
Saturday 24 October 2015

How to Spend a Week . . .

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On Monday I went Grocery shopping.  Now, I am one of those peculiar people that just loves being in a grocery shop.   I like to take my time, wandering up and down the aisles, looking at everything, checking out what's new, thinking about what I might like to do with whatever catches my fancy.  I do make a list each time and I always get what's on my list . . .  but I also walk out with extras as well.  I don't know why I cannot resist a good buy.  This week it was bags of celebrations.

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Did you know they come in bags now?   I know!  Baby Snickers, Mars, Malteasers, Caramel, Twix, Galaxy and Bounty, in a bag.   Halloween is coming.  These will come in handy.  That's why I bought them.  And we haven't opened them.  Yet.

Speaking of bags . . .  They are charging 5p a bag now at the shops.   I have my own.   I think it's outrageous to charge 5p for one of those cheap little bags that tear the moment you put something into them.  I wish they would go back to paper bags.  I would pay 5p a bag for paper bags.  I would.  At least they come in useful, or at least MORE useful.

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Not a great picture I know, but  . . .  cell phone pics normally aren't that great.   I spent Tuesday getting ready for the Halloween Get Together with all the missionaries on Tuesday night.  It was fun.  After my blood tests in the morning,  and a few bits I did on my own . . . Sister Johansen and I spent a pleasant afternoon putting together some goodies for the gang.  We did cupcakes . . .  BAT cupcakes, Spooky Shepherds Pie . . . Grinning Apples, Caterpillar Grapes and Mummy Pizzettes.

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These guys helped with the Pizzettes . . .  (that's Elder Hollingsworth on the left, he's 6 foot 7 inches tall!  And Elder Newman on the right.   They are Zone Leaders in our District.)

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I had made Monster Finger Cookies . . . but they ended up being called Elder Newman's toes.  Elder Newman had an issue with one of his toenails a week or so ago.   I won't go into it, but it was rather painful and in any case, these became Elder Newman's toes . . .  which is probably more creepy and disgusting than monster fingers, haha.

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Sister Barlow and Sister Gregson.   They were in deep discussion over some personality test/game we were playing.

Love, LOVE the missionaries.  I do. I do. I do. I do. I doooooo . . .
WE always enjoy being in their company.

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On Wednesday we were doing splits with the missionaries.   Todd went with Elder Johansen to the chapel and Sister Johansen and I took their car and went to visit an in-active member who had just had a baby.  Neither of us could remember  the exact address of the house, but I remembered the street and sorta location as Todd and I had picked up the daughter there one time for Mutual.   Anyways . . .  Sister Johansen did a super job of driving us to the street, even though it was dark . . . really dark . . .  and she drove really slow . . .  really slow . . .  (I think she is so brave to drive over here at all, I really do) . . . and we ended up going up and down this street a couple of times in the car and a couple of times on foot . . .  and it was one of the scariest streets we have on our housing estate . . .  well, the second scariest at any rate, and there was  a drunk man muttering obscenities to himself and anyone who would listen.  We got ourselves back into the car and locked the doors then.   In any case two nice young girls finally pointed us in the right direction and we found the house.   sister Johansen had a gift for the new baby and we talked to the Sister on the doorstep.  Her partner would not have wanted us in the house so we stayed outdoors.

I think that is really sad when one person in a relationship is so domineering that they squelch the life out of the other person and dictate what they can or can't choose to believe.  It's just wrong.  Plain wrong.  Anyways, she was happy to see us, has the cutest little baby girl and was very grateful for both the visit and the gift.

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Thursday . . .  we were supposed to go to the Temple.  Neither one of us slept good Wednesday night.   We ended up going back to bed.  So.  Not.  Like.  Us.  We didn't get up til ten a.m.  Again.  So. Not. Like. Us.  Thursday was a wash out.

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(Sister Barlow, Sister Gregson, Sister Walker)

Friday was a service day.  Painting a member's lounge.  Fun.  Fun.  Fun.

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Such a great group of youngsters.

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No extension ladders are needed when you have a six foot seven elder.  He can reach everything.

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Fun times.

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Good times.

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And they all began last Saturday with this  . . .  yes, Baptism's are the greatest.

It's always nice to help celebrate and participate in one our Heavenly Father's children taking positive steps towards a brighter future.

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 These are some of the best times of our lives.  They truly are.  It's transfer week again this coming Wednesday and I just know we will be saying goodbye again to some of these precious youngsters.   More will take their place and we will come to love them just as much.  I am grateful for the memories we are building.

And that is how you spend a week.


Baking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Blueberry and Lemon Loaf.  Good stuff.  I did not indulge.

Have a great weekend!  It's Stake Conference here and the clocks go back an hour tonight.  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Look at all those ghoulish goodies:) You had quite a wekkk!
    They have been charging for bags forever here..Costco no..they use boxes when charge..but most grocery stores if you don't bring your own least theye were for a long while..but our cars ..everyone seem stocked w/ bags now:)
    Have a super weekend Marie..your life is rich and filled with great friends!

  2. I did have a great week Monique! I have all these lovely kids to take care of and spend time with. It's pretty special. You have a great weekend also! xoxo

  3. Our clocks don't go back an hour until November 1st here. I don't mind falling back an hour, it's like a bonus hour of sleep. It's the change in the spring that I mind. Hope your Saturday is a super one !

  4. Oh, my gosh! I am so happy I read this lovely post today. I really enjoyed your missionary moments with the Elders and Sisters. I can see that you feed them well. I will probably have to get better at meals and goodies as we start out mission. We are so excited to be part of the hastening the work; as I am sure you are.
    Sending prayers for you all and lots of love and hugs!

  5. I don't know why we do it a couple of weeks ahead here Pam! It throws my clock schedule out. I am constantly trying to figure out what time it is back home. I wish that they would just leave the time alone! For sure gaining an hour isn't as bad as losing one! xoxo

    I am so excited about your Mission LeAnn! I think you and Roger will be excellent ones! You already are! xoxo


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