
Wednesday 23 September 2015

Wednesday This and That . . .

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Oh, I am so late this morning.    I was up really late last night and didn't get to bed until quite late and then it took me quite a while to wind down and then fall asleep, but I did eventually.  As a result though I am up a lot later this morning than I normally am.  And to top it off the internet isn't co-operating this morning so have had to reboot, etc.  No worries though . . .  things will get done, just a bit later than normal!

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What a fun young couple this is!  This is April and Steven.  I met April quite a long time ago via my blog.  When I first met her, her husband was going to BYU and they were living in a poky little apartment in Provo.  Then he graduated and got a job in Colorado and they moved to CO, where they lived in another poky little apartment until they eventually found the home they live in now.  They are over here in the UK enjoying a honeymoon they never had 10 years ago when they got married, and they are just the loveliest people!  I was so happy to finally meet April in person and she is every bit as wonderful as I thought she would be.  I don't think we shut up the whole time we were together last night and Steven is just as charming.  They really are sweet.  Todd fell in love with them too!  The only bad part about their visit with is was that it was too short.  I would dearly have loved to show them some of the things there are to see in Chester.  As a geologist I am sure Steven would have loved the Roman Museum and a walk around the walls and of course the Ampitheatre, but they have an itinerary and today they are on their way up to the Yorkshire Dales.  I wish them safe journies along the way and that the rest of their holiday is as uneventful as the first few days have been!

This is a photograph of me taken three years ago when I won my award at the National Turkey Awards. It's hard to believe it's been three years since.   Tomorrow night the Awards for 2015 is being held down in London.   I have never entered since.  It was a pretty amazing experience the first time around, something which could never be topped in my mind.   Something which I will always cherish.   Really.  I was so amazed to have won!


Doesn't Todd look dapper in his suit?   It's a shame we never got anyone to take a photo of the two of us all dressed up together!  That was a fab weekend for sure.  

This was the recipe I won with.   Parmesan Crusted Turkey Steaks with a Tomato and Peppadew Relish.  Looking at it now, I am thinking it is right in line with how I should be eating these days, so I may have to revisit it and see what else I can do along those lines.

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We took April and Steven out for supper last night.  It was getting pretty late by the time they arrived and my head has been all over the place this week.  I just thought it would be easier to eat out and then nobody would be stuck in the kitchen or doing dishes.   We went to a local pub which does fairly good meals for a reasonable price.    It was really hard to pick something from the menu that was something which I felt comfortable eating.  I finally settled on a Vegetarian Lasagne, with a side salad and dressing on the side.  It was actually quite good and I don't think that unhealthy of a choice.  We can do this!

In any case, we are having a quiet day today and I am going to be experimenting in the kitchen to see what I can come up with.

And with that I will leave you with a thought to carry with you through today  . . .

The more difficulties one has to encounter,
within and without,
the more significant and the higher
in inspiration his life will be.
~Horace Bushnell

No food in The English Kitchen today, just sharing what I have learned thus far in my journey with Diabetes.  Hopefully not boring, and hopefully helpful to someone!

Have a fab Wednesday wherever you are!  Don't forget!

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And I do too!


  1. Hi, Marie--

    'So glad you enjoyed your visit with your blog-friend. See! It went so well, and you'd been so anxious. (But I would have been too.) :)

    Dapper photos, indeed! What an accomplishment too, that award!

    This week's surprise for us has been that my husband was diagnosed with Diabetes yesterday. (!!!) He'd gone to the doctor Monday for blood pressure issues, but after looking at his sugar and his blood test results, the doctor called him yesterday to tell him it's not just high blood pressure, he officially had Diabetes too. He has to start daily insulin injections soon. We're joining you on your learning curve this week.

    I know it's about him and not me, but may I say that his dr. appointments and all his news Monday and yesterday made my days off this week more stressful than I'd wanted them to be--and I'd needed the respite so much. No rest for the weary, as they say! But maybe next week's days off will be more serene. One of his aunts died this week too, so it hasn't been a relaxing week here. May next week be better!!

    Enjoy your day, and I hope you sleep better tonight. ♥

  2. How nice to have a visit in person no matter that it was a short one. It'll be interesting to see what you come up with in your cooking experiments. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday ! Happy 1st day of Fall !

  3. Looks and sounds like you really had a grand time;)

    Happy for you! What a sweet couple!

  4. Hugs for Val.

    I am so pleased you had a wonderful visit. I am sure it was a tonic. Of course you can enjoy a meal out. I am glad you did.

    God bless your day.

  5. Marie, at first it will be hard to make good choices in what to eat, then you will find it easier and easier. We both have to watch what we eat because of our illnesses but we can do it. Once in a while we go off but then right back on. I am so praying for you and wishing you good luck.

  6. It was a fabulous occasion Val and that's why I never entered it again as nothin could ever come up to that experience in my mind! I am so sorry to hear about Mike! Wow. How uncanny that yet again our lives are taking a similar direction! We can do this journey together! I know it is very stressful and your head is all over the place. I just keep telling myself it could be so much worse, and it could. Sending you and Mike extra special love and hugs. xoxo

    Thanks Pam! Happy Fall to you too. Hope your day is a good one! xoxo

    They are a totally adorable couple Monique, just as I had imagined. We got on like a house on fire. People are afraid to meet others they have met on the internet, but I have to say that I have only ever had good experiences doing so! xoxo

    Suzan, we were early to the restaurant and April and Steven met us there. It's a good thing too because it must have taken me 45 minutes of scouring every entree to see if there was anything I could eat. I think restaurants should all have diabetic friendly options! xoxo

    Thank you so much Dee. You are a treasure. I do appreciate the prayers very much and the good luck wishes! xoxo

  7. I had a rough night last night too; so I know how that feels. I always get really irritated when the internet is slow or not working; which actually happens a lot.
    I think that is so awesome that you got to meet a blogging friend. How fun to go out to dinner with them and I can tell you enjoyed the moments.
    I do think it is so awesome you won that award three years ago and your sweet husband does look dapper in that tux.
    Thanks for sharing the recipe; I will want to try it.
    I always love your quotes by the way.
    Blessings and hugs for you!

  8. Thanks LeAnn! You are such a dear friend. Blessings and hugs right back! xoxo


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