
Saturday 21 November 2015

How to spend a week . . .

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On Monday the EMM (England Manchester Mission) had a time out for the Men in the mission, with activities, lesson, talk, song and good food  . . . quite like the one they had for the women earlier this month.  Todd wasn't able to go however because he had an appointment at the audiology clinic at the hospital.   He had some hearing aid adjustments which needed doing.  (It was whistling all through church on Sunday.)  The put new tubes on them and everything seems okay now.   He doesn't have to go back for another six months.  He is amazed at how much better he is hearing now with two hearing aids instead of the one.  He says he can hear Mitzie's nails clicking on the pavement when they are on their walks now and he couldn't before!

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It was Jacob's birthday and I got to message with him and sing him a Happy Birthday which was really special.

We also watched Muppets Christmas Carol on Monday evening.  (I'm slowing sneaking the Christmas films in!)  We both thoroughly enjoyed it!

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Tuesday morning we had District Meeting.  (From left to right, Sister Holmes, Sister Gregson, Elder Loloisa, Elder Judd, Elder Singsam and Elder Hollingsworth.  All the junior Missionaries in our District)  I love District Meetings. The other Senior Couple and the Zone leaders were not there this week, so there was only six of us.   What I love most about District Meetings is the sharing and the teaching and the learning.  I always come away with something new, and an ever deepening love and respect for these young people.  They are amazing.  They truly are.   If you ever have the opportunity to speak to one, take the chance.  You will also be amazed.  They are different than other young people their age.  They have a depth of maturity that isn't present in most young people their ages, and a special type of joy.  They inspire me.

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Wednesday was a cleaning, organization, prep day.  We got all sorts done.   I keep thinking I need to be getting rid of stuff.   It's hard to let go though sometimes, but I just need to make myself do it.   It will be much harder to do as we get older, so we should be doing it now while we still can.   I did get a whole area of the kitchen cupboards done this week.  Sent some things out to the shed that hardly ever got used, but were taking up precious space in my kitchen cupboards.

Truth is . . .  once its sent out to the shed, its really time for it to go completely.  It's just that last little bit of letting go that is hard.

I always love it when the house is all tidy and tickety boo.   It puts an extra spring in my step and all the cobwebs seem blown out of my mind.  It just feels better.

We also had Missionary Correlation on Wednesday evening.

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We did visits on Thursday.   One of the people we visited was a friend in our Ward who broke his neck a month or so ago.  He was hedge trimming and fell off a wall.  Broke his neck in two places.  He's home from the hospital now, although he has to wear a halo for several more weeks . . .  well, quite a few more weeks.   Other than the halo he is doing super!  I was so amazed.  I told him he is like the ever ready bunny.

Actually he and his wife are really inspiring people.   Even though they were the ones we were trying to do service for, we felt like they were serving us.  We were so uplifted by our visit to them.   The wife said to us that one of the reasons she knows the church is true is because it is growing and expanding, not dying like so many churches are today.   I had never thought of it that way.

They are such an amazing couple.  I love doing visits.  You think you are going to be going out there to uplift others and help them, but you end up being the ones who are uplifted.  It's funny how that works!

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Yesterday the plan was to go and get some groceries in the morning and then do some more visits in the afternoon.  I got in the grocery store and about halfway through my shopping when all of a sudden I felt very, very poorly.   I had to call Todd on my mobile and get him to come and rescue me.  He took the groceries through the til while I went and had a sit down.  You know I am not feeling well when I hand the shopping over to Todd.  Grocery shopping is one of my great loves.   He just took what I already had in the cart through the til and paid for things.   I wasn't able to finish it up and I wasn't able to tell him what I still needed to get.

We got home and I slowly got things put away . . . and then I happened to look at the calendar.  We were supposed to have been going to some friends for a late lunch, and I had completely forgotten about it.   We gave them a quick call and jumped into the car.  We were only a bit late and thankfully the lunch was something which was okay waiting.    We spent  a pleasant afternoon with them.   They are off to Australia soon, a gift from their family.  They won't be back until January.  I will miss them.  They're good people.  They are doing a service mission in another Ward for 18 months and are just super at what they are doing.

On the way home we got caught in some torrential rain.  It didn't half come down heavy.  It was raining quite heavily until early evening.  Then it turned to snow and ice pellets just before we went to bed.  They are all gone this morning, but it is very windy and cold out there.

We are off to Birkenhead today to a planning meeting with the other two Senior Couples in our area, so we can divide things up a bit better and not be at cross purposes, and have a better idea of what we each can and should be doing.

And that is how you spend a week!  Of course there were a lot of other little bits to the week . . .  finishing up felt ornaments, addressing cards, cooking, etc.  My mother always said "Idle hands are the devil's work," so I like to keep them busy!

A thought to carry with you through the day  . . .

✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿
I love the man who can
smile in trouble,
gather strength from distress,
and grow brave by reflection.
~Thomas Paine
✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿ ✿¸.•*¨`*•..¸✿

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Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Caramel Glazed Applesauce Spice Cake.   A pass for me, but Todd sure is enjoying it!

Have a fabulous Saturday!  I hope the sun shines and it goes splendidly!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. I am so pleased that Todd's hearing has responded to so well to the changes they have made. My week has been so dull. Today has been housework day. It would be so much easier if there wasn't so much stuff to move.

    God bless your weekend and I hope you are over whatever you made you feel so very off colour.

  2. Re: your friend that broke his neck. My husband broke his neck 4 years ago, while a distressing nightmare of a time, he nearly completely recovered. Your friend sounds much the same. During our ordeal friends who visited us, offered help with household jobs that I couldn't do or had time to do were a godsend. At such a traumatic time, people need that small outreach, even.if just a phone call. Best thoughts for your friend, its a hard frustrating road to recovery but sounds as if he is bearing up well. Thank god for gifted neurosurgeons.

  3. Wow..amazing to hear how broken necks can heal so well..thank goodness.. are the energizer bunny..;)
    Hope you are much better today!

  4. I hope you are feeling better! Do you think the spell was related to changes in your diet lately? Be careful.
    I do not mean to get off onto religious debates, but I would be careful thinking as your friend does: That size and growth in a church or denomination equals Truth. False religions grow quite "healthily" (or appear to) and sound reasonable (at least some of them), but those who find real Truth will probably always be in a minority, at least in this world. Jesus commended the church in Smyrna for being rich although it appeared poor and weak, and the church in Sardis for being dead and needing to wake up, although their reputation was of being alive and strong. Just saying, I mean no offense.

  5. God bless you Suzan. ((((hugs)))) xoxo

    How awful for your husband and for you Lisa! So glad he was able to make a full recovery. We are so blessed to have the knowledge and medical care we have today! xoxo

    I did feel a lot better today Monique. I was able to get everything done that I wanted to! xoxo

    Thanks Laura! Oh, I would agree with you Laura, the fact that a church is alive and growing as not a lot to do with the truth of it. It is much, much more than that. At the end of the day,it is only belief and faith in the Saviour that counts and you don't even have to go to church to have those! God bless you! xoxo

  6. Well better late than never is a true saying here I am about to go to bed and suddenly realised that I hadn't read your blog today or know that I always love your writing and especially love seeing what goodies you find for us. In Friday's how did I miss it...I have just been so tired lately there are some days that other than reading e mails and replying to them I don't do anything else,I hope that you are not doing to much Marie, I know that you love helping with church things etc but I worry especially when I see that you had a funny turn out shopping, please take care. I see that you have had the frosty ice weather as well. We had a smattering of snow this morning when I l et Masy out, thankfully it didn't last but the north wind certainly seems to go right through you ! Take care much love to you both xxx


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