
Friday 20 November 2015

Friday Finds

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A few of the wow moments, or things I discover each week that tickle my fancy. I hope that they may inspire or tickle yours too!

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How to make new Christmas Balls look vintage.  From Finding Home Farms.
Looks simple enough!

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Make your own Cinnamon Scented Pinecones for a fraction of the cost of ready made ones.  Found on eHow.

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Make your home smell like Winter.  From Make Haus.

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Frozen Luminaries to light the path to your front door.  Fabulous for any get-togethers you might be having over the next few weeks.   From Design Sponge.

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Vintage Looking Christmas Postcard Blocks.  Found on Homeroad.  A great way to use old Christmas Cards or Free Vintage Christmas Printables you can easily find online.

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A simple and very pretty table decoration from Lemonade Making Mama.  I love ethis.  You could use red and green candles if you wanted to, or just one colour.  I think it's sweet and very classy.

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I love this idea.  Not only is it pretty but I am sure it smells gorgeous as well.  Found on  Manualidades Artesanas.

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Paper Napkin Ballerinas.  Found on iCreativeideas.  Very simple and so pretty.

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Complete Tutorial on making a paper clay Snowman ornament on Holiday with Matthew Mead.  Love this! 

And there you have it, my Friday Finds for this week.  I hope that you found some inspiration here.  I know I certainly did!  (I can't believe how quickly Friday came around this week!)

A thought to carry with you through today . . .

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
 of grief.
I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light.
For a time 
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

~Wendell Berry, The Peace of Wild Things

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . . Smoked Sausage and Potato Goulash.  Deliciously simple!

Have a wonderful Friday. Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Good morning Marie,

    It is so stinking hot here. I loved the look of the ice luminere and the ballet girls.

    Enjoy your day. God bless you and bring you serenity.


  2. Not very warm here Suzan. They say we are in for a very cold weekend. There may even be snow on the high ground before the weekend is through! God bless you also! xoxo

  3. Such a difference. It has been hotter in other parts of OZ today. It was more than hot enough for me here. Stay warm and safe.

  4. Hi, Marie! FUN festivity here today! LOVE those frozen luminaries! And those paper napkin ballerinas...*swoon*... I would have made those as child. I might do now! ;o) The Wendell Berry quote is perfect for right now... Wishing you all a lovely, peaceful weekend now... ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

  5. I'm off to check out the sausage and potato goulash. Hope you have a fantastic Friday !

  6. I thought you were going to talk about nail products:) And was going to tell you my absolute favorite funny..

    I make those luminaries..similar..boxing day one yr..molds were very very reasonable..but we need the coldest nights:) No room in the freezer..
    Love the ballerinas..

    Monique is still smitten w/ the teapot tree you posted:)

  7. Thanks Tracy! I found that quote and it spoke to my heart. We could all take a lesson from it! I am smitten with the ballerinas myself! Got your lovely card today, thanks! Love and hugs! xoxo

    I think it's right up your alley Pam! xoxo

    I would love to hear about your favourite nail products Monique! Sweet! xoxo

  8. Thanks for all of these awesome Christmas finds. I am going to spend some time looking at them and perhaps even trying them. I especially love to have my home smell more like Christmas. Love and hugs with blessings too!

  9. Great minds think alike LeAnn! xoxo


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