
Wednesday 11 November 2015

Today . . .

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Fifteen years ago today I married my best friend in a little chapel in Wales and then we drove up to Chorley and were sealed together for time and all eternity in the Preston, England Temple.  This is the longest that Todd has ever been married.  (We've beaten his record by a year.)  It's also two thirds as long as my last marriage.   I wish that neither of us had been married and divorced before, but it is what it is.

The important thing is . . .  we finally got it right!

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We found each other late in life, which means we didn't ever have the opportunity to have a family together.  That is my one sorrow in all of this  . . .  that we were not able to have children.  I know that Todd would have been a wonderful father, because he is a great step dad and he has been a wonderful father to our fur babies.   He's kind and understanding and doesn't easily lose his cool.  He's incredibly patient.  I get stressed when things don't go the way I want them to  . . . he does not.  

Life has not been easy at times.  We've had to face some pretty big challenges through the years, but life has always been very good and we have always been very happy together.  We are the best of friends.   I can share anything with him and I do. In those fifteen years (which I know doesn't seem like very long to some of you) we have spent most of our working days together.

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I have heard people say they could never do that, but (with the exception of the two years of our marriage) we always have worked together.   First at a Service Station and then at the Manor.  We spend most of our waking hours together even now.  We don't mind.   We don't just love each other . . .  we like each other.

 Which is not to say we always get along.  We have our moments.   But, thankfully, they are few and far between.

He doesn't like me driving when he steers.   I don't like the way he loads the dish washer.  But we would both conceded that there have been times when it's been a good thing I've been driving while he was steering the car because accidents have been avoided . . .  and I recognize how lucky I am to have a husband that will load the dishwasher.  It all evens out.

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We like the same books and the same politics.  We enjoy the same films for the most part. (He's not into chick flicks and I'm not into cowboys.)  We both enjoy travel and nature and we both love the Lord with all of our hearts.  I love pizza and pasta and he does not.   He loves steak and kidney pie, mackeral and sardines.  I would touch none of those with a barge pole.  But we make it work.

He makes me laugh.  I make him laugh.   We laugh together.

He is the yin to my yang.

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When I am weak, he is strong and vice versa.  I like to think we bring out the best in each other and together we get past the worst.

There is nobody on this earth that I want more to spend eternity with.   For years and years I had been praying to have a husband who was my spiritual equal . . .  who understood me inside and out . . .  who loved the Lord every bit as much as I did and who would be as committed to that love as much as I was.  He was and is the answer to that prayer.

How wonderful that you could be the answer to someone's prayer.  I can think of nothing better.

We love each other.  As Angie would say . . .  warts an arl.  There is nothing sweeter.

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Happy Anniversary to the other half of me.  I'm glad I found you.

We are going into Chester to work with the young Missionaries on a Street Display today and tonight we have Missionary Correlation Meeting, so we will be going out to supper tomorrow to celebrate.  There is an Asian Buffet place that we have both been wanting to try out for a very long time and so tomorrow's the night we are going to do it!  I have a really hard time finding a place that I enjoy eating at.  I have my fingers crossed!

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Also remembering today those who paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we now enjoy. May it never have been in vain.  I am ever grateful for their sacrifice and for the men and women who continue to serve.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

Humour is the spiciest condiment in
the feast of existance.
Laugh at your mistakes, but learn from them.
Joke over your troubles, but gain strength from them.
Make a jest of your difficulties but overcome them.
L.M. Montgomery

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . .  a Lebanese Tabouleh.

Have a fabulous Wednesday.  Wherever you go and whatever you do, don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Good Morning Marie.

    Happy anniversary to you both. I used to say to my ex that love is a verb. It is too easy to say I love you and very difficult to practice love. Good on you for becoming a team at home and at work.

    Enjoy your day and your buffet,


  2. Happy Anniversary ! Hope your day is a wonderful one and that you do enjoy your meal out.

  3. Happy Anniversary! We had our 51st on the 6th.

  4. Happy happy anniversary!
    You are very well matched indeed!

  5. Thanks Suzan. We are not actually going out until tomorrow (today was too full with missionary work), but I am sure we will enjoy it tomorrow! xoxo

    Thanks Pam! xoxo

    Thanks Dee! xoxo

    Thanks Linda, and Happy belated Anniversary Wishes to you as well. 51 years is a real milestone! xoxo

    Thanks Monique! xoxo

  6. What a perfect tribute to sweet Todd. It sounds like you both complement each other, and what more could we ask of a marriage. Celebrate those 15 years, Marie and I hope you'll enjoy many, many more.

  7. What sweet words you have for your marriage to Todd. That is wonderful that you are both found each other and are happy and content with each other. Happy Anniversary to you both! May God's blessings always rain down on everything you do. Love, Valerie xoxo

  8. Happy Anniversary! and here's to many more! and what is it about men and dishwashers? Washing machines too. I think they do it just to be told, "Never mind, I'll do it from now on."

  9. Thank you so much Carolyn! I know you had the same thing with Dave and must miss him terribly. ((((hugs)))) I think of you both often! xoxo

    Thanks Valerie! As they say better late than never! Miss you! Love and hugs! xoxo

    Thanks Laura! I think you are right with that! Come to think of it, it IS the same with the laundry and cleaning the bathroom! I do it much better and so I do it because I hate having to do it again after he has done it and I don't want him to feel bad about how he did it. Perhaps there is a method to his madness? haha! xoxo


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