometime else entirely  . . .


We recently found ourselves at the end of the month being short for the money we needed in order to be able to pay our rent.   Not only that, but the lady across the road from us was asking for a sum of money to pay for the repainting of her car bumper.  I didn't know how we were going to manage.  I thought we might have to go to the church for help, which we would have hated to do.  We have never had to do this, and hopefully never will.  Amazingly enough I sold not one, but two pieces of artwork in the span of 24 hours.  One just a piece I randomly did and the other a commission that just happened to come up.  And then I had another random payment for an ad I had on the food blog, which I had not been expecting at all.   Pinch me moments that just happened to cover the exact amount that we were short on, on both accounts.  No more, no less, and we could still pay our tithing.  God is good.

That is not to say that this happens all the time, but when it does, tis pretty amazing.   Sometimes you need to go right to the edge and then step off.  He is just waiting to prove to you that if you will exercise your faith in Him, He will make good on His promises.

He did not magic back Todd's lost teeth however.  Hmmm . . . . ☺


My vision did not fail me when I needed it.  Praise God!

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Occasionally I have moments where I feel totally bereft . . . not that I don't have a lot of blessings in my life, because I most certainly do . . .  but sometimes I find myself mourning my losses.  Not material things, because those things can always be replaced  . . .  but losses in relationships.  Just when I think I have conquered those feelings, something will happen to bring them all bubbling to the surface once more.  I found myself again mourning my losses again at one point over this past week . . .  and those feelings are always accompanied with  bitterness towards several people who I see as having caused these losses in my life.  I think I will always mourn certain losses . . .  that can't be helped.  I have a mother's heart after all  . . .  a mother never stops loving and caring, no matter what.  I have recently made it a habit to listen to conference talks on my iPad in the mornings as I prepare myself for the day ahead, put on my face, get dressed etc.   On this day when I was feeling particularly bereft, this talk came up, and the words were like a Balm in Gilead to my soul.

"Gratefully, God, in His love and mercy for His children, has prepared a way to help us navigate these sometimes turbulent experiences of life. He has provided an escape for all who fall victim to the misdeeds of others. He has taught us that we can forgive! Even though we may be a victim once, we need not be a victim twice by carrying the burden of hate, bitterness, pain, resentment, or even revenge. We can forgive, and we can be free!" ~Elder Kevin R Duncan, The Healing Ointment of Forgiveness.

And not only did that talk come up on my iPad on that particular  morning that I needed to hear it, but yesterday in Relief Society that was the talk that our lesson was actually focused on.   Totally random.  What are the chances of that??  Balm of Gilead indeed . . .  a tender mercy.


Finding ourselves decidedly short in the wallet this past week, I went to the shops to buy milk and bread and upon presenting my match and more card received not one,  but TWO £5 vouchers to be used on a future shop.  We always have plenty in the store cupboard to cover those moments when we are short on cash, but its the money to buy the stuff you need to buy fresh that is lacking.  This is the week all of our utility bills are paid.  £10 will go a long ways towards buying milk, bread and eggs.


 A gift.  Say no more.  Biscuits, and nice ones at that.  God is good.  I don't know which I was more excited about the cookies inside or the tin that was holding them!  I think the tin actually.   I shouldn't be eating biscuits.

I was all out of lancets for my glucose meter.  Those things are really expensive.   I didn't know how I would get more, and then I discovered an unopened box of them in the medicine cabinet.

The windows of heaven  . . .

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 The gift of a long lost friend, refound after many years.   Getting to talk to Kathy (Sister Jo).  Random hugs at church.  Calling my mother and getting to speak to her.   Facetime calls on the iPad, even though I missed them, they were still  made to me and I appreciate even the thought.   FB convos with my oldest daughter.  Your lovely comments on the things that I share with you.  All tender mercies.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

 ~•~♥♥♥~•.~•~♥♥♥~• ~
God’s love for His children is perfect. 
He knows their potential for good, 
regardless of their past. 
~Kevin R Duncan
 ~•~♥♥♥~•.~•~♥♥♥~• ~

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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Mock Lasagne Casserole.  Simple and delicious.

May your week ahead be filled with the tender mercies of the Lord.  Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Now here we are..very first time I try to get I am, it's really strange Marie, I try every morning around this time and rarely get in try at odd times during the day and fairly often it's the 5/6 th time trying before I manage LOL...
    Anyway I'm so glad that our loving Gods gift came to you just as you needed it. I remember my sister Sarah had a very similar situation she had the two wee ones, John worked all hours, he was such a good man and people rarely paid their bills on time, and often not at all....they had no money for even the electric metre so no heating, hardly any food ..The wee ones were crying and so the four of them huddled together and prayed, as they were doing that they thought they heard the door open..John got up and lying on the mat was an envelope he opened the door but there was no,one to,be seen..they opened it and there was just enough money to get the electricity back,on and pay the grocer....They never ever did find anyone who admitted to popping it in the door......but they wonderful is our Lord.
    I know you have these down days my love, but I also know how hard you try to love and forgive, it's good when we get a message just when we need them.......hope you have a lovely day, already warm and sunny down here xxx

  2. praise God for His precious gifts

  3. Marie those are amazing stories. Did you share these yesterday? It is amazing how needs are met. I am pleased for you that your faith was affirmed at the very right time. Those lancets are expensive. Our rules change at the end of the month Scary, scary stuff.

    Today has been a wintery day. Mum put the reverse cycle on the air conditioner as she was cold. The top has been a very breezy 17. This is quite cool for here. Many women took the chance to wear their heavier clothing. I smile when I see ladies with scarves, coats etc and sandals etc on their feet;

    You remain in my thoughts and prayers. I see my doctor tomorrow and hope for a positive outcome. God bless you and keep you.

  4. What a blessing! I never have a lot, but always what I need. We just have to have faith all will be well.

  5. I know how you feel Marie because I am walking in your footsteps with the same loses...and I'm always stuck! I am sure our stories are much alike, and it hurts!☹️
    Hugs Marie, your not alone!

  6. I don't know why you have such problems Sybil! The internet can be really strange sometimes! Thank you so much for sharing the story of your sister Sharon and John. Pennies from heaven! Somehow our needs are always met. I don't know why, but I am very grateful for those tender mercies! You are right, I try really hard to be forgiving, but sometimes it is darned difficult! But I keep trying. It's been lovely and warm here today! Beautiful really! xoxo

    Praise God indeed Shortybear! xoxo

    No, I didn't share my stories yesterday, mostly because proud me didn't want anyone at church to know how tight things are for us. I know. I shouldn't be so proud. I have seen some of the storms on the computer from Oz. Scary stuff. I hope you will be okay and safe from the flooding etc.! Prayers and hugs! xoxo

    You are so right Pam. Faith is half of the equation and solution! xoxo

    Thanks Unknown. ((((hugs)))) right back! xoxo

  7. Oh my dear friend that I Love much. I loved all your tender mercies and I can tell they were gifts from heaven. You are just so amazing and I always feel so uplifted by your posts. Thanks for your friendship and sharing of the good and sometimes sad moments of life. You are the best. Sendings lots of loving hugs your way!😊💕

  8. Thanks LeAnn! I started thinking about tender mercies last week when I had read a talk by Elder Bednar and I realised that my life was full of them. I think we all have lives filled with tender mercies and acknowledging them makes them even more preciosu! Love and hugs to you too! xoxo


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