
Monday 24 August 2015

Small and wonderful things . . .

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"The world is fairly studded and strewn with pennies cast broadside from a generous hand. But who gets excited by a mere penny?...It is dire poverty indeed when a man is so malnourished and fatigued that he won't stoop to pick up a penny. But if you cultivate a healthy poverty and simplicity, so that finding a penny will literally make your day, then, since the world is in fact planted with pennies, you have with your poverty bought a lifetime of days. It is that simple. what you see is what you get." ~Anne Dillard

A few of the small and wonderful things which bring untold joy into my life. It's the small things in life which truly mean the most. Simple abundance . . . it's the best.

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My brother shared this photograph (along with others) of the Balancing Sculptures in the Ottawa River on his FB page at the weekend.  I thought they were quite beautiful.   The artist is 60 year old John Felice Ceprano.   Apparently he is there most days creating art.  It’s fun to watch, too, as Ceprano lifts stones and slabs to create "rock balance art.”   He does this from July to October with an expanding collection of sculptures as Ceprano adds to his creation by using only materials found on-site.  I would love to be able to see this in person, and am grateful for my brother sharing his photos.  I would never have known such beauty existed otherwise!

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Love of friends.   It's not really a small thing, but it is a pretty wonderful thing.  I do believe that I am very blessed to have some really special people in my life.  Thoughtful and caring . . . . kind and sweet of spirit.  I received a very special package on Friday all the way from Canada.   I won't embarass her by telling you all that was in it, but I will tell you that each inclusion had a lot of thought and love behind it, and I could feel it.   Thank you so much Monique.  You didn't have to send me anything, but I am touched that you did and I am so happy that we discovered each other through the magic of the internet.  I have to say that we, Monique and I, belong to a mutual admiration society.  I can't quite remember how I discovered Monique . . .  but I do know that once I did, I kept on going back to her page to see what she was sharing.  I have her on blogging speed dial.   I don't know for how many years now, but a long time.

I think blogging buddies are a pretty special thing.   You have never met in person, but your hearts  are able to touch through words scattered here and there, a comment now and then, e-mails, etc.  Somehow this special link is forged.  It's a pretty amazing thing.

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Country walks in between bursts of rain.  The earth smells so green and fresh . . . . silent save the occasion dripping sound of caught raindrops abandoning leaves which have only seconds before held their wet treasure.  I will never complain about the rain over here.  It is the rain which keeps this land so green and makes it so lush and beautiful.

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The word of God which always uplifts and inspires.   I go to it often and it never lets me down.  I always find just what I need to read when I am looking for comfort, solace, healing . . . no matter the mood.  The words my heart seeks are always at the ready.  I find the scriptures to be quite amazing.   You can read the same passage a hundred times and then all of a sudden on the hundred and first time, those same words will leap out and touch your heart in a special way which had escaped you until that very moment.    Owners manual for our lives.   Love letters from a Heavenly Father.  Road map  to guide us back to our heavenly home.   There is something there for everyone and every moment . . .  every circumstance and each experience.    We are never alone.

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Family and love and home sweet home.

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Unexpected visitations . . . . at unexpected moments . . .

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 The tender mercies of the Lord . . . .  they embroider every corner of my life.

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And each moment of my days and nights . . .

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I am indeed blessed with a cup that runneth over . . .

It's not the things that can be bought
that are life's richest treasure.
It's just the little heart gifts
that money cannot measure.

"Give and it will be given to you.  A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into yoru lap.  For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
~Luke 6:38


Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . .  a Coconut and Lime Cake.
I hope your day and week ahead is filled with a multitude of small and wonderful things. don't forget!!

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And I surely do too!


  1. That was lovely of Monique to send such a lovely box of gifts...we are truly blessed to have found such friends ....on line....I think that they are God sent friends....what a wet day we had yesterday thunder storms galore......we were low in numbers at church I think mainly due to the weather as the majority of our members are a bit ....old.....LOL. mind you these are the ones that usually turn up no matter what it's like....looks as if today is going to be the same but as it's Monday Pam will be over so nice relaxing day, hopefully!!....hope that you are looking forward to your day ahead. Xxxx

  2. Good morning Marie. Enjoy this specail Monday and your special bag of tricks.

    Could we please pray for my best friend, J, as she has lung cancer.

    Good bless.

  3. I am always looking ahead to whatever the day brings Sybil! I unwrap each as a gift, or at least I try to! Because they are gifts and will never come again! How is Mary coping with being home now? I hope you enjoy your time with Pam! xoxo

    I will Suzan and your friend has my deepest prayers. They can do miracles with lung cancer these days if it is caught nice and early. ((((hugs)))) xoxo

  4. Wonderful gift the internet friends we make..
    A Godsend:)
    I must send you la link to a French man who creates these day in day out.Those are lovely the cairns you brother sent.
    Have a great day.your faith is admirable!

  5. Friends are blessings indeed. What a difference they make in our lives. Hope your Monday is off to a great start there. Cooler day here and mostly cloudy as we got some badly needed rain overnight.

  6. You are right about that Monique. I have heard people say that the internet is filled with horrible people. I know that it must be true, but I have only ever been blessed with meeting and knowing the best people, including Todd! I would love to see the French man who creates these beautiful cairns! Do send me the link! xoxo

    Pam, you are a blessing in many people's lives. I know that a lot of your readers are terrifically inspired by your pages! Muggy here today, but cool. That doesn't make sense, but it's true! xoxo

  7. Your words were like poetry on this one. The Balancing Sculptures are spectacular. I would love to see them in person, also. I can't imagine making this happen at all; such talent.
    I count you as one of my most treasured friends and it was through a friend to you as a friend in blogging. It's so amazing. I love all my friends and feel that they are such a wonderful part of my life.
    Salt Lake is a beautiful place to live; but I would love more country walks.
    I just love the scriptures so much and they are there for our every moment need. We are never alone.
    Love that sweet Mitzie and we have our endearing Sammy what a treasure they are in our lives.
    Bless you for such a lovely post. Hugs and love for you~

  8. Thanks LeAnn! I know, I would love to see those balancing sculptures! You are a treasured friend also. One day I hope to meet in person! Love you too! xoxo


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