
Thursday 26 May 2016

Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens . . . .

These are a few of my favourite things  . . .


Tinned pears, drained and served ice cold from the refrigerator with buttered saltine crackers.  Call me crazy, but I love them.   I have always loved tinned pears and tinned peaches . . .  well most tinned fruits, with the exception of tinned berries.  I don't like them.

Pink glassware.   I think it is so beautiful.   Well, any coloured glassware really . . .  blue, pale grey . . .   if its glass and its coloured, I love it. 


These types of enamel salt and match holders.    Especially vintage ones.   I don't own one but that doesn't stop me from liking them.  I would if I could . . .

Greengate ceramics.   I have a few and I never, or only ever very rarely use them.  They are expensive, but they are quite beautiful.   My most cherished . . .  two tiny blue and white egg cups with matching egg spoons.


We have never used them.

Sweet and Sour Chicken Balls.   I love them.  With fried rice.  They are always my favourite thing on a Chinese Buffet . . .  as well as the chicken wings.   I have never been to a Chinese Buffet over here in the UK.  I don't even know if there is such a thing.  The one thing we always do when we go back to Canada is to have at least one meal out at the local Chinese Buffet restaurant.  Its not cheap, but its worth every penny.


The Queen.  I love her.   She has class.   She has never let her people down in my opinion.  She has given her whole life over to service to this Country.  She is the epitome of the perfect Monarch.  God bless her.  (When I was a child, I thought she and my mom looked alike.  I think they did look very similar.)  I have a great deal of respect for most of the royals actually.   It cannot be easy living in the fishbowl they have to live in.   Most of what they have doesn't belong to them.  It belongs to the Country.   I think they more than earn every penny they get.   When you think about it, the Royal family brings in millions of pounds of revenue from tourism to this country every year, maybe even billions.  Lets face it . . .  people don't come for the weather.  Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace, the Royal parks, Victoria and Albert Museum, Horseguards Parade,etc.  They are all tourist magnets.


Nigel Slater.  He is my favourite Celebrity Chef next to Tamasin Day Lewis.  I love how both of these people cook.  They are not fancy, smancy cooks.  Simple ingredients done well.  They cook the way I want to eat and the food is the star. If they do have ego's . . .  I have never seen them.


Meringues with fresh berries and cream.   Heaven on earth, especially when English berries are in season.   Just beginning here . . .  the next month or two will be brilliant.  Our plants are covered with blooms!


Seeing my work framed and in someone's home.   I only ever very rarely get to see this.  I have work all over the world, but I have never seen how its being used.  This is a rare treat!

You know  . . .  I never see myself as being an artist . . .  but I think if you have work that is all over the world that people cherish and use to decorate their homes with that kind of makes you an artist eh?  Hmm . . .  that might be another one of my favourite things.  Being seen as an artist. ☺

And that is some of my favourite things for this week!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

I have been born again and again,
each time I find something to love.
~Gordon Parks

Spiritual Enlightenment 

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Homemade Pirate Cookies.  I love them . . .  sigh.

Have a great Thursday!! Don't forget . . .

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and I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie. I am running very late. Mum went to the breast clinic today and it took hours. The poor dear has had biopsies and aspirations and the day has gone.

    I love the pink glasses too. My crime of the day was smashing our one china spoon emptying the dishwasher. Hey at least I was doing the housewrok.

    God bless you and keep you.

  2. Well you ARE a TRUE ARTIST:)

    And use the egg cups!! Ohmygoodness use the eggcups:)

    All very pretty things..that I like too:)

  3. Oh dear your poor mum Suzan, not fun at all. Keeping her in my deepest prayers. I am sorry you smashed your china spoon, that's why I don't use mine. Sad but true. Love and hugs to you. xoxo

    Aww thanks Monique, so are YOU and I think moreso than myself. All I do is draw silly pictures and colour them in, you truly do what I call art. Thanks for being you! xoxo PS - I will use the egg cups, but not around Todd. He is too clumsy! lol

  4. A bit later today, but I did get in first time...Peter Mary and I have had a long day we left at 7.45 to go up to Silverstone there was a Motability road show and I wanted to see all,the different cars, wheelchairs etc...but I think we came home with just as many answers as questions..or the other way round !!....anyway back to you likes lots there that I like as well especially coloured's lovely to think,of your lovely art work all over the world..who wouldn't love it...I know I still have a few of your cards left and each time I go to send them I can't ! I love them so much LOL..and as for my little match box lady and my Mrs Beenshe is in my display case and much admired by so many folks ...
    Hope your day has been a good one. Weather wise it's been lovely. Masy has had a great day with herbAunty Lyn..they went for a very long walk about 4 miles this morning and yet another shorter one this afternoon, no wonder she is lying fast asleep now xxx

  5. Wow, I like really love your favorite things this week. I too like bottled or tinned fruits and pears are my favorite. However, I don't think I have had them with saltines and butter. I love things that are vintage too. Your egg cuts and spoons are so awesome.
    I love that your art is use around the world because you are an extremely good artist. I really want to see you as a famous artist someday because to me you are.
    I really like your queen too. I think she has been a great example through all the years. I would love to visit England and see all of those places too.
    Blessings and hugs for you! Love you much my dear~

  6. Oh Sybil, my heart is so cheered with the thoughts of my work being in your home. I was thinking of making some more matchbox dolls the other day. I just may do this. What a lovely walk for Masy. Mitzie needs someone who will walk her like that! Looks like Friday will be a great day weatherwise! Love and hugs. xoxo

    Thanks LeAnn! If you and Roger ever make it over to the UK, you better come here! I would love to have you! Love and hugs. xoxo


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