
Thursday 19 May 2016

A few of my favourite things . . .

These are a few of my favourite things  . . .

Linen napkins . . . pale blue and off white.  with white dinnerware and clear glass.  I am a simple person with simple tastes, well some of the time anyways!


Emma Bridgewater half pint mugs  . . .  I think the robin one is my favourite one.  We used to have two and now have one.  Don't ask.  Men.  In any case I love them.  They have a nice weight and feel right in my hands.   And British robins are so cute and sound so pretty when they sing.  Robin mugs.  My favourite thing.

Sweet peas  . . .  they are my favourite flower.  They look for all the world as if they are composed of butterfly wings . . .  just waiting to flutter and fly away.   We had beautiful ones when we lived down south.  An elderly man in our Ward used to grow them each year and always gave us plants to put into our own garden.   They were gorgeous.  And the smell  . . . heavenly . . .


Bedrooms built beneath the eaves.  What a comfortable retreat.  With a low window and filtered light . . .  the wooden floors, the cast iron bed with bird bedknobs . . .  so sweet.   Sigh  . . . .

I love, Love, LOVE these kinds of sinks.  Deep.  White.   I believe they are called Butler's Sinks.  There was one in the small shower room in the cottage we lived in down South.  Not sure I care for those big table legs adorning the sides of this one, but I love the little step stool and the curtain underneath.  And the airiness of the window.  There should always be a window over a kitchen sink so that you can daydream while you do the dishes.


I love the colour of the paint on these walls with the white woodwork and dark wood floors.  I want to repaint our lounge/dining area.  I would love to do it this colour.  A pale glue grey.  So serene.


Vintage baking tins.  There are some things which just taste better with a pattern baked into them.   I love my mother's old tins . . . they are filled with memories.

Arcopel and Pyrex casserole dishes.  Lots of memories baked into these also . . .


The gentle arts  . . .  knitting, embroidery, crochet  . . .  love to be doing something with my hands.

Haberdashery . . .  ribbons, lace, buttons and threads  . . .


Old quilts  . . .

Old barns  . . . .


Pigs . . .  they're very intelligent you know  . . .

Little gardens that arrive in the post.   I was sent this tiny garden by Heinz.  It's to promote their Grow Your Own Campaign.   It arrived in a cardboard box, and I had to do a lot of damage control, but all was well in the end.  Look at that tiny spade and fork.  So cute. 


I love tiny worlds  . . .  you know that.

And that's it for this week.

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

 Keep your eyes open to 
your mercies . . . 
The man who forgets 
to be thankful
has fallen asleep in life.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Spiritual Enlightenment

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In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Twice Baked Cheese Souffles.  Seriously tasty.  Simple to make.  These are also one of my favourite things  . . .

Have a great Thursday!!  Don't forget . . .

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and I do too!


  1. Marie once again my heart is singing and a voice in my head is screaming YES. Oh how I love blue and white. How I love the gentle arts and the older I get the more I long for a simpler way. A slower way where things are made with love and are treasured instead of quickly used and trashed. Maybe one day I shall achieve my dream of less equalling more with beauty at heart.

    I had to laugh this afternoon. Our young pharmacist wanted to look at my knitting. He is the sweetest young man and you leave feeling he has cared. Poor mum is still sick and in first thing tomorrow I am taking her for a cat scan. Hopefully there will be some answers about her pain.

    God bless you darling.

  2. TEnder mercies of the Lord Suzan! These little pockets of joy. May we always have eyes and hearts to acknowledge them! I hope your mum gets some answers soon. It is no fun to be in pain and can make a grumpy person even grumpier! Love and hugs. xoxo

  3. MarieHeinzwhatagreatgiftsoadorableindeedwowsers.
    And well deserved!
    And I like the same things..pigs? maybe not that much;)That one is ok on that one.
    I hate illnesses w/out answers.Painful conundrums:(

  4. It's very cute Monique! I hate illnesses without answers also. I pray Suzan and her mum get some soon. Xoxo


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