
Wednesday 19 August 2015

Hello Wednesday . . .

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The last man passes through the gate;
the long days work is done. 
The golden stubble catch
the glory of the setting sun.
Brighter glows the gleam of lamps
behind the cottage panes.
Fainter grows the distant sound of
voices in the lanes . . .
Tomorrow they will come again
their labors to complete,
But tonight how strangely lovely
is this field of wheat.
On gathered sheaves
a holy silence seems to brood . . .
like the hush that falls upon
a praying multitude.

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Driving down  Sealand road the other day alongside of the farmer's fields, hidden behind overgrown hedgerows, I caught a glimpse of a field of rapeseed and sunflowers.  That was a first for me.  Normally all of the farmers around the area we live in grow leeks . . .  field upon field of beautiful leeks.  At harvest time the air is filled with their lovely smell . . . much, much better than cabbages.

I found myself wanting Todd to stop the car so that I could gaze out over the sunflowers and rapeseed, but we were turning towards home before I knew it.  It's not very far away, perhaps one day I can walk down with my camera and take a few shots . . .

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We had a lovely time with our friends yesterday . . . it had been a while.  We ended up going into town on the bus, and having a late lunch at a restaurant called the Botanist.   I remembered that Ariana had eaten there and enjoyed it, so it was at my suggestion that we went and we were not sorry we did.  It was quite whimsical in decor . . . almost shabby chic, but a rustic kind of shabby chic.  We did enjoy our meals, all four of us, but the best part was being there with friends.   There is something about breaking bread with friends that is soul enriching don't you think?

On the way home I noticed that all the hedgerows were filled with ripening blackberries.  It seems awfully early to me, but then again, we've been picking the blackberries in our garden for a week or so now as well.   Autumn is in a bit of a hurry to arrive, and we have only just barely begun to have our summer it seems.  I noticed the other evening as we drove to Wrexham . . .  already the tops of the trees are taking on a golden hue . . .  the leaves beginning to change . . .

And our garden now looks tired . . .

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Wasn't it just yesterday that all seemed alive and vibrant with colour and sound  . . . I walked down the length of it after supper last evening and a lot of our blooms have now gone to seed, the wild roses are now becoming ruby hued hips . . . and even the birds seem to have become lazy.  They fluttered back and forth to the feeders without a care.   They trust me it seems.  I like that.

It won't be long now before the autumn rains begin and it will be too wet to really go down there and enjoy things . . .  Mitzie will be sitting at the back gate sighing with longing . . .

The saga of the computer continues.  I am on the laptop again this morning.  The main comp keeps wanting to do windows updates and when they start they take hours and hours it seems, then it begins to configure and does that for ages, gets to 98% and said that the configuring has failed and it is reverting all the changes.  My son says that they should have done all of the updates at the computer Doctor before we brought it back home.  It's really quite annoying.

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I got the loveliest surprise in the post yesterday.  My friend Suzan had sent me a colouring book for adults.  (Thank you so much Suzan!  I know I already thanked you on FB, but thought it would hurt to thank you here as well!)  I have already completed half a page.  It's quite relaxing.  You can lose yourself in the process of colouring and completely tune out all that is happening around you.  I love it.

And then I thought, really that is what I do anyways . . .  draw pictures and colour them in.  Which reminds me, still no word from the Art Licensing Agent.  I don't know quite what to do about that . . . and I had been so excited about them taking me on . . .

Busy day today as we have the dog groomers this morning,  Todd has a hearing test this afternoon and we have the Missionary Elders coming for their tea, so I best get off here and about my business!

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

April's promise has come true.
Now against a sky of blue,
Thickly fruited boughs are spread,
Green and russet, gold and red.

Cooking in The English Kitchen today  . . . Washday Mac and Cheese.  An oldie but a goodie.

I wish for you a wonderful Wednesday!  Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!


  1. Marie you know that I had the greatest pleasure chosing and sending that book for you. It won't be long and you will be ahead of me. I had a huge fall today ad already I am sore. God bless.

  2. OUCH Suzan! You need to take better care of yourself. I know you are always so busy taking care of others, but do take some time to care for yourself also! Love you! xoxo

  3. Mum had set the smoke alarm off and I was trying to fix it. The positive side is that our over crowded lounge room has one less piece of furniture.

  4. I suppose that is a way to look on the bright side Suzan! xoxo

  5. We have had some extremely hot days here and I am totally wilted from them. Days are getting shorter though and I know that soon it will cool down. Hope your computer woes soon go away. I had an update yesterday that seemed to take forever, but thankfully had no problems. Have a wonderful Wednesday !

  6. I sound like a broken record?

    Did you remove Norton?

    Love the book..just got a beautiful edition of the Secret Garden..must sahre..i's a very different pop-up w/ people and all:)Second hand..
    How kind of Suze!

    Thos licensing people..let me at them;)

    Geesh.. I am getting livid.

  7. Thanks Pam! We have only needed to have the fan on once so far this summer Pam and there haven't been any nights where it's been uncomfortable to sleep. I am not complaining! I hate it when it is too hot and when it is uncomfortable for sleeping! xoxo

    Monique, I am going to e-mail them one more time and tell them if I don't hear back this time I will consider that they no longer wish to represent me and nullify the contract. I had a package arrive today, but the postman couldn't have knocked very loud or rung the doorbell because all I got was a card telling me to request a redelivery as I was not home. Annoying because I have been here all day. Earliest delivery now will be Friday and I will have to go pick it up. Which is better for me actually as we must be in Chester on Friday for another street display! I wonder, wonder what it could be? ☺ Here's hoping! xoxo

  8. Oh me too!

    I just called Canada Post..before I went to the PO this morning..and of course w/ no tracking etc..Canada Post told me the same tracking no way of knowing..but he said not all was hopeless it could still arrive..
    I leave notes now on our leave the parcel..and I sign..because often we have to go FAR like Lachine to get the parcel..:(

    Sure hope that is what it is..thank goodness I left the chocolate out;)

    Fingers crossed..

    And Norton?:)

  9. I always leave a note on the door if we are out and parcels get left at my next door neighbors. The thing is I was home! He couldn't have rung the doorbell and only lightly tapped on the door as I know I would have heard him. I discovered the card about ten minutes after had pushed it through the letter box!

    I still have the Norton, but we are planning on moving to Bit Defender as soon as! xoxo


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