
Friday 20 May 2016

Friday Finds . . .

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A few of the things I discover each week that inspire me and make me want to get busy creating or doing things! I hope they inspire you to do the same!

For the kids, a DIY Mason Jar Aquarium.   From Hello Wonderful.


Another one for the kids.  How to make a Balloon Hovercraft.  This ought to keep em busy for a few hours!  Summer Hols are not far off now!  From Minieco.   Simple.


Fairies in a Jar.  

1). Cut different colored Glow Sticks and shake the contents into a jar.
2). Add diamond glitter.
3). Seal the jar & shake.

This would even be sweet for those nights when the Tooth-fairy visits. ;)

Rock Monsters.  A simple children's craft tutorial for making Pebble beach stone fridge magnets. Using natural beach stones.  From Coastal Ways.


I love this idea. Painted people stones.  Heads on one stone, bodies on another, so you can play matching games with them, switch them up, around.  Fun, FUN!  From Good Ideas for You


Twenty creative frosting ideas.  Which nozzle to use to get which effect.  From Its a Baking Thing.


This Primitive Cat Pin Cushion is so sweet.  It has ball headed pin whiskers!  From Prim Penny.


I love LOVE this rectangular Chunky Button Cushion Cover.   So sweet.  From Sew Good.


From Nana and Co, a sweet Christmas Garland.  Its never too early to start preparations.   Visions of Sugar Plums.  So adorable.


A very pretty and simple Infinity Scarf to crochet.  I love this.  From Red Heart


Decoupage Magic.  From Babble.  Such a simple idea.


Up-cycled Tea Cup Candleabra.   Shabby Chic.  From  Thrifty Rebel Vintage


DIY Tea Cup Lamp.  Dysfunctional Design.  A Plethora of tea cup ideas.


Pineapple Curd.  Yes please!  From Baked By An Introvert


A non-traditional embroidery sampler.  I love this.  From Crafter Org Forum.  No instructions.  Simply inspiration. 

And that's it for this week.  I hope you found some inspiration here, something to get your own creative juices flowing!

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

 ~•~♥♥♥~•.~•~♥♥♥~• ~
 I'm not a one in a million
kind of girl.
I'm a once in a lifetime
kind of woman!
~•~♥♥♥~•.~•~♥♥♥~• ~

Spiritual Enlightenment 

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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Confetti Rice Salad.  Colourful, crunchy and very healthy!  Also delicious.

I hope that you have a lovely Friday! Wherever you go and whatever you do, may you always know that . . .
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And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie from a very tired Suzan. I am suffering a late afternoon slump. Mum has her scans done today and the driver is worn out too. So in a few minutes I am lying down with my kindle and a little air con as it i about 30 and having a rest/sleep. There is corn meat ready in the fridge and dinner will be sangers.

    I am off to look at the pattern for the scarf. I have two skeins of yarn made from sugar cane fibre. It is soft and dyed the prettiest colours. If I have enough I might make this scarf from it.

    God bless you today and always.

  2. Now my tired brain has realised a little maths is in order....See you soon.

  3. I hope that you get the rest that you need Suzan! I was like that yesterday. Simply exhausted. All of our plans went right out the window. I seem to have more and more of those days lately and my vision has been quite poor. I think I need an eye appointment! Sanger suppers are sometimes the best! love and hugs, xoxo

  4. the menu changed. Mum is still sleeping so I had oats with cinnamon and nutmeg. YUm.

  5. Hi, Marie! Yup, here I am catching up... LOL... ;) Oh, but I LOVE those mini aquariums. Have to send that link to my sister for our niece--fun idea! And those Rock Monsters--too CUTE!! The one-eyed ones remind me of Minions! :))) The felt Christmas garland is wonderful--love the mist of shapes, pom poms & colors. Sooo many fun things today! And such a pretty, healthy salad too... nom-nom! ;) Wishing you all there a Happy Weekend, dear friend ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  6. Sorry I couldn't get in to comment any way's so odd....however here I am today. Yesterday I was going to say I did love that tiny wee garden Heinz sent how cute, wonder what is growing in it ? Friday always has fun things I would like to do ..but afraid my I tensions never come to fruition in particular I love the wee stone painted ..people....just wish my great great nieces came to visit I would have such fun with them....hope you and Todd are having a good day. The sun is still shining down here and it's not cold, Mary and I went to the local garden centre this morning for a cuppa and delicious cheese scone. They make the best I've tasted other than my sister Sarah's...alas no more of her delicious ones.....I ended up asking a garden man about some shrubs and ended up buying three ! I have a small border between next door and the grass area. Lyn popped a flowering shrub I bought last week and a hebe I had..and we decided if I got another three small bushes slow growing it would fill the space all up and then no more trouble there...hope she dosnt mind me getting them!!....bye for now God Bless xx

  7. We Pin so many of the same wonderful things!!

  8. Oats and Cinnamon is quite tasty Suzan, glad you enjoyed! xoxo

    I think there are Petunias in the garden Sybil and two other types of plants that I have no idea! I am dangerous in a garden centre, I could buy everything if I had the money to do so! My plans far exceed my talents! I would love to see a photo of your garden! God bless and hello to Mary also! xoxo

    Tracy, I thought of your niece and also Monique's grandsons today when I was putting these ideas up! I sure wish I lived closer to my grandchildren! Love, hugs and blessings to you three also. Happy Weekend! xoxoxo

    Monique, I think we are very like minded which helps! Have a great weekend! xoxo


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