
Thursday 24 September 2015

Five Things About Me . . .

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I love Pie.  It doesn't really matter what kind of pie it is either.  Sweet or savoury.  Two crust, single crust.  Crumb crust, pastry crust.   I just love pie.   I have never met a pie I did not like . . .  but I can think of a couple that I wouldn't like.   Steak and kidney (coz it's kidney and just ugh..)  And . . .

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Stargazy Pie.  I could not go there either.   Blecch!  I find even the idea of this pie revolting.  I don't like eating food that stares back.  But I do love pie.

And that is the first thing in another five things about me post!

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I grew up wanting to be either Aunt Bea (from the Andy Griffith Show) or June Cleaver (from Leave it to Beaver) or a cross between the two.  Two ladies who were excellent homemakers, cooks, motherly types, warm and caring etc.  I know Aunt Bea was not a mother in the real sense of the word, but she certainly was a fabulous care giver to Opie and Andy, and a true Mother figure in their home.   You just wanted to be able to curl up on her lap and you know that you would feel safe and loved and wanted.  June was maybe not so curl up on the lap-ish, but her homemaking skills were to be applauded, and her fashion sense was just wow.  She never looked unkempt and always wore her pearls.  They were role models to me.

I wanted to be Sandra Dee and Annette Funicello too!  But for completely different reasons!

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Of all the seasons of the year, I think Autumn is my favourite one of all.  I love the smells and the colours.   The changing leaves.   The smell of woodsmoke in the air.  The changing light.  Thanksgiving!  Pumpkin PIE.  (There's the pie word again!)  Cool crisp mornings and cool, hunker-down nights, with some sunlight wedged in the middle of the two . . . the fading hydrangea in the garden.

The gathering in.

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I believe in Angels and Angelic Encounters.   I don't know what they really look like, but I am pretty sure that most of them don't have wings, at least not wings you can see.   But it doesn't matter really.   Angels ofttimes come in the shape of a helping hand from a caring individual.  Sometimes we ourselves are angels.   I am not sure if I have ever had an "actual" Angelic encounter, but I like to think I have.  Perhaps may of us have had, without even knowing.    My oldest son remembers hearing someone talking in my oldest daughter's bedroom when she was a baby and going in to see who it was, and seeing an older woman, glowing looking down into my daughter's crib and her smiling at him.   He thought it was an angel.   I ofttimes was told when babies are sleeping and their lips move, they are talking to the angels.  Fact or fiction, flight or fancy . . .  I believe in Angels.

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I have a thing for anything Victorian.   I love LOVE these old houses and it would be my dream to have one.   Maybe not so much now as when I was younger.   There were several in a town I lived in as a child and where my mother lives now.   I used to dream about having one of my own.   Beautiful, with all of the gingerbread trim and decorated verandas . . .  the round towers . . . the fretwork.   Just gorgeous.

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The fashions . . . the customs  . . .  the rules.   I know that I have a romanticised the era in my mind, and that if you were not wealthy your life was not so good.  I strongly suspect had I been alive in that era, I would have been working for the wealthy instead of vice versa . . .  but I still love all things Victorian.

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Even the art  . . .  especially the art!

And that is five things about me!  I hope you enjoyed them!

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

To see a world in a grain of sand,
And Heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in your hand,
And Eternity in an hour.
~William Blake

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Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  Zippy Red Slaw.   A healthy salad and part of a meal for health.

Have a wonderful Thursday!  God bless you all. Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. God bless you too Marie. I believe that everyone has the chance to be an angel every day. Something as simple as a smile to a tired young mum could brighten a day and it doesn't cost a thing. Of course I may be very wrong but we all have those chances and often we neglect to do the simple things that add up. I guess I believe in a God who can use anything or anyone to do his work.

    I have always wanted to try a real American pumpkin pie and I shall be on an American ship on Thanksgiving..both the US and Canadian days. Maybe another little dream willbe crossed off my list.

    I love all things Victorian but the thought of the facilities available to the every day person holds me back. I like my showers and indoor plumbing. My corner of Australia did not have indoor WCs until the mid 1970s.

    Enjoy your day,

  2. I think you are right about that Suzan! We all have many opportunities during the day to serve others in a positive and a loving way! One of life's simple joys! I, like you, am fond of my modern comforts so I probably wouldn't have been very happy back in the Victorian days, but I do love to romanticise the times! I hope you get your wish for an American Pumpkin pie on the cruise! xoxo

  3. I believe in angels. They are all around us and sometimes we can be like angels to one another too. I also love the Victorian era. I guess I must be a romantic too. Fall is a bittersweet time for me. There is much to love about it but we are getting one step closer to winter every day. Hope you have a beautiful day there. It's delightfully warm here for this time of year.

  4. Oh, yes, like you I dread the Winter Pam, but Autumn is such a lovely time. I like to think of you as also being a romantic! Have a great day! xoxo

  5. :)
    My favorite helping someone.:)
    You dread winter?
    LOL come spend Jan~ Feb~ March~ here!
    Hats with a hood on top of the hat ..socks..and that's just for bed;)

  6. Oh we are a like in this one. I love pie, I believe in Angels, I enjoyed Aunt Bea and June Cleaver too, I loved Sandra Dee for various reasons, and the Victoria Era is my very favorite too. I loved the homes and the fashions.
    Always love reading just about you! Hugs~

  7. Two peas in a pod Monique! Oh, I have been through enough Canadian Winters to know that over here Winter is a cake walk in comparison. It's a damp cold here though and there are no furnaces like we are used to back home for heating. Radiators only and they don't quite cut the mustard in my books! haha xoxo

    Again LeAnn, two peas in a pod! xoxo


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