
Thursday 12 November 2015

Five Things About Me

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This is a statue of Robert The Bruce.  He was King of Scots from 1306 until his death in 1329. Robert was one of the most famous warriors of his generation, and eventually led Scotland during the first of the Wars of Scottish Independence against England. He fought successfully during his reign to regain Scotland's place as an independent nation and is today remembered in Scotland as a national hero, and he is one of my ancestors.  I can also claim Alfred The Great, Charlemagne, Eleanor of Aquitane and a few other notables including the First Duke of Wesminster and Sir John Howard (grandfather to Anne Bolyn and great grandfather to Queen Elizabeth l)  as ancestors.   I love doing geneology.   I find it very fascinating and quite rewarding.   I love to watch television programs on geneology as well.

And that is the first thing in a five things about me post for this week!

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This is the Astronomical Clock in the Cathedral as Strasbourg.  I love visiting old cathedrals and churches.   Most are open to the public on week days for people to go through and most are free of charge.  I find them all very fascinating, especialy the onion domed ones in Germany and Austria.   Most are painted beautifully with murals inside and there is lots of gilt and statuary to admire.

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This photo is a corner of the church which was in the town in Austria where we stayed about six years ago.  Simply stunning.   One church which we visited in Todmoos, Germany was a Pink Onion Domed church and inside the artistry, etc. was quite simply stunning.  I marvel at the beauty of these buildings and wonder about the people who built them.

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I quite simply adore history.  If you had told me when I was going to school that I even remotely liked history I wouldn't have believed you.  I found history (when I was going to school) quite boring actually, but take it out of school and I am (and was) totally fascinated by it.   The past is what led to the now.  I am not that good with dates and such.  Don't ever ask me when the battle of Waterloo was fought or where.  I would not be able to tell you.  (Waterloo?)  haha, no I am not quite that bad.  As a child I loved visiting the Habitation Fort in Port Royal, which is the reconstructed fort at the site of the first French Settlement in Nova Scotia.  I loved visiting the Church of Evangeline in Grand Pre, and I loved visiting any other historic site I was lucky enough to visit.  Out West, it was Heritage Park Historical Village in Calgary, the Manitoba Museum in Winnipeg, etc.   I loved visiting all of the historical sites in Utah when I visited there.  I just adore museums and historical sites and learning about the people of the area and their history.   I feel so priviledged to live in the UK where we have an abundance of these things.  It was not until I was taking Canadian History at University that I realized just how very much I did enjoy history.  It is a love which Todd and I have in common.  I firmly believe that in order to understand a people, you have to understand their history.

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I am very much a girly girl.  I love ruffles and flounces (in linens and furnishings and nightware) and really pretty things  Cabbage roses.   Pink.   Gilt.  Dolls.   Tea sets and tea parties.   Pretty hats.  Etc.   I just adore all things feminine.  I like being a woman and I adore being treated like a woman.  I am not a tom boy by any stretch of the imagination.  I don't mind equal pay for equal work, but I think women have a very important role to play in society and that we have things to do that only we can do and do right.   I think that men also have important roles and things to do that only they can do and do right.  That is just my opinion and you are quite free to differ!  I just enjoy being a girl!

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I am really quite old fashioned.  I love old things in furnishings and homes, decorating, etc.  I am nt overly fond of modern art or furnishings, or even dishes for that matter.   I love old and traditional.  They are beautiful to me.  Victorian homes with gingerbread trim.   Flounces and frills and lace.   Cabbage Rose fabrics. Lace curtains.  Aprons.   Candlelight.  Wood floors and scatter mats.  Antique stoves and tableware.    I just embrace all things old.  That is probably why I love history, old churches and buildings, programs on the television about such things and vintage films and programs, etc.

Maybe I was born before my time?  And that is my five things about me for this week!

A thought to carry with you through today  . . . 

People have no idea how beautiful books are.  
How they taste on your fingers.
How bright everything is when you light it
with words.
~Rachel Kadish, Tolstoy Lied

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today . . .  Spaghetti Salad.

Have a wonderful Thursday.  We are going out to celebrate our anniversary today at some point.   They do a brill Asian Buffet at a restaurant not too far from our home (Chinese, Thai and Indian food) so we are going to explore it for the first time.  Wherever you go and whatever you do have fun!  Smile and don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Morning Marie, sorry I didn't get commenting yesterday the I pad had a funny turn..thankfully all well this morning. Yesterday you wrote such lovely words about your life with's wonderful to feel your love shining through. I'm waiting for transport to Bristol to go to limb centre...again...lets hope they manage to get the socket sorted out today....must dash...Mary has just arrived as's all go!!! Have a lovely day. Sun us shine here and quite warm xxx

  2. Good morning Marie. Once more your post resonates. History at school was deadly dull to say the least. I do agree with you about churches. I love stone churches. My grandfather was a mason and it must be in the blood. There is nothing like going into a well loved building and feeling the resosonance (did I get that right?) of worship, hymns and prayers. I swear old building can vibrate with a specialness that I am unable to explain.

    Enjoy the day Marie. God bless.

  3. History bored me to tears and I still have not gotten over it;) J is the history ...geography buff here.
    If yu can believe I preferred Latin..
    I am old fashioned in many ways and girlir girl too;)
    But this does not surprise you..Enjoy the day..Carpe Diem this anni!

  4. Thanks Sybil! I am really hoping you can get your socket sorted out! Keeping you in my prayers! xoxo PS - it's cold and wet here and we are waiting for Abigail to arrive, lol.

    THanks Suzan. I think any place of worship is accompanied with the special feelings of all who have entered and communed with the Lord. xoxo

    Not surprised at all Monique! You and I are two peas in a pod! xoxo

  5. I really love all of your five things. I think we match well in these. I love history and am drawn to the 1800's. I enjoy museums as well.
    I really like girly things too. However, I do have a slight Tom Boy to my personality too. I loved climbing trees and playing sports growing up.
    I love older homes, furnishings and decorating, also.
    I have a lot of ancestors from Scotland and England. It's so fun to do genealogy and family histories.
    Blessings, love and hugs for you!

  6. I am not surprised we have similarities LeAnn! Like is drawn to like! Love and hugs to you! xoxo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!