
Sunday 23 August 2015

Sunday morning in Blacon . . . .

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Thunder storms rolled in last night.   We had the lights on by 7 pm it was so dark in here.  Just prior to that I had looked out the dining room window and Mitzie was sitting contentedly beneath our patio table surveying her domain.  I love seeing her doing that.   The Winter is long and quite boring for her as  she only ever gets on the patio and the grassed area is locked off to her . . .  it is far, far too wet.   So  when I see her sitting out back, enjoying a bit of sunshine all on her own, it cheers my heart.  All of  a sudden she came in and before we knew it we saw flashes of lightening and a darkening sky.

Animals know don't they?

God sends His little angels
In many forms and guises,
They come as lovely miracles
That God alone devises.
~Helen Steiner Rice

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I meant to tell you once again how much I had enjoyed participating in the Street Display in Chester, despite being rained on.   We had a white board and we were asking people, "What makes you happy?"  We were writing their answers on a sticky note and putting it onto the board.   It wasn't too long before the board was covered.   Most people were quite pleasant and we got some lovely answers, but then there were others who said things like, "Not talking to you." . . . "Seeing you get rained on."

It takes all kinds.

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

Whenever you find yourself
doubting how far you can go,
just remember
how far you have come.
Remember everything
you have faced,
And the battles you have won . . . 
and all the fears you have overcome. 

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In The English Kitchen today  . . .  Dutch Almond Thins . . .

May your sabbath be truly blessed in every way.  Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Enjoy your day and may it refresh you. Poor dad had to see a doctor overnight. Funny he is in a nursing home and we are constantly asking them to clean his teeth and now the poor dear has an infected mouth. He topped this off by biting another man. Only then did they take action! It is beond difficult to work around the facilities rules and mum's expectations and today I am tired. God bless.

  2. Oh dear Suzan. It's amazing how little we pay attention to another's pain. It shouldn't take something like this to provoke action. (((((hugs))))) In a care facility, you would think that they would care a little bit more! xoxo

  3. Hope you have a blessed Sunday ! It's to be sunny and hot here.

  4. doesn't mean he's not taking care of his teeth..poor man:(Thank goodness he has you.

    Marie..I cannot believe the rude answers some people gave you.

  5. Thanks Pam, overcast and very muggy here! More rain me thinks! xoxo

    Monique, people can be very rude, but that is today's world. Men have become lovers of themselves rather than God. This is what happens. I do not let it bother me. 10 rude answers are worth it when you get the one lovely one! xoxo

  6. I imagine that it was quite the experience that you had in Chester. Missionary work does have it very sweet side and then a very sad side at times too.
    Oh how we live our sweet pets. I find our Sammy so smart and perceptive. He amazes us sometimes. I am sure Mitzie is like that too.
    Loved your Sunday Morning thoughts!
    Blessings, love and hugs for you all~

  7. Thanks LeAnn! I am loving the work no matter what! xoxo


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