
Friday 27 May 2016

My Friday Finds . . .

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A few of the things I find each week that spark my interest, intellect and curiosity.  I hope that they do the same thing for you.  Its hard to believe that this is my last Friday Finds post for May. This month (year!) has just flown by!


Five basic watercolour techniques for the colourist, artist, beginner, journalist, etc.   Found on Adventures in Making.


Crochet your own shopping bag.   From The Adventures of Cassie.


Matching cotton dishcloth and teatowel pattern. To crochet.  From The Yarn Box.


Decorate a handbag with buttons.  So sweet and so simple.  Found on Inspire  Co.


Two Brothers Two.  
In this unique documentary series Two Brothers Two, director Rick Stevenson takes us on a 10-year journey through the lives of the Nelson brothers, Sam, Luke, Tommy, and Joseph, as they struggle to find love for each other and for themselves.  There are sixteen short videos, each about 10 minutes long.  It is a compelling look into the lives of these four brothers.  I discovered it by accident yesterday morning and I watched ALL sixteen videos yesterday.  I couldn't not watch it.  Each one inspired me to want to watch the next one.   It was fantastic.


A Unique idea for holding your earrings.  Found on Homemade Crap


How to make your own compound Herb Butters.  From Buzzfeed


Maraschino Cherries from Scratch.  Found on Creagirl.


Make your own Weed control using totally natural ingredients.  Well, except for the dish soap.   From Hometalk.  Apparently this stuff works very well. 


Decorate with old lanterns.  About Face and Fashion.  Inspiration only.   But nice.  I would never have thought of doing this.


Bobble Knit Sheep Pillow.  So cute!  From BlogLovin.  There are two sizes. 


Fruit Infused Waters 6 Ways for summer drinking.  From SHE Uncovered.


37 Ridiculously Awesome Things to do in your backyard this summer.  From BuzzFeed.  This will keep the kids busy! 


Make your own sprinkler from a Soda Bottle.   Such a neat idea and so simple!  How do they think of these things!   Making Memories with Your Kids.


What an adorable Bedroom.   Such ideas.  Pure inspiration.  From Rosebud's Cottage.

And that's it for this week.   I hope that you found something here that interested you!

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

 ~•~♥♥♥~•.~•~♥♥♥~• ~
If you want to be 
truly understood,
you need to say everything
three times, 
in three different ways.
Once for each ear  . . . 
and once for the heart.
~Paula Underwood Spencer
 ~•~♥♥♥~•.~•~♥♥♥~• ~

Spiritual Enlightenment

In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Parmesan Chicken Breasts with Crispy Pancetta!  Seriously tasty!

 Hope your Friday is a great one!  Todd is off to the Temple today, taking up three Missionary Elders who are preparing to end their missions and go home.   A special Temple experience with the Mission President.   It should be a great day for him.   Wherever you go and whatever you get up to, don't forget!

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 And I do too!!


  1. Good morning darling girl,

    I hope that Todd has a great time. Safe travels Todd.

    Once again you have given me much to explore over the weekend. Thank you.

    Mum had her test results delivered and they good.

    God bless your day.

  2. Great news Suzan! I am so pleased to hear it! God bless you all! xoxo

  3. Thank you! Funny I practiced that one about watercolor one day:) That lamb:)

  4. You're welcome Monique! I have practiced it also! I think I might make the lamb pillow. Maybe. Watch this space. ;-) xoxo

  5. Hi Marie!

    Oh my goodness, it seems like ages since I've been able to sit down at my computer!

    I love all of these fun finds, especially the fun things for kids, my brain is on overdrive right now thinking of all the fun I can have!

    The crocheted sheep made me smile . . . :0)

    If I could watercolor like you I would smile too! You are such a wonderful artist - I love watercolor, but I have never had a knack like you sweet friend!

    Loved it all!

    Hugs and Love,

  6. Hi Barb! Expect you are busy now with summer things! I am not really much of a water colourist. I mostly use copics. But I like watercolours. I am just not that adept at using them as I am with the markers! Have a great long weekend! xoxo

  7. Wow, I think that is awesome that Todd was able to take the Elders and participate with them. I loved your Friday finds. You do come up with some fun ones. The lamb pillows are adorable. I especially like the water splinkler idea. How do they think up these items. I like the 37 things to do in the backyard. Gosh it must take time to look for these finds and I always love your efforts. You have given me some great leads to some awesome ideas.
    Sending love and hugs to you dear friend!

  8. Thanks LeAnn! I don't know how these people always come up with these fabulous ideas either! But I am gad that they do! Sending love and hugs right back and a very happy weekend! xoxo

  9. Love those sheep pillows and the purse decorated with buttons.


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