
Monday 29 February 2016

Small and Wonderful Things . . .


"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.


Despite my cough and painful weeping ear I managed to get some sleep last night, which is more than I did the night before.  I cannot wait until the Doctors opens up this morning and I can get an appointment to see him.   The Chemist had nothing.  He said I would have to go to the Doctors.  In the meantime some blood has been weeping from my ear.   I have been in agony for 48 hours now, apart from the time I was able to finally get some sleep.

I am grateful for modern medicine and hoping that it helps.

I think I will go back to bed after the Docs.  I may not even put my makeup on to go . . .  now you know how badly I am feeling if I am not going to do even that.  I have lost even the will to make the most of what I am.

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Without going into details I will say that my daughter has been through a horrendous week of trials one way or the other.   Please pray for wee Cam.  I am grateful that she has a loving and supportive husband who is always there for her . . .  for them.  When you are the  mother of small children, or big children for that matter  . . .  it is always something.   I don't know how these modern mums cope with it all and a lot of them have full time jobs on top to cope with.  God bless them.

When I was a young mum, it was s given that women didn't work unless they absolutely had to . . .  now it's a given that they will work, and it is most unsual if they don't.  How things have changed.

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Lucy looks more and more like a Spaniel each time I see a photo of her.  My DIL to be put a funny video on of the two of them, Baxter and Lucy, yesterday.  Lucy had a long stick . . .  Baxter wanted the stick.  Baxter got the stick away, but it wasn't long before Lucy was on the other end of the stick and it was a tug of war, with Lucy finally winning and taking the stick far away from Baxter.  Just like children.  No fighting . . .  just a show of perseverance that finally paid off.

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Isn't she sweet?  These are two great dogs.  I wish I lived closer so that I could "dog" sit sometimes.  That would be great!

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This sweet couple make me smile.  She was worth the wait and all of the horrific frogs he had to kiss to find her.  She is intelligent, hard working, caring and kind.  She is dedicated.  Once she finds a cause she puts her whole into it and then some.  They will have a great life together.  I know I say it often, but seeing one's children happy and settled is one of life's greatest rewards.

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Special friends.   We talk just about every morning.  I miss her.   It was so nice having her here in December.  I wish she would move here.  But that is very selfish of me.  Her own family would miss her.  Sigh . . .

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Spring . . .  it's on its way!

The film Leap Year.   We watched it last night. What a cute film.  (Yes that is the guy from Downton Abby that marries Mary.)  Even Todd enjoyed it.  Great music also.

Oh, and Happy Leap Year Day!  May it be a good one!

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

“To perceive freshly, 
with fresh senses is to be inspired.”
~Henry David Thoreau

Spiritual Enlightenment  

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 Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . . delicious BBQ Chicken Thighs.   Yes, with marmalade.  Fabulously tasty!

May your week ahead be filled with an abundance of small and wonderful things.  Along the way don't forget . . .
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And I do too!


  1. Oh my dear Marie, I didn't know you were I such agony with your ear....please get to see the Dr. As soon as possible today, you must feel awful, there is very few things worse than earache, and it looks as if you have got a terrible infection...please do,go back to bed once you have seen the know what we have been writing about, now don't you even give it another thought, your health comes first you may well still be poorly by the just wait and see how the week goes. I have been lucky to get on to today's blog, there are some days for some reason I just can't get you...I always seem to open in a few days past !!...take care please if you can let me know how you get on...don't let the put you of for an appointment..if they do go to the hospital. Xxx

  2. I will Sybil, and I am sure I will be better by the weekend. I am looking forward to meeting and I have responded to your latest e-mail this morning! Love and hugs. oxoxo

  3. Darling it is far from right that your ear is weeping blood. I hope you see a doctor ASAP. It sounds like agony.

    I wish you a happy day. I have made two different vegetarian meals for Beth and I want to make a batch of brownies before I go to bed. I am trying desperately to cut out bills and reduce food waste. I know the girls will munch these.

    God bless.

  4. I still hear you re the ear no pun intended:(
    Thinking of the little one....I don't think I have seen that movie..will look into it!
    Take the line about he horrible frogs LOL.

  5. Hope you are soon better ! Take good care ! Happy Leap Day to you too!

  6. Hi Marie~

    I'm so sorry that you are still suffering with an earache. It sounds like it is a little more than just an earache, and I hope that you can see a Dr. quickly . . . :0(

    It's always hard to see your children going through struggles. I will keep her in my prayers, as well as her mama. What a beautiful family she has!

    Oh boy, I sure know how you feel when you talk about kissing lots of frogs!! My son was 31 before he finally found his princess. She was worth it, we just adore her! Your son's fiance looks like a keeper, just gorgeous!

    Get some rest sweet friend . . . tomorrow will be a better day.

    Gentle Hugs,

  7. p.s. I loved seeing the photo of you and your sweet friend! Two beautiful faces!

  8. Hello Marie - sounds like you are having a rough time and not feeling well - you will be in my prayers tonight. Hope you can get some relief when you visit the doctor. Ear infections are the worst. I enjoyed reading about the baptisms you participated in. It is always so wonderful to see people accept the Gospel and be baptized. Will also keep your family in prayer. We think that when our children grow up, we won't have to worry about them any more, but their problems just get bigger and our ability to help solve them gets smaller. Hope things are looking up for you and your family very soon!

  9. I didn't know Beth was a Vegetarian Suzan! You have so many challenges in your family. It must be hard to keep the food bill down at times I am sure! xoxo

    You would love the film Monique! I thought of you when I was watching it! xoxo

    Thanks Pam! xoxo

    Thanks very much Barb! Hoping today is better as I did absolutely nothing all day yesterday except lay around and feel miserable. So not like me! xoxo

    Thanks Deb, any and all prayers are very much appreciated! I agreew ith you about the children growing up and their problems getting larger and our ability to help getting smaller, especially when you live a couple of thousand miles away! xoxo


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