
Sunday 25 October 2015

I wander as I wander . . . out under the leaves . . .

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There is a sameness about the summer trees when the forms of bole and bough are covered in heavy green leaf . . . but in the autumn . . . when the leaves begin to fall one by one . . . the personalities of each  tree begin to show in their individual outlines and marked colouring  . . .

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Gardens blaze with sumach, liquidambar, maple and cherry . . . . with the beautiful parrotia persica outshining all . . .  a burning dome of gold and crimson leaf . . .

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The oaks in the woods are still green above the brown bracken, but the birch tosses it's yellow leaves into the wind . . . slim and graceful they dance amongst the solid masses of the fruited thorns. . .

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A lane lined with beeches is a sight to take away your breath . . .  the sun drawing the fire out of the bronze and coppery leaves that burn above the head and smoulder beneath the feet . . .

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Drifting mist and burning bush
along the garden ways . . .
Blue smoke rising in the air
in soft and silvery haze . . . 
Webs draped across spangled hedges,
Gauze wisps upon the lawn . . . 
Dying roses wan and lovely
in the grey October dawn,
Across the way a white birch weeps
sighing wind and falling leaf . . . 
a small bird fluting sweety,
heedless of the tree's quiet grief.

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All the photos here this morning were taking during one of the last Autumn walks we took with Jess through the estate down south when we were living there.

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It was a beautiful environment for sure and Jess loved wandering freely on the grounds.  I doubt she would have been happy living in a place where she once more had to be fettered . . .  and could not wander about with impunity.

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I painted a little witch yesterday afternoon.  Todd says she is his favourite of all the paintings I have done.   She is for sale.  I thought I had a buyer but it fell through . . .  and if she doesn't sell, well, no great loss because then I get to keep her.  I begin to think I will be dead before I gain any recognition for my work.   I've tried just about everything to get it out there to no avail.  I guess my mother was right when she said that an artist could not make a living . . . some do, of course . . .  but I think that must be a rareity.

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In the English Kitchen today  . . .  Monster Fingers  . . .  otherwise known as Elder Newman's Toes. ☺

Have a safe and blessed Sabbath.  No matter what you get up to  . . .  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. The tree in front of my house is now just about bare with only a few dry leaves hanging on. Just like me, I'm trying to hang on to the remaining few warm days before it turns bitter cold. It's such a lovely time of year. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday !

  2. I love her too her face is so unique!
    So what about tha gal..the licensing company?UGH.

    You're almost there..don't give up now:)

    Fall IS gorgeous..and very fleeting!

  3. Sorry didn't get in to comment went missing's all very odd !! Anyway I've been able to see it now and I must say you and Tod are a wonderful pair managing to do so much in one week...I know you love it but please do take care and look out for one another.Im sorry you missed going to the temple, that just proves how you needed to has been a lovely sunny day down here after a very frosty start..can't remember if I told you Mary got a nice 4 wheel walker and is able to speak is fairly light weight which was important for me to lift into the car..she is going to fly up to Edinburgh to stay with her friend Jenny on Tuesday back on the 5 th.november..will be lovely for feels as if it should be bed time it's been dark so long !! The first night of winter I suppose!!
    So night night God Bless xx

  4. Another week here Pam, and everything will be looking very drab! It's been cool here and it has snowed on the highlands of Scotland already! I think we are in for a cold winter! xoxo

    Thanks Monique. Nothing from the licensing company. I think they are a dead end and I hate that I am tied into a contract with them for five years. UGH is right! xoxo

    So nice to see a comment again Sybil! I don't know what is up with my posts for you! I am glad that Mary has a nice new walker. I hope she will enjoy her visit to Scotland! She will need to dress warm! God bless you both. xoxo


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