
Thursday 20 August 2015

Five Things About Me . . .

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I've always been an early riser.  We were not allowed to sleep in when we were kids.  My father didn't want us spending half the day in bed, so we had to be up with him in the mornings.  When I was a teenager I really hated that.  I could have quite easily slept half the day away.  Then of course, once I was married and had a family I had to be up with the children.  I didn't really mind.  To me, the morning is the best part of the day.  I love watching the sun rise when the days are shorter.  Of course during the summer months here in the UK, I would have to be up way earlier to see that.  I love listening to the morning chorus of birds.   I love these few hours by myself when I can do whatever I want.   Read my scriptures. Pray.   Write.  Think.  Everyone needs some "me" time and early morning is mine.   Todd usually doesn't arise until a couple of hours after myself.

And yes, that is the first thing in a five things about me post!

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I don't drink tea, coffee or alcohol.   And it's not because of the Word of Wisdom.  The Word of Wisdom is a law of health revealed by the Lord for the physical and spiritual benefit of His children.  As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I wouldn't be drinking any of those things anyways, but I had stopped drinking them long before I joined the church.

Raising a family meant that I could not go out and drink like my ex.  Someone had to be alert and awake for the children in the morning.  I would still have one or two drinks if we were out, but that would be all.   Then I noticed that every time I drank any kind of alcohol I would get an ache which ran down both of my arms from my neck each time I had a drink and so I decided that I probably shouldn't be drinking anything with alcohol in it.  I have not had a drink of alcohol in probably thirty years.

I stopped drinking tea and coffee because I did not like the way it stained my teeth.   I could not afford to be going to the Dentist and having them cleaned all the time and so I just stopped drinking them.  It was vanity.  Plain and simple.

I do cook with all three from time to time, but usually not at the same time.  I will use tea in a fruit loaf where you soak the fruit in tea overnight.  I will use coffee in a coffee and walnut cake.   I cook with wine.  The Word of Wisdom says nothing about cooking with them, and my Bishop's wife down South used to cook with them all the time,  and her husband was a real stickler for the rules.

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I've always been a dreamer.    I often have my head up in the clouds.   When I am dusting or hoovering, my mind is always a bazillion miles away.  It's also how I put myself to sleep when I am having a problem falling asleep.  I make up stories in my head.   With the sleep thing . . .  I usually start decorating my dream home, going through the rooms one by one.  I have never gotten beyond the living room.  I always day dream about what I would do if I won the lottery, which is funny because I only ever very rarely buy a lottery ticket.  The jackpot has to be really HUGE before I buy one.  I get a lot of bang out of my buck just in dreams, and even more bang when I haven't spent the buck to begin with!

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I believe in the power of Positive Thinking and in focusing on the good in people and things, etc.  I don't believe that people mean to be bad or to do bad things.  Okay . . .  maybe some of them do bad things on purpose, but I don't dwell on them or the things that they do.   I believe that by and large most people are very good people.  The nicest and most fun people and my favourite of all the people  we met last Saturday when we were doing the Street Display was this couple who looked like a couple of old hippy/street people.  They had homemade ciggies (probably wacky tobaccy now that I think of it.) hanging out of their mouths and were very rough around the edges, but they had this guitar with them, and what looked like all of their belongings, and they were really friendly and very nice.  Never judge a book by it's cover.  You will miss some of the nicest most positive things if you do.

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I hate contention.   I am so not an argu-er.   I would just always rather agree to disagree.   Arguing just makes a big knot in my stomach and my heart ache.  I hate hearing people fight.  I hate fighting with anyone.   I would rather just walk away.  I would walk a million miles to avoid it.   I will give in to avoid it.   I will agree outwardly (while still disagreeing inwardly) to avoid it.  You can call me a coward or whatever, but I do not like the act of arguing.  I don't always have to be right.  (Even if I might always think I am right, lol)  I would never have made a good lawyer, although I do love to watch a good  legal drama on the telly.

And that's my five things for this week.  I reckon I will soon run out of things to tell you about myself!

A thought to carry with you through today  . . .

It's not your job to like me.
It's mine.
~Byron Katie


There is a delicious Chard and Cheese Tart cooking in The English Kitchen today.

Have a fabulous Thursday! (We have the Sister's coming for supper tonight!  I'm making my amazing chicken and baked potatoes, a salad and rolls, and then we have leftover cake from yesterday and ice dream for dessert.)  Happy Days!  Don't forget . . .

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And I do too!



  1. Always great to see a wee bit more of YOU each week...I'm much the same with alcohol when I have a glass of wine I get such an ache in my stump...I couldn't understand it at first till it suddenly came to me that it was associated with the wine,,,,so very rarely do I have one now...I am just waiting for the man to come to fit Mary's personal alarm before she comes home...he is supposed to be here at 8.30 if he comes on time I hope to be able to go with Lyn for Mary....I will follow her as Mary wcont be able to go in my car at the moment, her seat it a bit to high, she has to pull herself up and I n and don't think her arms will be able to do that just yet....must go....have a good day. Xxx

  2. Good morning my girl. Right now I am regretting my fall as I have broken the table I use to hold my craft stuff while I watch tv. Tonight I am going to watch the cricket.

    I do drink Coca Cola and wish it did not have such a hold on me. Sometimes I drink a half strength latte but never ever tea. My childhood memories of tea made me hate the stuff. Before microwaves I could make well over half a dozen cuppas between 7 and 8 am as I struggled to wake mum and get her ready to go to work. I still loathe the mess it makes. We have one counter that is dedicated to tea making. It is always stained and there is uncovered milk in jugs in the fridge. So why do I have so many teapots and tea sets?

    God bless your day and I wish I coudl arrive on your doorstep for dinner.

  3. PS I rarely drink alcohol. It doesn't agree with me either and keeps me awake. Who needs that.

  4. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je ne bois pas d'alcool... si toutefois lorsque nous sommes invités mais je ne pense pas que je finisse mon verre !
    Toutefois j'aurais du mal à me passer de thé et de ce moment agréable où je peux le partager.

    Jolie publication.
    Gros bisous ❀

  5. You know yourself so well:)i am not argumentative either..but ..I can get cross..injustice.. nastiness..etc..that can do it.
    Loyal to a fault..I can become a mama bear .
    Bonne journée!

  6. Don't look at my beer glass next post..;O

  7. Sybil, so nice to hear from you and that Mary is coming home! That's great news! I hope you were able to go with Lyn to pick her up! xoxo

    Sounds like you have been caring for your mum for a very long time Suzan! ((((hugs)))) Must have been really hard when you were younger, not that it is a picnic now, but you know ...Love and hugs. xoxo

    Merci beaucoup Martine ! Je l'aime quand vous me visiter . Avoir un merveilleux week-end! xoxo

    You and I are a lot alike Monique! I promist not to look at the beer glass! Although having said that I do know how nice an ice cold beer is on a very hot day! xoxo


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