
Sunday 5 June 2016

Sunday twitterings . . .


There once was a woman who came upon a folded sea sponge . . .  all dried and compressed . . . looking  like not much of anything at all.  She decided to return the sponge to the sea from whence it had come and so she made the journey to the ocean . . .


When she got there, she waded into the cold water until she was waist deep and then she dutifully place the sponge into the water.  She stood there mesmerized as she watched it slowly unfold and come back to life.  Magically the secret of life became visible in the bubbles being released by the sponge into the water and amazingly . . .  a small fish which had been trapped in sleep in the hardened dry sponge, came to life and swam out to sea.


From that day on, no matter where her legs carried her, she took that experience with her . . .  she felt like she was the little fish swimming in the deep . . . this little fish which had been asleep for so long . . . a feeling which brought her a deep satisfaction which was nestled somewhere in between contentment and happiness.


Tucked into this story, like the fish tucked into the dry sponge is a great allegory for life.  Whatever our journey, whatever colours our days, whatever struggles and hardships we need to overcome . . .  the secret to finding that place nestled between peace and joy has to do with the awakening and freeing of what has been asleep.  Our heart is like the sponge which begs to be unfolded in the waters of our experience . . . our soul the tiny fish which has been trapped, but when freed bring us peace and joy as we let it swim.

For a fullness of joy and feelings of peace we need to be brave enough to walk into the ocean and place our sleeping hearts tenderly into the life we are living.   Joy and peace aren't out there somewhere in the unknown . . .  they are within us, and around us.  We just have to choose them.    Its not so much about having what you want, as it is about wanting what you already have.

 ~•~♥♥♥~•.~•~♥♥♥~• ~
We could never have guessed
We were already blessed
where we are ...
~James Taylor
 ~•~♥♥♥~•.~•~♥♥♥~• ~

First Sunday of the month and you know what that means  . . .  testimony time!


 When I look back on my life, I can see clearly that my life is composed of a myriad of small and tender things, which on their own might seem pretty insignificant, but when brought together have created something which is amazing and quite beautiful, and for which I am very grateful.  Yes, even the bad times.   I can see clearly that it has been in the bad times which I have experienced the most growth and learned some of my most important lessons.   There is an old saying that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and I think this is true to a large degree.  It isn't the moments we fall that matter so much as it is the moments we pick ourselves up and begin again.  President Monson has said that one of God's greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need be final.  I am grateful for that principle.  It would be a heavy load indeed if we had to carry our failures with us forever and forever.  What a weight to the soul . . .  I am so very grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His example in showing me the way.  The way back to becoming a better me.   The way back to joy.  The way back to my Heavenly Father.  Its such a simple thing that even a child can understand it.  God loves us.  We are His children.   He sent His son Jesus Christ to do what no other man could do, to satisfy the need for justice, and to pay the penalty for sin,  in a fallen world, for me and for you and for every person who has ever or will ever live.   All we need to do is to follow Him and to obey His commandments . . .  and to endure to the end.  That is the hard part, but it is not impossible because He is the God of second chances and third and fourth and so on and so on.   He only asks that we try our best and then the Saviour does the rest.  I know that we have a Heavenly Father.  He is real to me.  He loves me more than I can ever imagine.   I know that the Saviour lives and that through and by Him, we too can live and return to our Heavenly Home.  He has shown us the way and He is there to help us every step of the way if we will let him.   He stands at the head of this church which I love so very much.  This is not the world's church, but it is the Saviour's church. I love my Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ and I love each of you.  Thanks for putting up with me.  ;-)
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Pistachio and Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies.

 Have a beautiful Sunday.  The sun is shining here again!  My we are being blessed!!  Be safe! Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!



  1. Good morning Marie. After the rain the wind has blown. The skies are alternating between grey and blue. The clouds to the southwest have little patches of rainbows on them. Unfortunately the storm system has moved south. I am hoping and praying that the farming communities get a significant amount of the rain they need.

    I was reading an interesting article about Jesus late last night. The author was saying that we as Christ's people need to be more active in restoring the political actions of Lord. I got it. I don't know how accurate it all was but it had me thinking. The churches, even though they are corruptly run by man in this world, have left legacies of hospitals, education, charitable works etc. The other great thinkers eg Marx etc have not made such a lasting impact. We are to be an example of the Lord's love in action. Oh I am thinking too much this afternoon.

    God bless you and keep you all sweet friends.

  2. I truly believe that we are here to be the Saviour's hands Suzan, and that in doing so we will find a deep joy and contentment in our lives that can't be found in any other way. I love your thoughts! God bless you also. Love and hugs. xoxo

  3. Great story! And so true. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday !

  4. Thanks Shorty Bear. xoxo

    Thanks Pam. I hope your Sunday is also wonderful! xoxo

  5. Oh sweet Marie this was lovely. You have such a gift of words and I love when you bear your testimony. I feel the spirit from your writings. Love and hugs for you, ❣❤️

  6. Thanks LeAnn! God bless you and Roger! xoxo


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