
Sunday 28 February 2016

The morning after the night before . . .

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I won't be going to church this morning.  I have been up all night with severe earache and tinnitus, which is so loud in my ear I could fall asleep, not that the pain would have done anyways.   Between that and the coughing I was up and down all night.  I've tried all sorts . . .  heat, warm onion juice, etc.  Nothing has helped.   As soon as Todd wakes up I am going to send him to Boots (the Chemist on the trading estate) so he can get something from the Chemist there for me to use to at least help me alleviate the pain, and hopefully it will get better.  They don't do anti-biotics for ear infections anymore.

Ear Infection is something which has plagued me my whole life.    The pain is horrendous . . .  sharp and piercing.  I have had perforated ear drums and my ears are full of scar tissue.  Not nice at all.  Sigh . . .

On a positive note, the Baptisms went very well yesterday.  My talk went well.  I am really disappointed that I won't be going to church this morning as I had been really looking forward to the confirmations.  They were very well attended yesterday.  The room was filled to overflowing with friends and family and members of the Ward.  It was really nice to see.   I love Baptisms.  Each one always reminds me of my own Baptism, almost 17 years ago now, 18 for Todd.  It is a Baptism by full immersion, done by a worthy Priesthood holder, in the name of Jesus Christ and in the manner in which the Saviour himself was baptised.  My heart is always touched with the faith of the person being Baptised . . .  I remember the feelings I had when I, myself,  was Baptised . . .  and I remember the lesson I had when I was investigating the church and the missionaries were teaching  . . .  when the spirit had impressed upon me my own need for Baptism.

Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.  But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?  And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him.  And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
~Matthew 3:13-17

This was a passage I had read in the bible many times through the years, but it was not until that day that I realized that if the Saviour had a need to be Baptised . . .  how much more did I?  And how much it needed to be a choice I made for myself, not a choice that my parents made for me when I was an infant . . . or a choice I made simply because all of my friends were doing it.  It needed to mean something . . .  something personal . . .  a covenant and a comittment made between myself and my Heavenly Father.  It didn't matter that I had been already Baptised several times before . . . none of those were right, or done by persons with proper authority, or entered into for the right reasons.

I will never forget the day of my Baptism into the Church of Jesus Christ . . .  July 8th, 1999.  My whole life changed on that day . . .  for the better. ☺ 

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I'm celebrating National Marmalade Week in the English Kitchen today  . . .  with a delicious Marmalade Cheesecake Crumble Cake!

I am going to go and lay down for a while.  See if I can't sleep some.   God willing, Todd will be up soon and I can get him to go to get me something for my ear.   May your Sunday be blessed beyond measure!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. OH darling Marie, my heart breaks for you. I know about earaches and it is awful. I hope that you can obtain some relief. God bless you and keep you.

  2. Hope you are better soon and get some meds for some relief. Take care and rest !

  3. I get you.
    I hope something arrives in the form of relief soon:(
    Take it easy Marie.
    You must feel beside yourself.


  4. I know the pain. the wind got to me just last week. I also had earachs my whole life. I'm still praying hope your better soon.oxoxox

  5. Thanks everyone. I was not able to get anything but cocodemol for pain relief, which really isn't touching it. I have to try to make an appointment with the Dr first thing tommorrow morning. God willing I will be able to get in right away. The chemist said I need anti-biotics. Thanks for all of your happy thoughts. I hope you will forgive me for my brevity in responding. I am quite dizzy with it as well. Please pray for my wee grandson Cameron. They think he has pneumonia. Thank you so very much! xoxo

  6. Hi Marie~

    I hope you start feeling better very quickly...nothing worse than a bad earache and a cough, you will be in my prayers.

    I'm glad the baptism went well, I always feel the Spirit so strongly at baptisms, it reassures me of how important they are. I will have a little grand getting baptized in April, we are so happy for him, it will be a good day!

    Take care sweet friend!


  7. Thanks Barbara. YOU must be so proud of your family. I cannot imagine what it feels like to have active members in the family. What a blessing! xoxo


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